The Seventeenth Highland Light Infantry (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion) (WWI Centenary Series). John W. Arthur

The Seventeenth Highland Light Infantry (Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion) (WWI Centenary Series) - John W. Arthur

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M. MacRobert, Capt. T.P. Locking, Mr. Cameron of the Chamber of Commerce, Lieut. and Quarter-Master Kelly, Mr. Meadows of Saltcoats (for allowing illustrations and excerpts to be taken from the diary of his son, the late Lieut. B. Meadows), the relatives of the late Lieut. D.W. Hourston (for a selection of photographs from his collection), and the following gentlemen identified with the publication of The Outpost:—Messrs. A.M. Cohen, W.S. Corbett, Mark Drummond, W.M. Dixon, A.G. Deans, W. Glennie, A.G. Houstoun, J.L. Hardie, C. MacCallum, J. M’Kechnie, N. M’Intyre, W.K. M’Taggart, D. Murray, J.L.L. Niven, F.K. Pickles, H.F. Scott, D.M. Thomson, R. Tilley.


      ION S. MUNRO.

      Glasgow, May, 1920.



      Great Britain declared war on Germany on August 4th, 1914, and almost immediately the combatant strength of its Regular Army was on service and the great bulk of that gallant force engaged in those fierce actions against odds which marked the early fighting.

      The War Office was quickly alive to the fact that the Regular Army could not cope in point of numbers with the Germanic hordes. On the day following the declaration of war the Territorial Forces of Great Britain were mobilized, and with a marvellous and inspiring unanimity their members volunteered for Overseas Service. But even the addition of these many thousands to our striking force was realised to provide no more than a relief for the rapidly exhausting strength of the “old contemptibles,” and Lord Kitchener issued his great manifesto calling the people to the Empire’s help, and laid the foundations of a New Army—Kitchener’s Army—the finest and most disinterested body of soldier patriots that ever stepped in a sound and worthy cause. At once the patriotism of the country declared itself and the Nation sprang to arms. The City of Glasgow proved itself second to none among the cities and districts of the Kingdom in its answer to the call. The Town Council recruited two fine battalions, the 1st Glasgow, which was mainly drawn from the Tramway employees of the city; and the 2nd Glasgow, which was recruited from former members of the Boys’ Brigade. Other institutions in the city were bestirring themselves in the national cause, and at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce Directors, held on 3rd September, 1914, it was unanimously resolved, on the motion of Bailie W.F. Russell, to form a Glasgow Chamber of Commerce Battalion. Enthusiasm for the scheme was quickly evident, and no time was lost in getting the matter put upon a practical basis. At the same meeting of Directors the following gentlemen were appointed as the Committee in charge:—Messrs. M.M.W. Baird, James W. Murray, F.C. Gardiner, G.A. Mitchell, H. Moncrieff, W.F. Russell, A.A. Smith, with Sir Archd. M’Innes Shaw as Convener, and Mr. John W. Arthur as Vice-Convener, the former making Military matters his chief concern, the latter caring for Clothing and Equipment. Mr. Montagu M.W. Baird, the President, and Mr. James W. Murray, the Vice-President, did much to foster the movement.

      The Chamber of Commerce sustained the loss of Mr. Baird, who died on October 14, 1915. Mr. J.W. Murray succeeded him as President and applied that deep interest in all the work and welfare of the Battalion which marked his services throughout the history of the unit. Mr. Thomas Cameron, the Secretary of the Chamber, also in countless ways contributed to its success.

      At this stage the Council of the Royal Glasgow Technical College approached the Chamber of Commerce Committee, and it was arranged that students of the College would find special opportunities of forming a detachment within the Battalion. This arrangement was found acceptable in every way, and many students entered for the service of their country under the colours of what was at that early stage known as “The Chamber of Commerce Battalion, 3rd Glasgow.”

The late Mr. Montagu M.W. Baird

      The late Mr. Montagu M.W. Baird,

      President of the Chamber, 1914-1915.

Mr. James W. Murray

      Mr. James W. Murray,

      President of the Chamber, 1916-1917-1918.


      No time was lost in bridging the gap between “Resolution” and “Action.” By September 12th, 1914, the work of enrolling recruits had begun, and Medical Examination and Attestation were commenced under the supervision of Colonel J. Stanley Paterson, Officer in Charge, No. 2 District, Scottish Command. Colonel Paterson did much for the Battalion in many directions, and in a recent letter says:—”I have never lost, and never will lose, the deep interest I took in the 17th H.L.I. from the moment of its initiation, and the full story of its doings will give me the greatest pleasure to read.”

      The Lesser Hall of the Merchants’ House was for many days the Headquarters of busy recruiting, and those associated with these stirring times will long remember the enthusiasm with which the enrolment was conducted. With the help of Dr. Beilby and Mr. Stockdale of the Royal Technical College, “A” Company was speedily recruited, and was composed mainly of the College Students. Colonel R.C. Mackenzie, C.B., did much for “B” Company, enlisting in its ranks former pupils of the City Schools, the High School, Glasgow Academy and others. “C” and “D” Companies were composed principally of men from the business houses and different trades in the city and district. For a few weeks the men, living in their own homes, were instructed and drilled in four of the Territorial Force Association Halls. During the recruiting and the early weeks of the training, Major Rounsfell Brown acted as Adjutant, and rendered excellent service.

      Kit was issued to the four original Companies, “A,” “B,” “C,” and “D,” on 19th and 20th September.

      It was at first expected that Colonel Fred. J. Smith, late of the 8th Scottish Rifles, might be chosen as Officer in Command, but for reasons of health he was unable to undertake the duty. The choice eventually fell upon Lieut.-Colonel David S. Morton, V.D., who had seen much service, and was well fitted to fill the post. His volunteer experience included service in the 1st L.R.V., the Engineers, and various Commissioned ranks in the 5th H.L.I., ending, on his retiral, with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel. In 1900 he served with the 71st in South Africa as Captain of the H.L.I. Service Company. He was mentioned in despatches, and received the “South Africa” Medal with three clasps.

      Major W.J. Paul was appointed second in Command. His service had been with the Scottish Rifles (the 4th V.B.S.R.), in which unit he rose to the rank of Major, second in Command. He retired in 1907 with the Honorary rank of Major.

      The original Officers in Command of Companies were:—

      “A” Major W.J. Paul.

      “B” Major J.R. Young.

      “C” Major W. Auld, V.D.

      “D” Major E. Hutchison.

      The Regimental Staff included Captain D.R. Kilpatrick, R.A.M.C., as Surgeon attached; Lieut. and Quarter-Master Slade; Regimental Sergt.-Major Kelly; Regimental Quarter-Master Sergt. T. Keith; and Orderly Room Quarter-Master-Sergt. J. Copland.

      Up to this point the drill and training were being well pushed on. It will be remembered that the extraordinary demands made on khaki cloth, by the sudden institution of a national army, made it practically unobtainable in these early months. A navy blue serge cloth was substituted for making tunics, trousers and greatcoats, and these made a neat and serviceable uniform. This uniform was issued at Gailes and was exchanged for khaki in the following summer at Troon. The Battalion was now ready to set out for its war training station, and on 23rd September assembled in the Examination Hall of the Royal Technical College, and had a good send-off by the Directors and Members of the Chamber of Commerce, Colonel Stanley Paterson, and other friends. At this meeting, Colours for the Regiment were promised by Mr. Montagu M.W. Baird, the President of the Chamber; Bugles, by Dr. and Mrs. Beilby, of the Technical College; and Pipes and Drums as a joint gift by the Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Merchants’ House. After the Meeting, the Battalion entrained for the Camp at Gailes.

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