Book Wars. John B. Thompson

Book Wars - John B. Thompson

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migrate from higher-priced ebooks published by traditional publishers to much cheaper ebooks self-published through Kindle and through other self-publishing platforms. We’ll return to these questions in due course.

Consumer total(£ millions) Consumer ebook(£ millions) Ebook% Rate of growth
2008 1717 0.7 0
2009 1684 3.1 0 342.9
2010 1727 22.5 1.3 625.8
2011 1700 106.7 6.3 374.2
2012 1847 250 13.5 134.3
2013 1766 296 16.8 18.4
2014 1709 312 18.3 5.4
2015 1751 299 17.1 –4.2
2016 1872 276 14.7 –7.7
2017 1912 256 13.4 –7.2
2018 1910 251 13.1 –2
Source: Publishers Association
fig1-12a fig1-12b fig1-12c
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