The Greatest Works of Herman Melville - 27 Novels & Short Stories; With 140+ Poems & Essays. Herman Melville
href="#ulink_ac6d9b4f-3f90-5404-874e-0797cb66c422">Chapter 1. My Reception Aboard
Chapter 2. Some Account of the Ship
Chapter 3. Further Account of the Julia
Chapter 4. A Scene in the Forecastle
Chapter 5. What happened at Hytyhoo
Chapter 6. We touch at La Dominica
Chapter 7. What happened at Hannamanoo
Chapter 8. The Tattooers of La Dominica
Chapter 9. We steer to the Westward—State of Affairs
Chapter 10. A Sea-Parlour described, with some of its Tenants
Chapter 11. Doctor Long Ghost a Wag—One of his Capers
Chapter 12. Death and Burial of two of the Crew
Chapter 13. Our Destination changed
Chapter 16. We encounter a Gale
Chapter 19. A Surprise—More about Bembo
Chapter 20. The Round Robin—Visitors from Shore
Chapter 21. Proceedings of the Consul
Chapter 22. The Consul's Departure
Chapter 23. The Second Night of Papeetee
Chapter 24. Outbreak of the Crew
Chapter 25. Jermin encounters an Old Shipmate
Chapter 26. We enter the Harbour—Jim the Pilot
Chapter 27. A Glance at Papeetee—We are sent aboard the Frigate
Chapter 28. Reception from the Frenchman
Chapter 30. They take us Ashore—What happened there
Chapter 31. The Calabooza Beretanee
Chapter 32. Proceedings of the French at Tahiti
Chapter 33. We receive Calls at the Hotel de Calabooza
Chapter 34. Life at the Calabooza
Chapter 35. Visit from an Old Acquaintance
Chapter 36. We are carried before the Consul and Captain
Chapter 37. The French Priests pay their Respects
Chapter 38. Little Julia sails without us
Chapter 39. Jermin serves us a Good Turn—Friendships in Polynesia
Chapter 40. We take unto ourselves Friends
Chapter 41. We levy Contributions on the Shipping
Chapter 42. Motoo-Otoo—A Tahitian Casuist
Chapter 43. One is Judged by the Company he keeps
Chapter 44. Cathedral of Papoar—The Church of the Cocoa-Nuts
Chapter 45. Missionary's Sermon; with some Reflections
Chapter 46. Something about the Kannakippers
Chapter 47. How they dress in Tahiti
Chapter 49. Same Subject continued
Chapter 50. Something happens to Long Ghost
Chapter 51. Wilson gives us the Cut—Departure for Imeeo
Chapter 52. The Valley of Martair