Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works. Kalidasa

Translations of Shakuntala and Other Works - Kalidasa

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whole truth.

      Shakuntala (excitedly). Oh, oh! A bee has left the jasmine-vine and is flying into my face. (She shows herself annoyed by the bee.)

      King (ardently).

      As the bee about her flies,

       Swiftly her bewitching eyes

       Turn to watch his flight.

       She is practising to-day

       Coquetry and glances' play

       Not from love, but fright.


      Eager bee, you lightly skim

       O'er the eyelid's trembling rim

       Toward the cheek aquiver.

       Gently buzzing round her cheek,

       Whispering in her ear, you seek

       Secrets to deliver.

      While her hands that way and this

       Strike at you, you steal a kiss,

       Love's all, honeymaker.

       I know nothing but her name,

       Not her caste, nor whence she came—

       You, my rival, take her.

      Shakuntala. Oh, girls! Save me from this dreadful bee!

      The two friends (smiling). Who are we, that we should save you? Call upon Dushyanta. For pious groves are in the protection of the king.

      King. A good opportunity to present myself. Have no—(He checks himself. Aside.) No, they would see that I am the king. I prefer to appear as a guest.

      Shakuntala. He doesn't leave me alone! I am going to run away. (She takes a step and looks about.) Oh, dear! Oh, dear! He is following me. Please save me.

      King (hastening forward). Ah!

      A king of Puru's mighty line

       Chastises shameless churls;

       What insolent is he who baits

       These artless hermit-girls?

      (The girls are a little flurried on seeing the king.)

      Anusuya. It is nothing very dreadful, sir. But our friend (indicating SHAKUNTALA) was teased and frightened by a bee.

      King (to SHAKUNTALA). I hope these pious days are happy ones. (SHAKUNTALA's eyes drop in embarrassment.)

      Anusuya. Yes, now that we receive such a distinguished guest.

      Priyamvada. Welcome, sir. Go to the cottage, Shakuntala, and bring fruit. This water will do to wash the feet.

      King. Your courteous words are enough to make me feel at home.

      Anusuya. Then, sir, pray sit down and rest on this shady bench.

      King. You, too, are surely wearied by your pious task. Pray be seated a moment.

      Priyamvada (aside to SHAKUNTALA). My dear, we must be polite to our guest. Shall we sit down? (The three girls sit.)

      Shakuntala (to herself). Oh, why do I have such feelings when I see this man? They seem wrong in a hermitage.

      King (looking at the girls). It is delightful to see your friendship. For you are all young and beautiful.

      Priyamvada (aside to ANUSUYA). Who is he, dear? With his mystery, and his dignity, and his courtesy? He acts like a king and a gentleman.

      Anusuya. I am curious too. I am going to ask him. (Aloud.) Sir, you are so very courteous that I make bold to ask you something. What royal family do you adorn, sir? What country is grieving at your absence? Why does a gentleman so delicately bred submit to the weary journey into our pious grove?

      Shakuntala (aside). Be brave, my heart. Anusuya speaks your very thoughts.

      King (aside). Shall I tell at once who I am, or conceal it? (He reflects.) This will do. (Aloud.) I am a student of Scripture. It is my duty to see justice done in the cities of the king. And I have come to this hermitage on a tour of inspection.

      Anusuya. Then we of the hermitage have some one to take care of us. (SHAKUNTALA shows embarrassment.)

      The two friends (observing the demeanour of the pair. Aside to SHAKUNTALA). Oh, Shakuntala! If only Father were here to-day.

      Shakuntala. What would he do?

      The two friends. He would make our distinguished guest happy, if it took his most precious treasure.

      Shakuntala (feigning anger). Go away! You mean something. I'll not listen to you.

      King. I too would like to ask a question about your friend.

      The two friends. Sir, your request is a favour to us.

      King. Father Kanva lives a lifelong hermit. Yet you say that your friend is his daughter. How can that be?

      Anusuya. Listen, sir. There is a majestic royal sage named Kaushika—

      King. Ah, yes. The famous Kaushika.

      Anusuya. Know, then, that he is the source of our friend's being. But Father Kanva is her real father, because he took care of her when she was abandoned.

      King. You waken my curiosity with the word "abandoned." May I hear the whole story?

      Anusuya. Listen, sir. Many years ago, that royal sage was leading a life of stern austerities, and the gods, becoming strangely jealous, sent the nymph Menaka to disturb his devotions.

      King. Yes, the gods feel this jealousy toward the austerities of others. And then—

      Anusuya. Then in the lovely spring-time he saw her intoxicating beauty—(She stops in embarrassment.)

      King. The rest is plain. Surely, she is the daughter of the nymph.

      Anusuya. Yes.

      King. It is as it should be.

      To beauty such as this

       No woman could give birth;

       The quivering lightning flash

       Is not a child of earth.

      (SHAKUNTALA hangs her head in confusion.) King (to himself). Ah, my wishes become hopes.

      Priyamvada (looking with a smile at SHAKUNTALA). Sir, it seems as if you had more to say. (SHAKUNTALA threatens her friend with her finger.)

      King. You are right. Your pious life interests me, and I have another question.

      Priyamvada. Do not hesitate. We hermit people stand ready to answer all demands.

      King. My question is this:

      Does she, till marriage only, keep her vow

       As hermit-maid, that shames the ways of love?

       Or must her soft eyes ever see, as now,

       Soft eyes of friendly deer in peaceful grove?

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