The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology. Группа авторов
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13 Cockerham, William C., Joseph D. Wolfe, and Shawn Bauldry. 2020. “Health Lifestyles in Late Middle Age.” Research on Aging 42(1): 34–46. 10.1177/0164027519884760.
14 Collins, Randall. 1979. The Credential Society: An Historical Sociology of Education and Stratification. New York: Academic Press.
15 Collins, Randall. 1981. “On the Microfoundations of Macrosociology.” American Journal of Sociology 86(5): 984–1014. 10.2307/2778745.
16 Collins, Randall. 1989. “Sociology: Proscience or Antiscience?” American Sociological Review 54(1): 124–39.
17 Cotti, Chad, Richard A. Dunn, and Nathan Tefft. 2015. “The Dow Is Killing Me: Risky Health Behaviors and the Stock Market.” Health Econ 24(7): 803–21. 10.1002/hec.3062.
18 Couper, Mick P. 2017. “New Developments in Survey Data Collection.” Annual Review of Sociology 34: 121–45. 10.1146/annurev-soc-.
19 Courtin, Emilie, Vahe Nafilyan, Mauricio Avendano, Pierre Meneton, Lisa F. Berkman, Marcel Goldberg, Marie Zins, and Jennifer B. Dowd. 2019. “Longer Schooling but Not Better Off? A Quasi-Experimental Study of the Effect of Compulsory Schooling on Biomarkers in France.” Social Science & Medicine 220: 379–86. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.11.033.
20 Fine, Gary Alan. 1991. “On the Macrofoundations of Microsociology: Constraint and the Exterior Reality of Structure.” The Sociological Quarterly 32(2): 161–77. 10.2307/4120955.
21 Fine, Gary Alan and Black Hawk Hancock. 2017. “The New Ethnographer at Work.” Qualitative Research 17(2): 260–8.
22 Firebaugh, Glenn. 2008. Seven Rules for Social Research. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
23 Frankenberg, Elizabeth, Jenna Nobles, and Cecep Sumantri. 2012. “Community Destruction and Traumatic Stress in Post-Tsunami Indonesia.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 53(4): 498–514.
24 Freese, Jeremy. 2007. “Replication Standards for Quantitative Social Science Why Not Sociology?” Sociological Methods & Research 36(2): 153–72.
25 Gelman, Andrew and Jennifer Hill. 2007. Data Analysis Using Regression and Multilevel hierarchical Models, Vol. 1. New York: Cambridge University Press.
26 Gross, Neil. 2009. “A Pragmatist Theory of Social Mechanisms.” American Sociological Review 74(3): 358–79.
27 Hallgren, Emily, Theresa A. Hastert, Leslie R. Carnahan, Jan M. Eberth, Scherezade K. Mama, Karriem S. Watson, and Yamilé Molina. 2020. “Cancer-Related Debt and Mental-Health-Related Quality of Life among Rural Cancer Survivors: Do Family/Friend Informal Caregiver Networks Moderate the Relationship?” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 61(1): 113–30.
28 Herd, Pamela. 2010. “Education and Health in Late-Life among High School Graduates: Cognitive Versus Psychological Aspects of Human Capital.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 51: 478–97.
29 Hsieh, Hsiu-Fang and Sarah E Shannon. 2005. “Three Approaches to Qualitative Content Analysis.” Qualitative Health Research 15(9): 1277–88.
30 Hummer, Robert A. and Joseph T. Lariscy. 2011. “Educational Attainment and Adult Mortality.” Pp. 241–61 in International Handbook of Adult Mortality, International Handbooks of Population 2, edited by R. G. Rogers and E. M. Crimmins. New York: Springer Science + Business Media.
31 Jenkins, Tania M. 2018. “Dual Autonomies, Divergent Approaches: How Stratification in Medical Education Shapes Approaches to Patient Care.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 59(2): 268–82.
32 Kalbfleisch, John D. and Ross L. Prentice. 2011. The Statistical Analysis of Failure Time Data. New York: Wiley.
33 Klawiter, Maren. 2004. “Breast Cancer in Two Regimes: The Impact of Social Movements on Illness Experience.” Sociology of Health & Illness 26(6): 845–74. 10.1111/j.1467-9566.2004.421_1.x.
34 Krueger, Richard A. 2014. Focus Groups: A Practical Guide for Applied Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
35 Lieberson, Stanley. 1985. Making It Count: The Improvement of Social Research and Theory. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
36 Lieberson, Stanley and Joel Horwich. 2008. “Implication Analysis: A Pragmatic Proposal for Linking Theory and Data in the Social Sciences.” Sociological Methodology 38(1): 1–50.
37 Link, Bruce G. 2002. “The Challenge of the Dependent Variable.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 43(2): 247–53.
38 Link, Bruce G. and Jo Phelan. 1995. “Social Conditions as Fundamental Causes of Disease.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35(Extra Issue): 80–94.
39 Long, J Scott. 1997. Regression Models for Categorical and Limited Dependent Variables. London: Sage.
40 Long, J. Scott. 2009. The Workflow of Data Analysis Using Stata. College Station, TX: Stata Press.
41 Luftey, Karen and Jeremy Freese. 2005. “Toward Some Fundamentals of Fundamental Causality: Socioeconomic Status and Health in the Routine Clinic Visit for Diabetes.” American Journal of Sociology 110(5): 1326–72. 10.1086/428914.
42 Masters, Ryan K., Bruce G. Link, and Jo C. Phelan. 2015. “Trends in Education Gradients of ‘Preventable’ Mortality: A Test of Fundamental Cause Theory.” Social Science & Medicine 127: 19–28. 10.1016/j.socscimed.2014.10.023.
43 McAlpine, Donna D., Ellen McCreedy, and Sirry Alang. 2018. “The Meaning and Predictive Value of Self-Rated Mental Health among Persons with a Mental Health Problem.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 59(2): 200–14.
44 Mirowsky, John and Catherine E. Ross. 1998. “Education, Personal Control, Lifestyle and Health: A Human Capital Hypothesis.” Research on Aging 20: 415–49.
45 Montez, Jennifer Karas, Robert A. Hummer, and Mark D. Hayward. 2012. “Educational Attainment and Adult Mortality in the United States: A Systematic Analysis of Functional Form.” Demography 49: 315–36.
46 Morgan, Stephen L, and Christopher Winship. 2015. Counterfactuals and Causal Inference: Methods and Principles for Social Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
47 Payton, Andrew R. 2009. “Mental Health, Mental Illness, and Psychological Distress: Same Continuum or Distinct Phenomena?” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 50(2): 213–27. 10.1177/002214650905000207.
48 Pearl, Judea. 2009. Causality. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
49 Perreira, Krista M, Natalia Deeb-Sossa, Kathleen Mullan Harris, and Kenneth Bollen. 2005. “What Are We Measuring? An Evaluation of the Ces-D across Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Generation.” Social Forces 83(4): 1567–601.
50 Phelan, Jo C and Bruce G Link. 2015. “Is Racism a Fundamental Cause of Inequalities in Health?” Annual Review of Sociology 41(1): 311–30. 10.1146/annurev-soc-073014-112305.
51 Radloff,