A Study in Sherlock. Raymond G. Farney

A Study in Sherlock - Raymond G. Farney

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thick and broad hasp, wrought in the image of a sitting Buddha.”“No wonder that it was heavy. The ironwork was two-thirds of an inch thick all round. It was massive, well made, and solid, like a chest constructed to carry things of great price.”

       Timeline:Five months Jonathan Small spent in the hospital recovering from losing his leg.Early July, when Small fought the rebels at Shahgunge.Twenty long years, Jonathan Small was in Andaman convict barracks.Eleven days Small and Tonga were at sea in the canoe before being picked up by a trader ship going from Singapore to Jiddah.Three or four years before, 1885 / 1884, Small and Tonga arrive in England.1877Major Sholto retires to Pondicherry Lodge, in Upper Norwood, bringing from India a considerable sum of money and a large collection of valuable curiosities.1878Captain Morstan is given a twelve-month leave, and comes to London, staying at the Langham Hotel.Arriving, he telegraphs his daughter, Mary, to come at once.December 3, 1878, when Mary Morstan is about seventeen, Captain Morstan disappears after just arriving in London.Night before Mary is to meet her father, he leaves the hotel and never returns.Next day, after receiving her father’s telegraph, Mary arrives at the hotel to discover her father had gone out the night before and never returned. She waits there all day for him.That night, on the advice of the hotel manager, Mary contacts the police.Next morning, Mary advertises in all the papers for information about her father.Four years later, 1882Early in 1882, Major Sholto receives a letter from India, which is a great shock to him.Mary begins as a governess for Mrs. Cecil Forrester.Toward the end of April, Thaddeus and Bartholomew are informed that their father, the major, is beyond all hope and wishes to make a last communication with them.April 28, 1882, Major Sholto dies.Morning after Major Sholto’s death, his sons find the window in their father’s room open; The room had been searched and affixed to his chest is a torn piece of paper with the words “The sign of four.”May 4, 1882, an advertisement appears in the Times asking the address of Miss Mary Morstan, stating that it would be to her advantage to come forward.Same day (within a week of Major Sholto’s death) Mary posts her address in the paper, she receives a small box containing a very large and lustrous pearl, and has every year since.1882 to 1888Six years Thaddeus and Bartholomew search Pondicherry Lodge for the Agra treasure.10 years later, 1888Morning, July 7, Mary Morstan receives letter postmarked London SW.10:00, the night before Bartholomew’s murder, Thaddeus was with him in his room at Pondicherry Lodge and helped him lower the treasure from its hiding place in the ceiling above his bedroom.September, 1st DayMary Morstan arrives at Baker St. seeking Sherlock Holmes’ advice. She tells her story and also just that morning, receives a letter saying: “Be at the third pillar from the left outside the Lyceum Theatre tonight at seven o’clock. If you’re distrustful bring two friends. You are a wronged woman and shall have justice. Do not bring police. If you do, it will be in vain. Your unknown friend.” Holmes agrees that he and Watson will accompany her, and will leave together from Baker Street at six o’clock.3:00 p.m., Holmes bids Miss Morstan Au revoir, and she leaves. Holmes goes out; he has a few references to make.5:30 p.m., Holmes returns to Baker St. in good spirits and with information about Major Sholto he feels is helpful. While they wait for Miss Morstan they pass the time discussing the case.A little past 6:00 p.m., Miss Morstan arrives. Holmes taking his revolver, and Watson his heaviest stick, they leave for the Lyceum Theatre appointment. Along the way Miss Morstan hands Holmes a curious paper she found in her father’s desk. He spends some time examining it.7:00 p.m., At the Lyceum Theatre they are approached by a driver sent by Thaddeus Sholto who takes them to meet with Sholto. After meeting briefly, Thaddeus tells them they must leave for Norwood to see brother Bartholomew to demand to share the treasure. On the way Thaddeus tells them the whole story.10:00 p.m., Mrs. Bernstone, worried that Bartholomew isn’t responding to her knocking, peeps through the keyhole, seeing Bartholomew’s face as she has never seen before.11:00 p.m., Arriving at Pondicherry Lodge, they are greeted at the gate by McMurdo, Bartholomew’s porter. Before entering the house they hear the sounds of a very upset housekeeper, Mrs. Bernstone. She tells them she is worried, Bartholomew is not answering when she knocks at his door. Holmes and the others ascend the three flights of stairs to his room. Finding the door locked they break it down. Inside they discover Bartholomew dead and the treasure gone. Holmes sends Thaddeus for the police.Next half an hour, Holmes, while waiting for the police, examines the crime scene.Inspector Jones with a sergeant arrives, and he quickly analyzes the situation, mostly incorrectly. Jones arrests Thaddeus for the murder, McMurdo as an accessory, and most of the rest of the household: the gatekeeper, the housekeeper, and the Indian servant. Thaddeus becomes very upset. Holmes tells him not to worry, he will clear him. Holmes has Watson take Miss Morstan home to Mrs. Forrester’s, and then to see Sherman to pick up Toby the dog and return with him to Pondicherry Lodge. Holmes in the meantime will interview Mrs. Bernstone, the Indian servant, and continue the investigation.2nd Day2:00 a.m., Watson and Miss Morstan arrive at Mrs. Cecil Forrester’s home. She has been waiting up for Miss Morstan. From there Watson goes to Pinchin Lane, home of Toby and Sherman.3:00 a.m., Watson returns to Pondicherry Lodge with Toby. “It had just struck three on the Palace clock when I found myself back once more at Pondicherry Lodge.” He finds Holmes retracing the murderer’s steps out on the roof and then climbing down the rain pipe to the ground.Past 3:00 a.m. (Tuesday morning) Mordecai leaves with his oldest son Jim, Small, and Toga on Aurora.Early dawn. “The east had been gradually whitening, and we could now see some distance in the cold gray light.” “How sweet the morning air is!” Holmes and Watson leave Pondicherry Lodge with Toby following the scent of creosote left by the murderer, now about twenty-eight hours old, through the streets of London. Toby takes them eventually, after once following a wrong scent, to a wooden wharf at the water’s edge of Mordecai Smith’s house. Speaking with his wife they learn that her husband, oldest son, and two others had left on the river the morning before, and she has not heard from them since. Holmes and Watson leave for Baker St. and on the way Holmes dispatches a wire to Wiggins.Between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m., Holmes and Watson arrive at Baker St. over breakfast and while waiting for the Baker St. Irregulars to arrive, Watson reads the Standard newspaper’s account of the murder. Wiggins and the Irregulars arrive, receive their instructions from Holmes to search the river, both sides, for the Aurora and they leave. Holmes refers to his bookshelf to research information on the barefooted assailant. Watson sleeps on the couch, dreams of Miss Morstan, and Holmes plays his violin.Late in the afternoon, Watson awakes feeling refreshed to find Holmes has set aside the violin and is again deep in a book. Watson asks Holmes if there is any news. Only that Wiggins has just reported no sign of the Aurora, Holmes replies. Watson leaves for Camberwell to visit Miss Morstan, and along the way returns Toby to Pinchin Lane. Holmes remains at Baker St. on guard for any news.Evening, Watson returns to Baker St. to find Mrs. Hudson worried about Holmes’ health; he has been acting strange, constantly pacing the floor, talking and muttering to himself, she says.3rd DayBreakfast the next day. Watson tells Holmes, “You’re knocking yourself up, old man.” Holmes replies, “This infernal problem is consuming me.”The remainder of the day, there is no further news about the case.That evening, Watson walks over to Camberwell to report to Miss Morstan. Returning to Baker St., he finds Holmes dejected and morose, and he will work into the small hours of the morning on chemical analysis.Evening, Thaddeus Sholto and his housekeeper, Mrs. Bernstone, are released by the police.4th DayNext day, the inquest of the murder is held.Early morning, next day, Watson is woken by Holmes dressed as a sailor, saying that he is going “off down the river.” Holmes asks Watson to remain at Baker St. to wait for any news, if there is any, act on his own judgment.Breakfast, Watson reads in the Standard newspaper about the release from police custody of Thaddeus Sholto and his housekeeper, Mrs. Bernstone.12:00 p.m. Holmes sends Jones a telegram from Poplar asking him to go to Baker St. at once.3:00 p.m. Athelney Jones arrives at Baker St. in answer to Holmes’ telegram. He sits with Watson waiting for Holmes to return. Holmes arrives; they have dinner and a relaxed conversation.6:30 p.m., Holmes, Watson, taking his revolver, and Jones leave Baker St. in a cab for Westminster wharf to meet the police launch.7:00 p.m., Holmes, Watson, and Jones leave on the police launch for Jacobson’s Yard.8:00 p.m. sharp, when Smith told the foreman at Jacobson’s Yard to have Aurora ready.It is twilight when the police launch reaches the Tower of London across the river from Jacobson’s Yard, to wait for Small in Aurora. After “a wild chase down the Thames,” Tonga is killed, Small captured, and the treasure chest is recovered. All leave for Baker St. On the way Watson and an inspector are dropped off at Vauxhall to bring the treasure to Miss Morstan and tell her of what has happened.At

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