When Love is Unfinished. Nicole Cooke

When Love is Unfinished - Nicole Cooke

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all night. Oh really Clarissa blushed. Yes she was creeping all up in my dreams, Mike replied. Boy stop playing your making me blush, I’m just doing my job. Look, beautiful, I’ma be there in about an hour and a half because I have to get myself together also okay? Okay Mike I’ll be ready. Clarissa Jumped out of the bed like lighting! She hopped in the shower and washed her hair dried it and put it up in a neat bun, she didn’t have time to straighten all that hair out so a cute little bun would suffice. She walked in her closet and pulled out her dark blue trousers, a white tank top and a fuchsia cardigan. She sat down at her vanity table and opened her make up box. She took her time with her makeup, not that she needed it but she always love the fresh look that MAC make up gives her, and plus it made her eyes stand out. She went to the kitchen to fix her some tea. Dag it! I gave Mike my last teabag last night, she remembered, oh well it was worth it she figured. Ding Dong ranged her door bell “Coming,” she replied. Clarissa opened the door thinking it was Mike, but to her surprise it wasn’t. It was James her Ex-boyfriend.

      James! What the hell are you doing here? What do you want, you have no business here! I Just want to talk Rissa, where’s your car? James asked inquisitively. “That’s none of your business. Now please go!” yelled Clarissa shoving him back out the door… Come on Riss you know you still love me why you acting like this? I’m acting like this because you’re sick and you need to get help, and I don’t want you around me. And the next time you come around here I’m calling the police and you better hope they get here before I get to my closet! Now go! All right all right I’ma go, you know one day we are gonna get back together. Mannnn kick rocks with open toe shoes nigga! Clarissa replied, slamming the door in James face. Mike pulled up in the parking lot got the little box with a pink bow on it and headed toward Clarissa’s apartment. James was walking away from the complex and passed Mike… What’s up man… Mike spoke. Sup playa, James replied noticing the box of tea with a pink bow on it in his hand. James stopped dead in his tracks. He remembered that pink was Clarissa favorite color and the damn caramel vanilla tea was her favorite. He watched Mike walked all the way to Clarissa’s door, and watched him enter in. Ain’t this about a βitch? He mumble to himself, that’s okay she’ll always be mine or…nobody else’s! Sniff!

      Ding-dong! Clarissa doorbell rung again. Lord, please don’t let this be James she whispered. This time she looked through the peep hole. It was Mike standing on the other side. Yes!. You da man Clarissa said pointing to the sky! Hey Mike she said sizing him up from head to toe. Mike had it going on; there he was standing there in his Armani Collezioni Giorgio grey suit, crisp light gray shirt, and lavender neck tie cufflinks with his initials monogram on the sleeve, and a pair of black Michael Kors dress shoes. Wow you look pulpit ready! Clarissa joked with her infamous giggle. You don’t look too bad yourself Mike replied. Well I do okay on a teacher’s salary. And you do it so well Mike bent down and kissed her on her cheek. Hey I bought you something said Mike with his hands behind his back. Gifts already Clarissa Squealed? If I didn’t know better I would think you trying to win me over, Clarissa chuckled, what is it? Close your eyes… Okay now open! Clarissa was so impressed. My tea she squeaked! Aw, thank you she stood on her tippy toes and hugged Mike’s neck and give him peck on his lips. Woman! Let’s get out of here before something jumps off, Mike said feeling his nature rise. Okay let me get my shoes. The two headed out the door and down the walk way leading to Mike Black CTS Coupe Cadillac. The two was so engross in their conversation, they didn’t notice James on the park bench across the street watching them. Who is this nigga with “My” Rissa? James said to himself…well its only one way to find out! Sniff! James wiped his nose and hock spit the rest of the residue on the ground beside him.

      James used to be a clean-cut bother and a hard worker, he was a social worker for the city of Baltimore, but all of that came crashing down, he was fired for stealing and selling food stamps. He didn’t have to do it but he had a habit that need to be supported, cocaine. For a while he was a functioning addict, but when he lost his job it got out of control. Clarissa didn’t know at the time that he was an addict.

      Baby I got laid off due to the city’s budget cuts. I don’t how I’ma make ends meet. That was the story James laid on Clarissa, tugging on her heart. Sweetie you can file for unemployment, and I’ll help out from time to time. Baby I don’t know what I will do without you, I love you so much girl I promise when I get back on my feet I’ma take care of the both of us. Clarissa believe every word of it, because of the good loving that he giving her in the bed room Clarissa couldn’t see the forest from the trees.

      Clarissa! Ashley yelled through the phone. What girl and why are you yelling, Clarissa demanded. Me and Malik just saw James buying some dope from Peanut! What? You lying! Clarissa screamed with her eyes filling up with tears, no girl I’m for real, here Malik tell her…hey Rissa, yeah I think your boy is blowin’… Malik tell me you kidding, Clarissa whined. No baby girl it’s the truth. Clarissa felt sick to her stomach she left school early that day and headed home. Clarissa slowly walked up to her apartment and opened the door to her surprised her apartment was cleaned out! Both of her flat-screen TV’s were gone, her Blue Ray and DVD player were gone, her stereo system, everything of value was missing, even some of her Coach purses were gone. She ran to her bed room and open her Jewelry box and her mom’s Diamond ring was gone. Ashley! Pleaseeee I need you and Malik to come here someone broke in to my apartment. Pleaseee hurry! Okay Rissa we’re on the way, call the police.

      Ashley and Malik made it there before the police did. Oh Rissa I’m so sorry Ashley hugged her, Ash he took my mom’s ring! That was the only thing I had of value from her how could he she cried. Clarissa maybe you should stay with Ashley for a while because I don’t know if he’ll come back. Oh I got something if he come back Clarissa jumped up and went to her closet and pulled down a Steve Madden shoe box in it was a .9 mm gun. Clarissa what the hell you doing with that! Ashley screamed! Malik looked and it and screamed, “my nigga!” Rissa I always knew you was gangsta but this right here takes the cake! Malik beamed! Don’t worry Ash it’s registered and I have a license. Man you just lost your gangsta rights Malik laughed…


      So, beautiful, can I ask you a question Mike asked as he took the exit to get on 83 south, what’s that Mike? Clarissa said with a smile. Why you’re not in a relationship? I mean you’re pretty you have a sweet personality, someone hasn’t claimed you yet? Mike asked. Well Mike I was in a relationship, but he was no good for me he stole from me and broke my heart so I have been spending the last two year focusing on me and my school kids and that’s what keeps me sane. Plus the next man that come in my life better come correct with no hidden agenda, and clean hands. Clean hands? Mike questioned… Yes clean hands, to place my heart in it. God I am so falling for this girl, she says all the right things… Mike thought. So pumpkin since we’re playing twenty-one questions why haven’t you given some girl your last name yet? To be honest Rissa I haven’t really found one that caught my attention and kept it. Most chicks find out that I’m an attorney and they see dollar signs or meal ticket. So I don’t lead any females on unless I plan to spend some quality time getting to know all about her, the good the bad and the ugly. If I can deal with all three of those things and still love her unconditionally she will be Mr. Michael Russell Monroe Jr. Esquire! I hear that Mike! Shout it from the mountain top Baby! Clarissa giggled… Mike burst out laughing. You’re so funny Rissa… Mike mentioned… Well here’s your car, beautiful. Thanks Mike, you have been a perfect gentleman. Mike got out and opened the car door and offered his hand to help her out the car. Thank you sweetie, good luck today in court I’m sure you will do great! Thanks, beautiful. Hey can I keep calling this number, Mike asked with a smile. Yes, you can and please don’t ever stop calling me beautiful, Clarissa blushed and kissed him on cheek. Go get ’em Esquire! She said and slap him on the butt as he got back in his car. He turned around and smiled at her and said you’re crazy! I knnnnow she said in her best J. J. Evans voice and got in her car. Mike blew her a kiss and pulled off.

      Ms. Richmond may I speak with you for a moment? Judith asked. Sure Judy come on in, how can I help you? I have to leave early today, my daughters school call and they need me to come a pick her up they think she has the pink eye. Oh gracious Ms. Richmond replied,

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