A New Beginning. Joycee Clark

A New Beginning - Joycee Clark

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Fifty Five

       Chapter Fifty Six

       Chapter Fifty Seven

       Chapter Fifty Eight

       Chapter Fifty Nine

       Chapter Sixty

       Chapter Sixty One

       Chapter Sixty Two

       Chapter Sixty Three

       Chapter Sixty Four

       Chapter Sixty Five

       Chapter Sixty Six

       Chapter Sixty Seven

       Chapter Sixty Eight

       Chapter Sixty Nine

       Chapter Seventy

       Chapter Seventy One

       Chapter Seventy Two

       Chapter Seventy Three

       Chapter Seventy Four

       Chapter Seventy Five

       Chapter Seventy Six

       Chapter Seventy Seven

       Chapter Seventy Eight

       Chapter Seventy Nine

      To my sons, the best accomplishment I have in this lifetime, you are my heart and soul.


      Sweetheart, we’ll be late for our reservation at the country club.” John Martin hollered over his shoulder as he headed for the twins room. “Yes, Dear, I’m ready.” John’s wife of many years hurried after him down the hallway.

      “You girls sure you don’t need a ride to Beth’s birthday gig?” John asked while passing their room. “No Dad, we’re good, it’s only a few blocks and it’s really nice out! We’ll catch a ride home after the party, so you two go have a good time and don’t worry about us.” Maranda, the oldest of the twins by two minutes while brushing her long dark hair that matched her gorgeous young eyes!

      The twins were in their first semester of their senior year. Maranda and Mariah will both graduate at Christmas as honor students and ready to start their college life. They had worked hard to achieve their accomplishments so that they could use the first several months doing online classes to get some of required subjects out of the way. Then when they went to the University they could concentrate on their major. They were both interested in animal research. While Maranda was looking more into being a veterinarian, Mariah was looking more into studying animals in their natural habitat. Being the loner of the two, Mariah looked forward to being alone out in nature without the interruption by man.

      Maranda being the more social, would like to ultimately get a job at the zoo that was close to home. There she can learn the animal habits and learn from the other vets and caretakers at the Zoo, a double win.

      “Just mingle and hangout Mariah”, Maranda suggested. “It won’t kill you. We both know you would rather be at home on your laptop, but we are only young once. Like Grandma always said “Girls make memories while you can, you’ll see how those memories can keep you smiling when you get to my age.” besides you know Tyler is suppose to be there to make my little ole heart go pitty-pat!” Then both girls laughed as they approached the party already in action with plenty of noise, laughter, and dance music coming from the house.

      “You mingle while I go to try to find Tyler.” Maranda said over her shoulder as she scurried off toward the deeper voices at the back of the house. Mariah tried to put a smile on her face and ventured into the noise and warm bodies while trying to control her intense dislike of crowds.

      A few minutes later, Maranda was waving to her, as she and Tyler were heading out the front door to go find someplace a little more private. After the epic exit of her sister, Mariah decides there is no reason for her to stay and be miserable. So out the door she went to walk back home.

      Only a block away from the party, Mariah notices she is being followed, at least it seems so. She picks up her pace, glancing over her shoulder, she sees four guys behind her, making plenty of noise, but also picking up their pace. Again she increases her speed, but now the guys are running to catch her and start hollering lewd comments as they get closer to her. Mariah stops and turns to face her four assailants.

      “Hey, we are new in town, Kitten, how about showing us around and we can have lots of fun. We’ll be real nice to ya!” Another pipes up “We’d like to meet a few people, being new and all. We can go someplace nice and quiet and get to know one another. Mariah shakes her head and undeniable NO. and turns for home again thinking, it’s a small town, nothing will happen. They may think she was the town snob, but she didn’t care.

      This time when they come up behind Mariah, two grab her arms while another pushes open a fence gate on the left that surrounds an abandoned property. Mariah tries to scream and as she panics and tries to kick, grab, scratch, punch, just anything for them to release her. Then she opened up her mind and screamed for her twin, Maranda, as a last effort to save herself.

      As Mariah is going through the happenings in her mind, she was aware of the removal of her shoes and clothing. Mariah retreats into her mind and prays her sister heard her and will come rescue her soon.

      Across town, Maranda and Tyler were sitting in a small diner sipping on cokes and eating pie as they laughed and joked. Learning much about each other and enjoying the quiet and privacy they had come here for. Then SLAM, Maranda sits straight up pales and says “Mariah, we have to find Mariah right now. NOW Tyler as she stands to head out of the door. My sister is in some kind of trouble!! Tyler throws money on the table and they flew out of the door. As they approach Tyler’s truck, Maranda keeps trying to communicate back with Mariah. “I’m on my way, please know I’m coming to you as fast as I can. Hold on Mariah!”

      When Tyler and Maranda get back to the party no one knows or has seen Mariah. “Tyler we have to find her, she’s not here so she must have headed home after we left, let’s go!” Maranda pleaded.

      Two blocks later

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