The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old. George Bethune English

The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old - George Bethune English

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       George Bethune English

      The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old

      Published by Good Press, 2019

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066242848



       CHAPTER I.

       CHAPTER II.


       CHAPTER IV.

       CHAPTER V.

       CHAPTER VI.



       CHAPTER IX.

       CHAPTER X.

       CHAPTER XI.




       CHAPTER XV.






       APPENDIX A.#

       APPENDIX B.

       APPENDIX C.

      Chapter I. Introductory—Showing that the Apostles and Authors of the New Testament endeavour to prove Christianity from the Old.

      Chapter II. Statement of the Question in Dispute.

      Chapter III. The Characteristics of the Messiah, as given by the Hebrew Prophets.

      Chapter IV. The character of Jesus tested by those characteristic marks of the messiah, given by the Prophets of the Old Testament.

      Chapter V. Examination of the arguments from the Old Testament adduced in the New, to prove that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah.

      Chapter VI. Examination of the meaning of the phrase this was done that it might be fulfilled.

      Chapter VII. Examination of the arguments alledged from the Hebrew Prophets, to prove that Jesus was the Messiah.

      Chapter VIII. Statement of Arguments which prove that Jesus was not the Messiah of the Old Testament.

      Chapter IX. On the character of Jesus of Nazareth, and the weight to be allowed to the argument of martyrdom, as a test of truth, in this question.

      Chapter X. Miscellaneous.

      Chapter XI. Whether the Mosaic Law be represented in the Old Testament as a temporary, or a perpetual institution.

      Chapter XII. On the character of Paul, and his manner of reasoning.

      Chapter XIII. Examination of some doctrines in the New testament, derived from the Cabbala, the Oriental philosophy, and the tenets of Zoroaster.

      Chapter XIV. A consideration of the gift of tongues, and other miraculous powers, ascribed to the Primitive Christians; and whether recorded miracles are infallible proofs of the Divine Authority of doctrines said to have been confirmed by them.

      Chapter XV. Application of the two tests, said in Deuteronomy to have been given by God as discriminating a true prophet from a false one, to the character and actions of Jesus.

      Chapter XVI. Examination of the evidence, external and internal, in favour of the credibility of the Gospel history.

      Chapter XVII. On the peculiar morality of the New Testament, as it affects nations and political societies.

      Chapter XIX. A consideration of some supposed advantages attributed to the New, over the Old, testament; and whether the doctrine of a Resurrection and a Life to Come, is not taught by the Old testament, in contradiction the assertion, that life and immorality were brought to light by the Gospel.




       Table of Contents

      The celebrated Dr. Price, in his valuable Observation on the Importance of the American Revolution, addressed to the people of the United States, observes that, It is a common opinion, that there are some doctrines so sacred, and others of so bad a tendency, that no public discussion of them ought to be allowed. Were this a right opinion, all the persecution that has ever been practised would be justified; for if it is a part of the duty of civil magistrates to prevent the discussion of such doctrines, they must, in doing this, act on their own judgments of the nature and tendency of doctrines; and, consequently, they must have a right to prevent the discussion of all doctrines which they think to be too sacred for discussion, or too dangerous in their tendency; and this right they must exercise in the only way in which civil power is capable of exercising it—'by inflicting penalties upon all who oppose sacred doctrines, or who maintain pernicious opinions.' In Mahometan, countries, therefore, magistrates would have a right to silence and punish all who oppose the divine mission of Mahomet, a doctrine there reckoned of the most sacred nature. The like is true of the doctrines of transubstantiation, worship of the Virgin Mary, &c. &c., in Popish countries; and of the doctrines of the Trinity, satisfaction, &c., in Protestant countries. All such laws are right, if the opinion I have mentioned is right. But, in reality, civil power has nothing to do in such matters, and civil

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