Collected Poems: Volume Two. Alfred Noyes

Collected Poems: Volume Two - Alfred Noyes

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fairy flakes

       Flung from seas whence Venus rose:

       Come, for Father Time awakes

       And the star of morning glows.


      Swift—one satin foot shall sway

       Half a heart-beat in my hand,

       Swing to stirrup and swift away

       Down the road to lovers' land:

       Ride—the moon is dusky gold,

       Ride—our hearts are young and warm,

       Ride—the hour is growing old,

       And the next may break the charm.


      Swift, ere we that thought the song

       Full—for others—of the truth,

       We that smiled, contented, strong,

       Dowered with endless wealth of youth,

       Find that like a summer cloud

       Youth indeed has crept away,

       Find the robe a clinging shroud

       And the hair be-sprent with grey.


      Ride—we'll leave it all behind,

       All the turmoil and the tears,

       All the mad vindictive blind

       Yelping of the heartless years!

       Ride—the ringing world's in chase,

       Yet we've slipped old Father Time,

       By the love-light in your face

       And the jingle of this rhyme.


      Ride—for still the hunt is loud!

       Ride—our steeds can hold their own!

       Yours, a satin sea-wave, proud,

       Queen, to be your living throne,

       Glittering with the foam and fire

       Churned from seas whence Venus rose,

       Tow'rds the gates of our desire

       Gloriously burning flows.


      He, with streaming flanks a-smoke,

       Needs no spur of blood-stained steel:

       Only that soft thudding stroke

       Once, o' the little satin heel,

       Drives his mighty heart, your slave,

       Bridled with these bells of rhyme,

       Onward, like a crested wave

       Thundering out of hail of Time.


      On, till from a rosy spark

       Fairy-small as gleams your hand,

       Broadening as we cleave the dark,

       Dawn the gates of lovers' land, Nearing, sweet, till breast and brow

       Lifted through the purple night

       Catch the deepening glory now

       And your eyes the wonder-light.


      E'en as tow'rd your face I lean

       Swooping nigh the gates of bliss,

       I the king and you the queen

       Crown each other with a kiss.

       Riding, soaring like a song

       Burn we tow'rds the heaven above,

       You the sweet and I the strong

       And in both the fire of love.


      Ride—though now the distant chase

       Knows that we have slipped old Time,

       Lift the love-light of your face,

       Shake the bridle of this rhyme,

       See, the flowers of night and day

       Streaming past on either hand,

       Ride into the eternal May,

       Ride into the lovers' land.

       Table of Contents


      Bright as a fallen fragment of the sky,

       Mid shell-encrusted rocks the sea-pool shone,

       Glassing the sunset-clouds in its clear heart,

       A small enchanted world enwalled apart

       In diamond mystery,

       Content with its own dreams, its own strict zone

       Of urchin woods, its fairy bights and bars,

       Its daisy-disked anemones and rose-feathered stars.


      Forsaken for awhile by that deep roar

       Which works in storm and calm the eternal will,

       Drags down the cliffs, bids the great hills go by

       And shepherds their multitudinous pageantry—

       Here, on this ebb-tide shore

       A jewelled bath of beauty, sparkling still,

       The little sea-pool smiled away the sea,

       And slept on its own plane of bright tranquillity.


      A self-sufficing soul, a pool in trance,

       Un-stirred by all the spirit-winds that blow

       From o'er the gulfs of change, content, ere yet

       On its own crags, which rough peaked limpets fret

       The last rich colours glance,

       Content to mirror the sea-bird's wings of snow,

       Or feel in some small creek, ere sunset fails,

       A tiny Nautilus hoist its lovely purple sails;


      And, furrowing into pearl that rosy bar,

       Sail its own soul from fairy fringe to fringe,

       Lured by the twinkling prey 'twas born to reach

       In its own pool, by many an elfin beach

       Of jewels, adventuring far

       Through the last mirrored cloud and sunset-tinge

       And past the rainbow-dripping cave where lies

       The dark green pirate-crab at watch with beaded eyes,


      Or fringed Medusa floats like light in light,

       Medusa, with the loveliest of all fays

       Pent in its irised bubble of jellied sheen,

       Trailing long ferns of moonlight, shot with green

       And crimson rays and white,

       Waving ethereal tendrils, ghostly sprays,

       Daring the deep, dissolving in the sun,

       The vanishing point of life, the light whence life begun.


      Poised between me, light, time, eternity,

       So tinged with all, that in its delicate brain


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