Sin. Sharron Burnett

Sin - Sharron Burnett

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      “Me too.”

      The journey continued with a companionable silence. They arrived at the stadium with only minutes to spare.

      An enormous security guard stood just inside the entrance, directing cars of all size, age and worth.

      “Last chance to turn back?” Rebekah questioned.

      “Okay,” she said tightly as she fished the tickets out of her purse with unsteady hands. She offered one to Rebekah, pocketing the other along with some cash and her id.

      “I’m proud of you,” Rebekah said brightly, a smile transforming her face.

      She was cute with her upturned nose and squinty smile.

      “Our first concert.” She sighed. “Let’s go before you change your mind.”

      She jumped out of car, lighting up a much-anticipated cigarette.

      “It’s this way,” she said when Maggie stood beside her.

      They joined a long line of people walking slowly toward the arena’s grand entrance. Security was checking each person as they reached the main gate searching them.

      “Shit,” Maggie muttered, slowing.

      “It’ll be painless, trust me.” Rebekah dimpled reaching out to clasp her wrist with a steely grip.

      They were next.

      Rebekah walked to the security guard, arms outstretched, allowing the invasion with a disinterested grunt.

      He turned to Maggie, closed his eyes for a moment then motioned her through with a curt wave.

      Maggie’s feet barely touched the ground, bodies surrounded her on all sides, squeezing her until it seemed her next breath might be her last.

      “Oh my god.”

      “You’ll not find him here.” A voice whispered close to her ear. She turned, seeing the shadow of a smile cross the face of a long-haired goth with colorless eyes.

      “Back off there, buddy.” Rebekah cautioned brightly before dragging Maggie through another particularly dense inlet of bodies, slowing only when they were free from the heaviest foot traffic.

      “Damn, Mage, this place is a gang bang waiting to happen.”

      “What!” The whole experience of flesh on flesh touching her flesh was so alien to her, she looked about ready to revolt.

      “Hello, ladies.” A young man slid up between them. His bare chest glistening with the late afternoon heat.

      “I’ve got E,” he cooed, showing off a perfectly dazzling smile, between his teeth, a round brick colored tablet.

      “Re-hilly,” Rebekah purred, pulling his mouth into her questing lips.

      Maggie turned away; her eyes encountering an area where a copious amount of people were engaging in various sexual acts.

      Maggie groaned, averting her eyes again. She was becoming increasingly more aware of how out of place she was.

      Rebekah cracked him none too gently across the face. Smiled brightly before patting him on the butt.

      “Off with you now.”

      She turned her back on him walking toward Maggie as she opened the water bottle, throwing back her head as it reached her lips.

      “Want one?” she offered.

      “Better not,” Maggie mumbled a giggle close to erupting from her throat.

      “Probably a good thing,” Rebekah said absently.

      “I gotta find a place to squat.” Rebekah groaned looking up.

      The sun was setting; the sky ablaze with color.

      “Holy shit that’s purty.” She sighed.

      “It’ll be another half hour before it’s completely dark. Your vampire won’t show himself before then.”

      The stage was covered with a large screen, old horror movie clips rolled, giving them something to look at.

      They were in the grassy area, the stoner section, if her nose was on the right track. Too far away to see him but just knowing that they shared the same space at this time would be good enough, almost.

      “I wish we could see him,” Maggie said, watching the screen intently. “They are going to project him on that, right?”

      “Most likely.” She danced. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.” Rebekah groaned, jetting off in the next instant.

      Maggie froze, suddenly alone. She sat down cross legged in the grass, finding a benign interest in the flowering weeds that grew there in abundance. Their long stems were ideal for tying.

      She had a long chain of the perfect little flowers by time the sun set over the curtained stage.

      “Awe man, I didn’t think I was going to make it.” Rebekah knelt beside her.

      “Sweet and just in time.”

      Maggie smiled, lifting the flowering hair band with a shy smile. She stood up placing it on Rebekah’s head as carefully as if were the queen’s crown.

      A hush swept over the crowd as the music began to pound out a familiar rhythm. A delicious pain tightened inside of Maggie’s chest as she watched the screen melt away just as the sun disappeared completely behind the horizon.

      The band members were visible only as shadows among a vivid kaleidoscope of colors. The strains of the instruments were pure, secretive as the chaotic beat of the drums illuminated the darkness.

      He appeared then; his long black hair hanging well past his shoulders. He was bare to the waist; his body sculpted, starkly white in the dim lighting. She smiled, hearing the roar of the crowd over her own heartbeat.

      Dig your grave

      cold and deep

      burn out your soul

      then try to sleep

      pray to the dead

      for your soul to reap.

      He bent over in a crouched position, the maniacal music sending out a harsh intensity.

      Your words mean nothing

      There’s no need to repent

      When this life is over

      the legacy’s spent

      “Come on,” Rebekah said, taking hold of Maggie’s hand, pulling her through the straining crowd, closer to the front of the stage.

      Breeding jealousy and malcontent

      He’s twisted sadistic



      Maggie saw him clearly now. His nose was large and hooked, hinting at a Native American heritage.

      The music changed tempo. The slow hesitant reverberations of the bass guitar sending a wild flutter deep into her suddenly shortened breath.

      A soft breeze lifted his hair, turning it a deep purple as the stage lighting dimmed. He was well defined; his hips and pelvic muscles exposed above what could only be a loin cloth.

      He stepped out, scanning the sea of faces before him, seeming to stop as they rested on her. She looked away, feeling a rush of heat. The lights dimmed to black. She felt his voice move through her like a current. She began to move her hips in a graceful dance.

      “You all right?” Rebekah grimaced.

      “You’re not going to—”

      Maggie grinned. Her eyes dancing with a familiar light. She smiled sweetly, motioning back to the stage before sprinting off into the crowd.


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