Financing the digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises. Группа авторов
Table of contents
Context and study approach
Snapshot of the status of digitalisation in Europe
Recommendations focused on supporting the ecosystem
Recommendations focused on access to finance
2.Snapshot of the status of digitalisation in Europe
2.1Trends of digitalisation in Europe and expected growth
2.2The digital profile of small and medium-sized enterprises: Digital adopters and digital natives
2.3Ecosystem and enablers for innovation and digitalisation
2.5Selected examples of digitalisation programmes worldwide
3.5Finding 5: Financing of digital projects is limited by the knowledge gap of banks
4.3Recommendation 3: Develop a central platform to drive awareness and ambition
About the European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank is the world’s biggest multilateral lender. The only bank owned by and representing the interests of the EU countries, the EIB finances Europe’s economic growth. Over six decades the Bank has backed start-ups like Skype and massive schemes like the Øresund Bridge linking Sweden and Denmark. Headquartered in Luxembourg, the EIB Group includes the European Investment Fund, a specialist financer of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Financing the digitalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises
The enabling role of digital innovation hubs
Prepared for:
The European Commission (DG Connect and DG RTD)
Innovation Finance Advisory, European Investment Bank
Authors: Alberto Casorati, Arnold Verbeek
Supervisor: Shiva Dustdar
Contributions from Po Wen Liu, Maria Lundqvist (Project Directorate, European Investment Bank), Luuk Borg, Bjorn-Soren Gigler, Yves Paindaveine (DG Connect, European Commission)
This report was produced with funding from the European Union, through the European Investment Advisory Hub
Contact: [email protected]
Consultancy support: Gartner