Migration and Political Theory. Gillian Brock

Migration and Political Theory - Gillian Brock

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drivers and effects of migration.

       1.2.1 Key terms

      People can be described as migrants even when they have not actually themselves migrated. For instance, children of citizens born in other lands may be categorized as migrants, commonly second- or third-generation migrants (or citizens of migrant origin). People migrate for many reasons, but the overwhelming majority migrates because of factors related to work, family, or study. There is also a huge category of forced migrations in which people migrate because of conflict, violence, persecution, natural disasters, or environmental degradation. Let us look at some commonly used terms related to migration next.

      International migration can be characterized as either intending to be permanent or for a more temporary duration. Not all migrants enter the destination state on a permanent basis, but rather some aim to reside in the country for a short period and then return home. Work and study are dominant reasons motivating people to migrate temporarily. A vast number of these temporary migrants enter for work and are called “temporary labor migrants.”

      Many migrants seek to live in a state more permanently and in ways that are lawful. This usually involves at least two phases. In the first phase, the migrant, if successful, is legally admitted to reside in the territory on a permanent basis. In order to become a citizen, the migrant usually has to reside in the territory for a period of time, such as five years. During the first phase, the migrant would typically be described as a permanent resident. In the second phase, once citizenship has been conferred, the migrant might be referred to as a naturalized citizen.

      Some migrants repeat patterns of migration between two destinations, such as the home and host states, often because the demands of work are seasonal. Such migration might be referred to as circular.

      Next, let’s cover cases of involuntary migration. Those who cross a border fleeing war, persecution, or other significant disturbance to public order are often classed more loosely as refugees. Those displaced by such activities but who do not cross a border are classified as internally displaced people. A person crossing a border seeking refuge in another state may apply for protection in the territory, and such applicants are called asylum seekers. If the application is successful, the person’s legal status changes and they are recognized as an official refugee. Achieving formal legal status can come with certain rights and entitlements that are not afforded to asylum seekers, such as a right to work in the country of refuge.

      Human trafficking involves the trade in people for purposes such as forced labor or commercial sexual exploitation. People smuggling differs from such practices in that the person being smuggled has consented to the transaction. While many cases of human smuggling may start off as consensual, the nature of the transaction may change considerably through coercive or exploitative elements, such as having to take out significant loans to repay the smugglers or others who facilitate international movement. Trafficked people are often held against their will and forced to work for the trafficker or their associates. In these situations, those trafficked can experience modern-day slavery.

       1.2.2 Important drivers of migration

      The factors that drive migration are sometimes categorized in terms of push and pull factors. Push factors repel migrants away from their countries of residence or origin, while pull factors attract them to a new destination. They can often be combined; for instance, a lack of economic opportunities in one area and better prospects for economic flourishing elsewhere provide a combination of push and pull factors that can motivate movement. Let us look at four large categories of reasons next, which can often be connected as well as distinct.

      Second, demographic changes can underlie much movement. Some countries have high birth rates and young populations. Others have low birth rates and aging populations. One challenge for countries with high birth rates is to provide employment opportunities for all its citizens. Migration for work provides a good fit for both those countries with surplus labor and those with higher demands for labor. For instance, an aging population creates high needs in service and care sectors in some countries, as is the case in Japan and many European states. And youthful unemployed workers in other countries might value the opportunities to work abroad rather than remain unemployed or underemployed at home.

      A third set of reasons relates to challenges presented by conflict or political instability. Much migration in this category is undertaken to avoid war, violence, conflict, human rights violations, and other public crises that challenge the state’s capacities to its limits.

      And finally, social, cultural, and political factors can drive much migration. Examples include a desire for more freedom to pursue religious goals or to seek lifestyle, social, or cultural opportunities that are restricted or not available in the home country.

       1.2.3 Some central general economic impacts

      Economists commonly cite the tremendous benefits of human migration today, such as migrants having increased the size of the world economy and contributed very positively to global GDP, higher incomes, and productivity. Remittances – the money sent back by migrants to family and friends in the country of origin – are another huge source of revenue. This flow of revenue can be of great value both to those who receive remittances and to the local economies of recipients.

      While it should be acknowledged that there can be these significant general benefits, it is also important to appreciate that the effects of migration differ enormously among countries. Specific effects for particular countries can vary a great deal depending on who is migrating, where they are going, where they have been, and particular contextual factors such as government policies in home and host states. In various situations, migrants can affect labor markets, wages, prices of goods and services, economic growth, tax revenues, capital investments, health and educational outcomes, among many other factors. For instance, high levels of skilled migrants can lead to a brain drain from their country of origin but they can also raise the return on investment in education, thus

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