The Southerner. Jr. Thomas Dixon

The Southerner - Jr. Thomas Dixon

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growl and clash of tooth and claw! Again the hunter's gnarled hands flew over his head.

      "Yaaaiih! Yaaaaiiih! Yaaiih! Yaaaaiiiihhh!!"

      On the shore Dennis stood first over one group of swirling, rolling, snarling brutes, and then over the other, yelling and cheering.

      The coon on the island suddenly broke his assailant's death-like grip, and, with a quick leap, reached the water. Boney was on him in a moment and down they went beneath the surface again.

      The Boy sprang to the rescue.

      His father brushed him roughly aside:

      "Keep out! I'll git 'em!"

      Three times the coon made the dash for deep water and three times Tom carried both dog and coon back to the little island yelling his battle cry anew.

      The smooth stones began to show red. Fur and dog hair flew in little tufts and struck the ground, sometimes with the flat splash of red flesh.

      The Boy frowned and his lips quivered. At last he could hold in no longer. Through chattering teeth he moaned:

      "He'll kill Boney, Pa!"

      "Let him alone!" was the sharp command. "I never see sich a dog in my life. He'll kill that coon by hisself, I tell ye!"

      Again his enemy broke Boney's grim hold on his throat, sprang back four feet and, to the dog's surprise, made no effort to reach the water. Instead he stood straight and quivering on his hind legs and faced his enemy, his white needle-like fangs gleaming in two rows and his savage fore-claws opening and closing with deadly threat.

      The old warrior, taken completely by surprise by this new stratagem of his foe, circled in a vain effort to reach the flank or rear. Each turn only brought them again face to face, and at last he plunged straight on the centre line of attack. With a quick side leap the coon struck the dog's head a blow with his claw that split his ear for three inches as cleanly and evenly as if a surgeon's knife had been used.

      With a low growl of rage and pain, Boney wheeled and repeated his assault with the same results for the other ear. He turned in silence and deliberately crept toward his foe. There would be no chance for a side blow. He wouldn't plunge or spring. He might get another bloody gash, but he wouldn't miss again.

      This time he found the body, they closed and rolled over and over in close blood-stained grip. For the first time Tom's face showed doubts, and he called to Dennis:

      "Choke off two dogs from that fust coon an' throw 'em in here!"

      They came in a moment and clinched with Boney's enemy. The charge of two new troopers drove the coon to desperation. The sharp claws flew like lightning. The new dogs ran back into the water with howls of pain and scrambled up the bank to their old job.

      Boney paid no attention either to the unexpected assault of his friends or their ignoble desertion. Every ounce of his dog-manhood was up now. It was a battle to the death and he had no wish to live if he couldn't whip any coon that ever made a track in his path.

      The Boy's pride was roused now and the fighting instinct that slumbers in every human soul flashed through his excited eyes. He drew near and watched with increasing excitement and joined with his father at last in shouts and cheers.

      "Did ye ever see such a dog!" he cried through his tears.

      "He beats creation!" was the admiring answer.

      The Boy bent low over the squirming pair and his voice was in perfect tune with his dog's low growl:

      "Eat him up, Bone! Eat him alive!"

      "Don't touch 'em!" Tom warned. "Let 'im have a fair fight—ef he don't kill that coon I'll eat 'im raw, hide an' hair!"

      Boney had succeeded at last in fastening his teeth in a firm grip on the coon's throat. He held it without a cry of pain while the claws ripped his ears and gashed his head. Deeper and deeper sank his teeth until at last the razor claws that were cutting relaxed slowly and the long lean body with its beautiful fur lay full length on the red-marked stones.

      The dog loosed his hold instantly. His work was done. He scorned to strike a fallen foe. He started to the water's edge to quench his thirst and staggered in a circle. The blood had blinded him.

      The Boy sprang to his side, lifted him tenderly in his arms, carried him to the water and bathed his eyes and head.

      "He's cut all to pieces!" he sobbed at last. "He'll die—I just know it!"

      "Na!" his father answered scornfully. "Be all right in two or three days."

      The Boy went back and looked at the slim body of the dead coon with wonder.

      "Why did this one fight so much harder than the ones on the bank?" he asked thoughtfully.

      "'Cause she's their mother," Tom said casually, "an' them's her two children."

      Something hurt deep down in the Boy's soul as he looked at the graceful nose and the red-stained fur at her throat. He saw his mother's straight neck and head outlined again against the starlit sky the night she stood before him rifle in hand and shot at that midnight prowler.

      His mouth closed firmly and he spoke with bitter decision:

      "I don't like coon hunting. I'm not coming any more."

      "Good Lord, Boy, we got ter have skins h'ain't we?" was the hearty answer.

      "I reckon so," he sorrowfully admitted. But all the way home he walked in brooding silence.

       Table of Contents

      The following winter brought the event for which the mother had planned and about which she had dreamed since her boy was born—a school!

      The men gathered on the appointed day, cut the logs and split the boards for the house. Another day and it was raised and the roof in place.

      Tom volunteered to make the teacher's table and chair and benches for the scholars. He had the best set of tools in the county and he wished to do it because he knew it would please his wife. There was no money in it but his life was swiftly passing in that sort of work. He was too big-hearted and generous to complain. Besides the world in which he lived—the world of field and wood, of dog and gun, of game and the open road was too beautiful and interesting to complain about it. He was glad to be alive and tried to make his neighbors think as he did about it.

      When the great day dawned the young mother eagerly prepared breakfast for her children. She wouldn't allow Sarah to help this morning. It must be a perfect day in her life. She washed the Boy's face and hands with scrupulous care when the breakfast things were cleared away, and her grey eyes were shining with a joy he had never seen before. He caught her excitement and the spirit of it took possession of his imagination.

      "What'll school be like, Ma?" he asked in a tense whisper.

      "Oh, this one won't be very exciting; maybe in a little room built of logs. But it's the beginning, Boy, of greater things. Just spelling, reading, writing and arithmetic now—but you're starting on the way that leads out of these silent, lonely woods into the big world where great men fight and make history. Your father has never known this way. He's good and kind and gentle and generous, but he's just a child, because he doesn't know. You're going to be a man among men for your mother's sake, aren't you?"

      She seized his arms and gripped them in her eagerness until he felt the pain.

      "Won't you, Boy?" she repeated tensely.

      He looked up steadily and then slowly said:

      "Yes, I will."

      She clasped him impulsively in her arms and hurried from the cabin leading the children by the hand. The Boy could feel her slender fingers trembling.


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