Lost in Space. Joaquim Augusto Ferreira Barbosa de Melo

Lost in Space - Joaquim Augusto Ferreira Barbosa de Melo

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Even from a distance, there was no doubt that she was a double. Clara therefore decided to follow the figure with the utmost description. Each movement, gesture or attitude of that figure appeared in Clara’s eyes with one evidence - difficulty in dealing with emotions which contrasted starkly with the real Elsa. When, some time later, that observant figure returned to the place of departure, that is, she crossed the door through which she had left, Clara had no doubts. The kidnappers were people from another dimension. Clara’s first reaction was to go to the real Elsa and tell her everything, but after a brief reflection eventually decided to wait for the best opportunity. Until then, she would have a long investigative work on her own. With the approximation of Clara to the group, they beat a retreat with the exception of Iris, because once again, distracted by her computer research, did not notice that her friends had left.

      -Can I see it? - Said Clara, with a smile.

      Iris approached the bracelet without uttering a single word, looking at her interlocutor.

      -What’s your name? - Said Clara.

      -Iris! – She answered dryly.

      -How did you get to this program?

      -I don’t know! It showed up!

      -What do you mean? – Said Clara, sketching a smile.

      The amount of data arriving on the small monitor was intriguing. Once in a while there were images of an object that Clara couldn’t identify. It seemed to her like an orbital trajectory, or something similar, without her being able to understand.

      - Can you tell me how to get here, through my device?!

      Iris fixed her gaze on her interlocutor’s face and as a response she shrugged her shoulders disappearing shortly afterwards in a rush, trying to reach her group.

      To Clara that surprise brought by Iris’s hand only came to confirm what she previously suspected – the kidnappers are very intelligent beings, perhaps from another galaxy. She had to be cautious. Previously she had already found that the apparatus that was distributed altered the metabolic activity of everyone. When she ceased to feel basic physiological needs like: eating; drinking; resting and so many others, she felt that her body had stopped in time. She couldn’t even know how many hours or days had passed since they left the airport to New York. Clara observed everything as a surreal phenomenon! Every once in a while, she would squeeze her own skin with her fingers, trying to confirm that she was not having a bad dream, yet the pain she felt confirmed her that she was wide awake and alive. She then wondered: «not being a dream or hallucination, how to explain all this?! ». The surrounding reality also confirmed it through other people, that it was all very real! For all this, Clara would not stop looking at the little apparatus she was carrying on her arm. In the course of time a larger surprise emerged overwhelmingly – the apparatus, which was initially simply supported on the wrist, was beginning to cling firmly. The first reaction was to try to move the appliance gradually, but as it did not give in, she noticed that the surrounding tissues and structures: skin; veins and nerves were now firmly attached. For the first time she became aware of a reality that made her worried. As a doctor, she asked herself a whirlwind of questions to which she had no answer, becoming apprehensive and nervous. That situation was far beyond her scientific level and even far beyond the horizon of her own imagination. Clara, who had never been unmoved by obstacles, however difficult they might be, felt that it was all too overwhelming. Managing that situation alone and in such a short time, could only result in psychological and emotional shock of great proportions, she thus decided, in a positive attitude, to seek help. The first thing she thought was using the kidnappers’ computer system. Maybe there she could find information to enlighten her, or at least have clues about the subject. But how, if she didn’t know how to do it?! «Iris might be a solution to the problem» she thought, and almost instinctively started looking for her everywhere. After a while, she found the girl in conversation with a couple and by the way they spoke she presumed to be her parents.

      -I assume you’re the parents of this beautiful girl, aren’t you?

      -Yes! - The mother answered.

      -Congratulations! You have a little computer genius here. My name is Clara.

      -Nice to meet you! My name is Ana, this is my husband Pedro. To what do we owe this gallantry? - Assumed Iris’s mother.

      -Do you know each other? - Asked Iris’s father.

      -We meet moments ago, and I was surprised at how easily she handles the equipment we have on our arm. I confess, I still can’t deal with it! – Said Clara, a little embarrassed.

      -You’re not the only one! As for my daughter, it doesn’t surprise me! My husband and I are in a certain way responsible for her interest in equipment.

      -Have you developed knowledge in the computing area?

      -We’re researchers in this area, at the University where we work.

      - Whoa! Bingo! You’re the ones I need to talk to. I’ll explain.

      The conversation, from then on, became delightful. The news, one after the other, added up in such a way that after a short time Clara and Iris’ parents shared a certain sense of friendship that begun there, with the opening of a world of reciprocal opportunities.

      Not too far away, another meeting took place, this time between Elsa and her boss, Mago Vieira, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to make another point of situation.

      -Last meeting we talked about the Judge’s feeble health. Apparently he recovered more easily than expected. As far as I know, we have no one else with health problems. At least we can’t complain about this, right?

      -On the contrary, what surprises all of us is this “iron health” we feel, without having to ingest any liquid or solid!

      -That’s precisely why I asked you to come see me. That opinion we had of kidnapping by Islamic forces is completely absurd! What worries me right now is the unknown. Who are they and what do they want from us? That’s the question I keep asking myself.

      -I don’t think anyone can answer that question. What I think is that whoever they are, have total control over everything or almost everything and on a level that I have never imagined possible.

      -Right! What to do then?!

      -With all due respect, Minister. The answer can only be one - wait and see!

      As much as it would cost the Minister to admit, his secretary was right! There was nothing they could do! It was a cruel conclusion and evidence of utter impotence in the face of events! The meeting ended with an unspeakable sensation of frustration.

      At a certain distance from there, the Judge didn’t think in the same way, that in conversation with his wife, Margarida, he settled a strategy.

      -I suppose the best solution is to get the fox out of the hole.

      -What are you talking about? - Margarida intervened with little patience to hear about burrow and foxes.

      The Judge, however, did not even listen to his wife’s question, so he continued with his strategic monologue.

      -Even Elsa says we must do something!

      The Judge continued aloud without caring whether or not his wife paid him any attention.

      -Whatever territory the offender is in, there is always a law that is above him and which he has to respect. Kidnapping is always a crime wherever it is committed. The offender infringing the rights of others, which in this case is us! Diverting an airplane is a reprehensible act that can´t go unpunished! They know that and that’s why they’re hiding. They’re a bunch of cowards!

      His wife no longer had the patience for her husband’s bitterness. And, taking advantage of the proximity of a flight attendant who was passing by, she went to talk to her.

      -Do we have any news? -Asked Margarida, curious.

      By the initial silence of the flight attendant, Margarida didn’t expect a satisfactory answer.

      -What can I say you don’t already

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