Apocalypse When?. Jerry L. Sumney

Apocalypse When? - Jerry L. Sumney

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justice demands that the righteousness and faithfulness of these martyrs be rewarded. Because of this divine necessity, belief in an afterlife for the righteous flowered in this period. At the beginning, only the extraordinarily righteous or martyrs and the extraordinarily wicked had an afterlife, but as time passed most Jews came to believe that all persons participated in the afterlife.5 So belief in a resurrection that included judgment grew out of the injustices experienced by communities that held firmly to their belief in a sovereign and just God.

      The idea of God being just in judgment makes modern people nervous. We are more ready to focus our attention on God’s love and mercy, thinking that these are the opposite of justice. But they are not. If God is not just, then God is unjust. The alternative to God being just is that God is unfair, that God plays favorites or is capricious. This unhappy alternative would mean we could never trust God. Furthermore, the justice of God is the basis for all Christian calls for justice in the world. Since Christian ethics is based on the character of God, we have no basis for working for justice, including equal rights for all people, unless we believe in the unshakable justice of God. So apocalyptic brings us back to a characteristic of God with which we are less than comfortable, but which is essential to who God is and to what makes God a God we can trust and a God who is worthy of worship.

      Human nature in apocalyptic thought

      To understand the view of human nature seen in our material we must begin with a survey of how human nature was seen in the Hebrew Bible. Instead of finding one consistent view of human nature in the Hebrew Scriptures, there is a development in thought within Israel about this matter. In the traditions found in the Pentateuch, the individual was not as important as the group. One’s family or tribe always took precedence over the individual. This emphasis on the group meant that the way one lived on after death was through what she or he had contributed to the well-being of the group. Thus, the afterlife for individuals was envisioned only to a very limited extent. When people died they went to Sheol, at least temporarily. This was not a pleasant place; it was a place where one is powerless, where one cannot even remember the goodness of Yahweh. There were no moral distinctions in Sheol and eventually you fade out of existence.

      The prophets begin to give more place to the individual. The emphasis is still on the group and the reward of the righteous is primarily the good of Israel and of one’s descendants, but some ideas about the continuance of the individual emerge. The importance of the individual emerges especially clearly in Jeremiah and Ezekiel. In Ezekiel 18, the result of a person’s sin is to be visited on them alone rather than on their children (or by extension their nation). This separation of the fate of the individual from that of the group is a somewhat different perspective from what we see in the Pentateuch and is the sort of thought that prepares the way for the views we find in apocalyptic.

      All apocalypticists believe that humans continue to exist after death. As we have already seen, the experiences of persecution and martyrdom seemed to require some avenue other than what happens in this world for the expression of God’s righteousness and justice. Clearly martyrs were not dealt with justly in this world. Outside the thought of apocalyptic, martyrs were sometimes seen as receiving the punishment due to the nation and thus paving the way for Israel’s restoration. But the continuing unfaithfulness of some in Israel seemed to make national restoration impossible. So personal rewards and punishments become the ways God responds to faithfulness and wickedness. Beyond this concern about justice, the desire for continued fellowship with God and with the fellow faithful pushed forward the belief in an afterlife with rewards and punishments. This belief could also be seen as a type of fulfillment of national hopes since the individual was not blessed in isolation, but with others who were faithful.

      Ethics in apocalyptic thought

      In this section we turn our attention to what humans are held accountable for in apocalyptic thought. Only a very few scholars whose major field of research is apocalyptic have argued that apocalyptic has no concern for ethics because it has separated the kingdom of God from earthly realities. As this view has it, apocalyptic, rather than being socially responsible, becomes preoccupied with the damnation of the oppressor or with blessings in another realm. Though this is a common perception about apocalyptic thought among non-specialists, most scholars reject this interpretation and many assert that ethics is central to apocalyptic.

      The expectation of judgment found in all apocalyptic implies that ethics is central even when it is not explicitly discussed. One of the primary reasons authors wrote apocalyptic texts was to encourage faithfulness to God and loyalty to the Law of God, even if it leads one to death. All apocalyptic is hortatory. Discourses that encourage ethical living and specify what that means are common in apocalyptic texts. Encouraging faithful (i.e., ethical) living was a primary goal of Daniel 1–6 and in 2 Esdras the sole characteristic of the saved is holiness. Another indicator of the importance of ethics in this way of thinking is the way life in the messianic future is described: it is in accordance with God’s Law.

      In Jewish apocalypses the Law was the ethical ideal both now and in the age to come. The authors of these texts saw no antagonism between being required to keep the Law and eschatological confidence. As they saw them, both the Law and apocalyptic actions by God were expressions of God’s covenant with them and so were blessings.

      Given the emphasis on judgment found in apocalyptic thought, it is not surprising that individual accountability is important. People are accountable before God for their transgressions of God’s Law and will. The unfaithful are accountable because they have refused the ways of God. Thus, the distinctions among those who have died are based on their conduct while on earth. Again, this does not mean apocalypticists were legalists; rather, most of them recognized that the only way anyone could stand before God was if God exercised mercy.

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