The Odyssey of Homer. Homer
side by side Reposed, they took their amorous delight. But when Aurora, daughter of the dawn, Look’d rosy forth, Ulysses then in haste Put on his vest and mantle, and, the nymph Her snowy vesture of transparent woof, Graceful, redundant; to her waist she bound Her golden zone, and veil’d her beauteous head, Then, musing, plann’d the noble Chief’s return. She gave him, fitted to the grasp, an ax 280 Of iron, pond’rous, double-edg’d, with haft Of olive-wood, inserted firm, and wrought With curious art. Then, placing in his hand A polish’d adze, she led, herself, the way To her isles’ utmost verge, where tallest trees But dry long since and sapless stood, which best Might serve his purposes, as buoyant most, The alder, poplar, and cloud-piercing fir. To that tall grove she led and left him there, Seeking her grot again. Then slept not He, 290 But, swinging with both hands the ax, his task Soon finish’d; trees full twenty to the ground He cast, which, dext’rous, with his adze he smooth’d, The knotted surface chipping by a line. Meantime the lovely Goddess to his aid Sharp augres brought, with which he bored the beams, Then, side by side placing them, fitted each To other, and with long cramps join’d them all. Broad as an artist, skill’d in naval works, The bottom of a ship of burthen spreads, 300 Such breadth Ulysses to his raft assign’d. He deck’d her over with long planks, upborne On massy beams; He made the mast, to which He added suitable the yard;—he framed Rudder and helm to regulate her course, With wicker-work he border’d all her length For safety, and much ballast stow’d within. Meantime, Calypso brought him for a sail Fittest materials, which he also shaped, And to his sail due furniture annex’d 310 Of cordage strong, foot-ropes, and ropes aloft, Then heav’d her down with levers to the Deep. He finish’d all his work on the fourth day, And on the fifth, Calypso, nymph divine, Dismiss’d him from her isle, but laved him first, And cloath’d him in sweet-scented garments new. Two skins the Goddess also placed on board, One charg’d with crimson wine, and ampler one With water, nor a bag with food replete Forgot, nutritious, grateful to the taste, 320 Nor yet, her latest gift, a gentle gale And manageable, which Ulysses spread, Exulting, all his canvas to receive. Beside the helm he sat, steering expert, Nor sleep fell ever on his eyes that watch’d Intent the Pleiads, tardy in decline Bootes, and the Bear, call’d else the Wain, Which, in his polar prison circling, looks Direct toward Orion, and alone Of these sinks never to the briny Deep. 330 That star the lovely Goddess bade him hold Continual on his left through all his course. Ten days and sev’n, he, navigating, cleav’d The brine, and on the eighteenth day, at length, The shadowy mountains of Phæacia’s land Descried, where nearest to his course it lay Like a broad buckler on the waves afloat. But Neptune, now returning from the land Of Ethiopia, mark’d him on his raft Skimming the billows, from the mountain-tops 340 Of distant Solyma.21 With tenfold wrath Inflamed that sight he view’d, his brows he shook, And thus within himself, indignant, spake. So then—new counsels in the skies, it seems, Propitious to Ulysses, have prevail’d Since Æthiopia hath been my abode. He sees Phæacia nigh, where he must leap The bound’ry of his woes; but ere that hour Arrive, I will ensure him many a groan. So saying, he grasp’d his trident, gather’d dense 350 The clouds and troubled ocean; ev’ry storm From ev’ry point he summon’d, earth and sea Darkening, and the night fell black from heav’n. The East, the South, the heavy-blowing West, And the cold North-wind clear, assail’d at once His raft, and heaved on high the billowy flood. All hope, all courage, in that moment, lost, The Hero thus within himself complain’d. Wretch that I am, what destiny at last Attends me! much I fear the Goddess’ words 360 All true, which threaten’d me with num’rous ills On the wide sea, ere I should reach my home. Behold them all fulfill’d! with what a storm Jove hangs the heav’ns, and agitates the Deep! The winds combined beat on me. Now I sink! Thrice blest, and more than thrice, Achaia’s sons At Ilium slain for the Atridæ’ sake! Ah, would to heav’n that, dying, I had felt That day the stroke of fate, when me the dead Achilles guarding, with a thousand spears 370 Troy’s furious host assail’d! Funereal rites I then had shared, and praise from ev’ry Greek, Whom now the most inglorious death awaits. While thus he spake, a billow on his head Bursting impetuous, whirl’d the raft around, And, dashing from his grasp the helm, himself Plunged far remote. Then came a sudden gust Of mingling winds, that in the middle snapp’d His mast, and, hurried o’er the waves afar, Both sail and sail-yard fell into the flood. 380 Long time submerged he lay, nor could with ease The violence of that dread shock surmount, Or rise to air again, so burthensome His drench’d apparel proved; but, at the last, He rose, and, rising, sputter’d from his lips The brine that trickled copious from his brows. Nor, harass’d as he was, resign’d he yet His raft, but buffetting the waves aside With desp’rate efforts, seized it, and again Fast seated on the middle deck, escaped. 390 Then roll’d the raft at random in the flood, Wallowing unwieldy, toss’d from wave to wave. As when in autumn, Boreas o’er the plain Conglomerated thorns before him drives, They, tangled, to each other close adhere, So her the winds drove wild about the Deep. By turns the South consign’d her to be sport For the rude North-wind, and, by turns, the East Yielded her to the worrying West a prey. But Cadmus’ beauteous daughter (Ino once, 400 Now named Leucothea) saw him; mortal erst Was she, and trod the earth,22 but nymph become Of Ocean since, in honours shares divine. She mark’d his anguish, and, while toss’d he roam’d, Pitied Ulysses; from the flood, in form A cormorant, she flew, and on the raft Close-corded perching, thus the Chief address’d. Alas! unhappy! how hast thou incensed So terribly the Shaker of the shores, That he pursues thee with such num’rous ills? 410 Sink thee he cannot, wish it as he may. Thus do (for I account thee not unwise) Thy garments putting off, let drive thy raft As the winds will, then, swimming, strive to reach Phæacia, where thy doom is to escape. Take this. This ribbon bind beneath thy breast, Celestial texture. Thenceforth ev’ry fear Of death dismiss, and, laying once thy hands On the firm continent, unbind the zone, Which thou shalt cast far distant from the shore 420 Into the Deep, turning thy face away. So saying, the Goddess gave into his hand The wond’rous zone, and, cormorant in form, Plunging herself into the waves again Headlong, was hidden by the closing flood. But still Ulysses sat perplex’d, and thus The toil-enduring Hero reason’d sad. Alas! I tremble lest some God design T’ ensnare me yet, bidding me quit the raft. But let me well beware how I obey 430 Too soon that precept, for I saw the land Of my foretold deliv’rance far remote. Thus, therefore, will I do, for such appears My wiser course. So long as yet the planks Mutual adhere, continuing on board My raft, I will endure whatever woes, But when the waves shall shatter it, I will swim, My sole resource then left. While thus he mused, Neptune a billow of enormous bulk Hollow’d into an overwhelming arch 440 On high up-heaving, smote him. As the wind Tempestuous, falling on some stubble-heap, The arid straws dissipates ev’ry way, So flew the timbers. He, a single beam Bestriding, oar’d it onward with his feet, As he had urged an horse. His raiment, then, Gift of Calypso, putting off, he bound His girdle on, and prone into the sea With wide-spread palms prepar’d for swimming, fell. Shore-shaker Neptune noted him; he shook 450 His awful brows, and in his heart he said, Thus, suff’ring many mis’ries roam the flood, Till thou shalt mingle with a race of men Heav’n’s special favourites; yet even there Fear not that thou shalt feel thy sorrows light. He said, and scourging his bright steeds, arrived At Ægæ, where his glorious palace stands. But other thoughts Minerva’s mind employ’d Jove’s daughter; ev’ry wind binding beside, She lull’d them, and enjoin’d them all to sleep, 460 But roused swift Boreas, and the billows broke Before Ulysses, that, deliver’d safe From a dire death, the noble Chief might mix With maritime Phæacia’s sons renown’d. Two nights he wander’d, and two days, the flood Tempestuous, death expecting ev’ry hour; But when Aurora, radiant-hair’d, had brought The third day to a close, then ceas’d the wind, And breathless came a calm; he, nigh at hand The shore beheld, darting acute his sight 470 Toward it, from a billow’s tow’ring top. Precious as to his children seems the life Of some fond father through disease long time And pain stretch’d languid on his couch, the prey Of some vindictive Pow’r, but now, at last, By gracious heav’n to ease and health restored, So grateful to Ulysses’ sight appear’d Forests and hills. Impatient with his feet To press the shore, he swam; but when within Such distance as a shout may fly, he came, 480 The thunder of the