A New Beginning. Joycee Clark

A New Beginning - Joycee Clark

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out for Special Forces. We were in our Unit for eight years, that’s where we met Dean Harper, our Alpha. Dean was our commanding officer as well as Alpha. Yes, the higher ups knew we are shifters. Our government has used us for years as a special unit to go where regular soldiers can’t or it’s too dangerous.”

      “Lucca was always there to have my back and I was always there for him. We protected each other and the Alpha knew to always send us in on the same mission. Many times, without Lucca, I would never have made it home. We have shared everything from heartache to joy. The joy part was when we met you.” Garret chuckled and leaned over to pat Mariah’s knee. “My parents have both passed and so have Lucca’s. His Aunt actually finished raising us. She was there when no one else was. She keeps in touch and we take care of her financially. In pack life if the young loose their parents, relatives step up and take the kids, if you have no relatives, the pack Alpha places them in the best place for them to continue learning not only the outside world, but the pack laws. We are taught the laws and respect for the human world from very young.”

      “I had a twin brother that died right after birth, so I guess I substituted Lucca for him. Lucca has two sisters that actually teach school her in Cedar Creek. They moved here when we did. They were struggling and had been ousted out of the pack because they were human. But they had been excellent additions to the pack.

      “Lucca said neither of you knew all your history. Only parts of it. Because the Witch only made males wolves, is that why you have to find human mates to keep the family lines going?” Mariah asked. “I imagine so. It was such a long time ago. Records back then weren’t kept as well as ours today, of course. We know the wolves were charged with assisting and protecting humanity. After the epidemics mostly ended, there were always wars. Groups would come in and wipe out entire villages. Our elders use to tell us stories of how wolves would go in, clean up the dead, scanvage what they could for the other humans. We would help rebuild their huts or houses, replant crops so they wouldn’t starve, and hunt for missing people, mostly children. Wolves rarely went to war with humans, it just wouldn’t be right, we are so much stronger and faster, but every generation has been taught honor, integrity, and courage. There are always a few bad ones that go rogue. They refuse to live in a pack and follow our laws. They break human laws as easily as Pack Law. When they are found, they are usually put down. There are actually hunters for this type of wolf. We don’t interfere with them because they are actually doing us a favor.”

      Chapter Eighteen

      During a hug with Mariah, Garret got a mental message from Lucca. “Got to get town my friend. I hate that you have leave Mariah, but we have a seven car pile on the edge of town, a bunch of kids in the cars, everyone screaming. We can’t an ambulance here because of the weather, so we are trying to get them to the gym and give medical care there. Hurry big guy, I need you.”

      Garret turned to Mariah, “Go,” she said, “I can tell by the look on your face that it isn’t good. Is there anything I can do? I’d be more than glad to help.” Garret looked at his amazing woman and said, “Here’s what we are going to do.”

      Garret’s fur was so soft and he seemed big as a horse, so she figured he would be okay with her weight. There was no way they could get to town in a vehicle. Garret had clothes in town to change into. The big plan was for him to take her to the gym, on his back. She could help with setting up cots, making food, passing out blankets, and so forth.

      The trip to town was mostly missed by Mariah, she had her head buried in Garret’s fur to try to hang on and to stay warm. She thought under different circumstances, she would love this, but right now, it was super cold, high winds, and the trees seemed to come at her head on, however, they never hit a single tree, much to her amazement. It took less time getting to Cedar Creek going cross country like this so they arrived much faster than Mariah expected. There was a change room for Garret to get dressed with dedicated lockers with clothing just for this purpose, they liked to be prepared.

      Garret took Mariah into the gym and introduced her to a few of the emergency team members, many of them wolves, a quick kiss on the top of her head and Garret was off to look for Lucca. He didn’t have to go far, right outside the gym door was Lucca with four kids ranging from three to twelve. Garret helped Lucca get the kids into the gym and gave info. to the first medic he came to. The kids seemed to be in shock. Mariah ran up to Garret and took the three year old girl from his arms. She didn’t seem to be hurt, but shivering with the cold and had started crying for her Mother.

      The night was spent warming, treating, feeding, and giving comfort. Mariah loved it. She felt useful. Her fears of crowds forgotten and she put her heart and soul into helping these strangers. The three year old named Kelly clung to Mariah and she knew she had made a friend for life.

      By the time the sun was coming up over the mountains, the snowplows had done their job. They got the cars moved and ambulances started showing up for the ones with the worse injuries. Kelly cried when she had to leace Mariah, for she had been there the entire night to sooth her fears and tell her stories of the wild wolves they had brought up into the mountains. Mariah had never thought much about kids. She and Maranda were the youngest in her home growing up, so she’d never been around too many children. It warmed her heart that Kelly was so comfortable with her and she hoped there would be no lasting effects from this trauma.

      When it was time to go back to the cabin, Lucca and Garret changed at the high school, and Mariah climbed back up on Garret’s back. Going home was easier and less intense. The storm had passed, the sky was blue, so they didn’t have to run so fast. Mariah could see the convenience in traveling this way, and it put her in awe. It was still really cold, but the beauty of the mountains took her breath away. Mariah found herself smiling all the way home.

      As they approached the cabin, Lucca and Garret slowed way down and stopped about 50 feet to the cabin. Mariah thought was her cue to dismount, but when she started to, Garret looked back over his shoulder at her, and growled low in his throat. Mariah didn’t know then that there were concerns. Mariah stayed where she was.

      Mental message from Lucca to Garret. “The lights are all off, the fire is out, and there is no firewood next to the cabin. But I’m only getting a strange scent. Garret got the message and stayed still while Lucca checked out the cabin and surrounding area.

      Mind message from Garret to Lucca. “You found anything yet?

      The house seems to be clear, bring her on up. “I’ll go find so firewood, so we can get Mariah warmed up. Looks like someone pulled all the wiring out of the solar panels, and who knows where all that wood went. We had enough cut and stacked for most of the winter and there isn’t even a stick left for kindling. The wood box had been stacked before they left for Cedar Creek, and now, nothing.

      Garret approached the cabin slowly looking all around as they got to the porch. Mariah then dismounted and ran up the porch steps and on inside, leaving Garret to look around with Lucca.

      Soon Lucca was back to the cabin to stay inside with Mariah. Mariah asked, “Lucca, what’s going on here? The lights are all off, the fire is out and shouldn’t be. The firewood is gone. Lucca look at me. What’s happening? You’re scaring me Lucca.” Lucca turned to Mariah and said softy, “We think your stalker is back. The wiring to the solar panels has been messed with, there are tracks all around the cabin, a couple windows were messed with, there was mud and water on your kitchen floor, the bathroom was used and refrigerator was left wide open. Now you can see why we were being careful with you, and yes, you should be scared. If Garret hadn’t brought you to town last night, which by the way, you did a great job!!”

      “May I please hug you to ease my soul? Mariah said as she ran into his protective arms, encircled his neck, and started crying. I’m such a big baby sometimes, I’m sorry, it’s just that there were so many people around, you and Garret were so professional. This is what you both do for a living and I didn’t want to embarass either of you, or the pack, but I was so nervous, and then my first wolf ride. I think the intruder spilled vinegar, I smell vinegar, lots of it.”

      “Mariah, Garret and I are both very proud of you. We threw you into a situation, it was chaos and you

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