The Two Antonias: Two Sassy and Sexy Short Stories From the Wonderfully Wicked Women Series. T. Goodman

The Two Antonias: Two Sassy and Sexy Short Stories From the Wonderfully Wicked Women Series - T. Goodman

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was still dreaming about a rich white woman. He had been burned so badly before. Cat was referring to the white woman Jamie had an affair with a couple of years ago. Cat would never forget her. Her name was Amy. She was tall and looked like a model. She looked and acted like a rich woman. She had been separated from her husband. He was one of those big executives making seven figures. She had left him because he was having an affair with a younger woman.

      Jamie had stroked her bruised ego. He had lavished her with compliments, gifts, and lots of affection. She was destined to collect millions after her divorce, Jamie thought. She kept telling him the divorce would be final soon. They had been together almost a year. Jamie had started to fall in love with her or at least in love with the idea of spending her money. He had finally hit the jackpot! With her millions, he could get everything that he wanted and deserved. The first thing that he would buy would be a yacht. He always wanted a yacht. He had managed to buy a small boat. He knew that was his temporary transportation until he found the right woman. One day, he would have his yacht.

      Jamie loved the water. He could see himself entertaining Cat and his friends on his yacht. He especially wanted to invite his old buddy Aaron. Aaron and Jamie had made this bet a long time ago. The first one to get a house with a yacht docked in the back of his house would win the bet. Aaron was black and had married a white woman. She was a professor at a university. She was a homely woman, but she made a decent salary. Together, they were doing quite well. Aaron had told Jamie that they were building a home. They lived in Florida. They had just had a baby. Jamie was getting very nervous. That was why he was so anxious to marry Amy. He had to win that bet.

      One day, Jamie and Amy were supposed to go away for the weekend. Although her divorce wasn’t final, Jamie had sacrificed and bought her a 3-carat diamond ring. He was going to propose and give it to her that weekend. He waited and waited. He called and got no answer. He got really worried that something bad had happened to her. He called one of her friends that he knew was close to her. He asked her friend whether she had heard from Amy.

      “You haven’t spoken to her lately, have you?” her friend said. “I’m sorry to tell you this, but I think she went back to her husband.”

      “That’s impossible!” Jamie yelled. “Her divorce should have been final. I was going to ask her to marry me.”

      Her friend was silent for a moment. “I wasn’t aware of Amy ever filing for a divorce. She always hoped that her husband would come to his senses and come back to her.”

      Jamie said angrily, “You’re crazy. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. We love each other.”

      Amy’s friend never liked Jamie, so she said, “She always said you were a big dumb fart and she only spent time with you because you were good in the sack.”

      With that Jamie slammed the phone down, jumped in his car, and headed toward Amy’s house.

      Amy and her husband lived in a mansion. Jamie drove up to the front door. He needed to confront her husband. He needed to tell him that he and Amy were to be married. Jamie rang the doorbell. A distinguished-looking gentleman answered the door.

      “Can I help you?” he said.

      Jamie squared his shoulders and asked, “Is Amy here?”

      The man replied, “Yes, she is. Whom shall I say is calling?”

      “Lieutenant Jamie Wingo, her fiancée,” said Jamie.

      The man’s eyes widened with amusement. “So you are the one my wife has been seeing,” the man said.

      Jamie heard Amy in the background. “Who is it, dear?” she said.

      The man chuckled and said, “It’s your fiancée.”

      Puzzled, Amy said, “What?” Amy spotted Jamie, and for a moment, she was petrified. Then she said, “I told my husband about you. It’s over between us, Jamie. I’m staying with my beloved husband. Please leave my home, and please leave me alone!”

      Jamie could not believe his ears. Before he knew it, he became enraged and pushed past the man. He had his hands around Amy’s throat. It took all the servants to pull him off her.

      Jamie could have been court-marshalled for that incident, but because her husband was planning on running for a political office, Jamie wasn’t charged. It wouldn’t look good for a candidate to be embroiled in an incident with a US marine. Amy and her husband continued on with their life. Jamie, however, had a major setback. He had to be hospitalized. He was so angry and so hurt that he had a breakdown. He was under psychiatric care for months. The only thing that brought him back was his best friend, Cat, and his twin brother, Johnny. They wouldn’t give up on him. They visited him every day. Eventually, Jamie came out of it, but something had changed. He was bitter. He kept his heart guarded. Women would be for his use. They would never use him again.

      Chapter 10

      Jamie felt the best way to put some space between him and Stix was to tell her he had a girlfriend. So he called her and told her about Bambi. He told her that Bambi lived in New York and he was flying out to see her. Jamie didn’t mention that they had been going together for years. Although it wasn’t serious on Jamie’s part, Bambi expected that one day he would marry her. All Jamie really wanted to do with Bambi was to see her head bobbing up and down between his legs.

      Stix just listened, and without hesitation, she said, “That’s fine. I wouldn’t dream of interfering with your relationship with Bambi. I would just like to see you sometimes. It’s strictly a sexual thing.” And she meant that. Stix wasn’t looking for anything permanent. She liked sex, and Jamie was the perfect specimen for that. She had too much to do to get serious about anyone. She didn’t tell Jamie that, but he got the message. That blew Jamie’s mind. He didn’t get it. His fragile ego took center stage. He thought that he would be on Stix’s mind after the night they had together. He felt that he had satisfied her, and for her to treat him like a sex object really disturbed him.

      “I’m comfortable not being your number one,” Stix said.

      Jamie just couldn’t believe it. Well, if that’s how she wants to play it. Fine, he thought. He would use her for his bump-and-grind sex in Cleveland and have Bambi do her thing in New York. Damn, he thought. This could work out. Then Jamie said, “See you when I get back!”

      Jamie flew out to see Bambi. She was happy to see him as always. With her auburn hair and green eyes, Bambi used to be a very good-looking woman. The years had taken a toll on her. She had put on a few pounds. She was still a decent-looking woman. Jamie would take her out periodically. Jamie had her trained. As soon as they got back to her place, she immediately got on her knees and exhibited her oral skills. While she was down there, all Jamie could think about was Stix. Stix was so damn satisfying. Her cooch was so tight. With Bambi, it was like sticking a pencil in a manhole. Bambi was not nearly as tight. That’s why Jamie only gave her what she wanted when he was feeling generous. It took him a long time to get satisfied that way. Sometimes, he just gave up being satisfied by her front and just turned her over. At least her ass was tight. Bambi hated that because Jamie was huge. But if that was the only way she could keep him, she would just spread her butt cheeks and grit her teeth.

      That night, Jamie slipped into the bathroom to text Stix. “Just checking to see how you are doing,” he texted.

      Stix texted him back. “Out of respect for Bambi, I will not text or answer calls from you. You are with her. Give her your full attention.” Stix was serious about that. Jamie thought, Who the hell does she think she is? I need to put her in her place. Jamie tried to call Stix, and it went straight to voice mail. Who was this woman who seemed very satisfied in her own skin? Jamie went back to bed with Bambi, but he was fuming. He kept thinking about Stix. What kind of woman is not jealous of a man being with another woman? What’s up with her?

      Chapter 11

      Stix saw that Jamie had tried to call her. She didn’t pick up. She believed that if he was with Bambi, he should respect

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