Rise of French Laïcité. Stephen M. Davis

Rise of French Laïcité - Stephen M. Davis

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was adopted on August 26, 1789, and would soon be considered foundational for modern politics in France. These revolutionary actions ended the Concordat of Bologna from 1516 between King Francis I (1494–1547) and Pope Leo X (1475–1521), known especially for the sale of indulgences to embellish Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The adoption of this early Concordat had introduced a division between high clergy composed of courtesans and a lower clergy which was often poor and lacking in both status and possessions. This Concordat had recognized papal power over national councils where the king was accorded authority to name those to ecclesiastical positions—abbots, bishops, and archbishops.169

      Many have tried to capture the essence and the seismic importance of the French Revolution. Evangelical missiologist Paul Hiebert writes,

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