Echoes of Newtown. Blake Fite

Echoes of Newtown - Blake Fite

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      Advance Praise for Echoes of Newtown

      “Blake Fite has the ‘Heart of the Father’ He has written a wonderful book that will bring hope and healing to all that read it. A beautiful tale about a group of orphans and their adventures to overcome their pain. It brought tears to my eyes as I saw my children interwoven in the characters of Rascal and friends. Open your hearts and follow the stories of the Orphan Gang. You will laugh and cry but at the end, you will be glad you went on the adventure with this gang. Truly it is a must read for those who are helping children overcome loss.”

      John Moritz | Co-Founder, Hearts of the Father Outreach

      “As an author of a kids book myself, I am pleasantly surprised at my colleague Blake Fite’s ability to write a fiction novel for adolescents that is both entertaining for kids and helpful for them to process the loss of a parent. If you are a teacher, counselor, lay leader, or a single parent, this is a great book to help kids maneuver through all the challenging phases of dealing with loss.”

      Ken Kenerly | Author, Milly’s What Ifs: Eating Oatmeal Raisin Chocolate Chip Cookies

      “My highest endorsement to Author Blake Fite and his work on behalf of fatherless youth across the world.

      My wife, Andrea, and I have adopted two children from the Democratic Republic of Congo. Not only were they fatherless, but they also experienced severe malnutrition, homelessness, lack of basic medical needs and no opportunity for an education. They were living in some of the harshest conditions the world has to offer. When they are older and can more deeply understand their story and their transition to the United States, I am confident that Blake’s book will be a valuable and effective tool to aid their self-discovery.

      You don’t have to adopt from a third world country to work with the fatherless. Here in the United States, many of our demographics are experiencing the epidemic of absent fathers. This will significantly impact the future of countless family trees in unfortunate ways. That being said, Blake’s heart is to reach and encourage those who have grown up without the influence of a father figure. His message needs to be heard and will have a lasting impact.

      As a former college pastor, I worked closely with many young people who didn’t have a father in the home. I have years of experience working with student athletes from the University of Oklahoma. Many grew up in the home with their mother or grandmother, while the father is nowhere to be found. For the young people I’ve worked with who classify as fatherless, I fully intend to encourage them to learn and grow from Blake’s writing.”

      Adam Barnett | Associate Pastor, Redeemer Covenant Church, Author, Let’s Be Honest: Are You Really Ready for College?

      “Having known Blake on both a professional and personal level, I attest to his unique qualifications that set him apart as a leader and, now, an author. Blake’s dynamic gift of vision pairs powerfully with his ability to cull the ideal attainment squad, recognizing abilities in others that even they don’t yet see. A far cry from “all talk,” Blake forms teams that carry ideas to meaningful conclusions.

      Most recently Blake exemplified the aforementioned characteristics in the assembly of a wide-eyed group of young people ranging in age from 9-12 whom he mentored through in-depth collaboration on the fiction work in your hands.

      Echoes of Newtown chronicles the journey of a wily orphan gang through the real times and territories of the late 1800s. The students consulted on each chapter—each student empathizing with the experience of a particular orphan character.

      This book is only a piece of Blake’s greater vision—to bless orphans across the globe both emotionally, through narrative; and practically, through proceeds. Meanwhile, Blake’s out-of-the-box collaboration process produced a freshly cultivated guild of burgeoning authors whose resumés now include a printed work.

      That’s how Blake does things—unconventionally, completely, and with an unmatched passion for the greater good.”

      Kate Fehlauer | Writer, Scribe Media

      “As a former youth pastor and now a senior pastor I have seen the devastating effects of fatherlessness in today’s families. The negative impact of this trend can only be reversed by the hearts of families being fully given over to the one true Father in Heaven. Blake’s book truly helps kids to release their hurts due to the loss of a parent by providing a framework to guide them on their journey to recovery.”

      Jamie Austin | Senior Pastor, Woodlake Church

      “My wife and I are raising our 5 children and as I stumble through parenting, I recognize the significance of a dad’s love. As I work to love each of them well, my hope is that I can model and convey God’s love. I read every word of Echoes of Newtown, and I was struck by how many lessons of God’s love are woven throughout as the orphan characters navigate and search for the secrets to their past. This book is really a fun read and it serves as another tool to convey His great love.”

      Jeff Hoeman | President & CEO, Stonebridge Property Solutions, Inc.

      “As a person who has poured over books and scripts for many decades this book is full of mystery, nuance, adventure, and tragedy. Bravo to Blake Fite and the kids who poured their hearts out into helping write their own personal adventure into the manuscript. What stands out is the theme of hope and redemption amidst great tragedy. This is a must read for any young person and their friends who are hungry to discover what the world has for them.”

      Jean Sears | Choir/Drama Teacher, Regent Preparatory School of Oklahoma, Founder, T.A.P.E.S Fine Arts Studio

      “As the former Miss Teen America and a sixth-grade schoolteacher this book is perfect for young adults. I personally know how devastating it is when one of my kids have a parent that disappears out of their life. This book has a great storyline plus the discussion questions at the end help kids process loss.”

      Lacey Russ Randle | Former Miss Teen America



      A Novel

      The Journey of an Orphan Gang

      on the Shenandoah Valley Railroad 1882


      NEW YORK



      A Novel

      The Journey of an Orphan Gang on the Shenandoah Valley Railroad 1882

      © 2021 Blake Fite

      All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other—except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

      Published in New York, New York, by Morgan James Publishing. Morgan James is a trademark of Morgan James, LLC.

      Publisher’s Note: This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. All characters are fictional, and any similarity to people living or dead is purely coincidental.

      All scriptures are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION, public domain.

      Feet, Joe Ellis Fite Used by permission. All rights reserved.

      Wither Pilgrim Are You Going? Franny Crosby. Use by public domain. All rights reserved.

      Safe in the Arms of Jesus, Franny Crosby.

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