Yellow Fairytales. Andrew Lang

Yellow Fairytales - Andrew Lang

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       Andrew Lang

      Yellow Fairytales

      48 Short Stories & Tales of Fantasy and Magic

      Published by


      - Advanced Digital Solutions & High-Quality eBook Formatting -

      2020 OK Publishing

      EAN 4064066394936


       The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership

       The Six Swans

       The Dragon of the North

       Story of the Emperor's New Clothes

       The Golden Crab

       The Iron Stove

       The Dragon and His Grandmother

       The Donkey Cabbage

       The Little Green Frog

       The Seven-Headed Serpent

       The Grateful Beasts

       The Giants and the Herd-Boy

       The Invisible Prince

       The Crow

       How Six Men Travelled Through the Wide World

       The Wizard King

       The Nixy

       The Glass Mountain

       Alphege, or the Green Monkey


       The Three Brothers

       The Boy and the Wolves, or the Broken Promise

       The Glass Axe

       The Dead Wife

       In the Land of Souls

       The White Duck

       The Witch and Her Servants

       The Magic Ring

       The Flower Queen's Daughter

       The Flying Ship

       The Snow-Daughter and the Fire-Son

       The Story of King Frost

       The Death of the Sun-Hero

       The Witch

       The Hazel-Nut Child

       The Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus

       Prince Ring

       The Swineherd

       How to Tell a True Princess

       The Blue Mountains

       The Tinder-Box

       The Witch in the Stone Boat


       The Nightingale

       Hermod and Hadvor

       The Steadfast Tin-Soldier

       Blockhead Hans

       A Story About a Darning-Needle




      Books Yellow, Red, and Green and Blue,

       All true, or just as good as true,

       And here's the Yellow Book for you!

      Hard is the path from A to Z,

       And puzzling to a

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