Christmas in Legend and Story. Elva Sophronia Smith

Christmas in Legend and Story - Elva Sophronia Smith

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heard about St. Thomas, each set out from his own place to go to meet him. And when they had come together they builded them a city, and lived together there for two years, worshipping God and preaching. Then Melchior died, and was buried in a large and costly tomb. And when Balthasar died, he, too, was buried there. And at last Caspar was placed beside his companions.

      Now in the days of Constantine the Great, his mother Helena determined to find the bodies of the three kings, and for this she made a journey to the far country. And when she had found them, she brought them to Constantinople to the Church of St. Sophia, where they were held in much honor. And from Constantinople they were taken to Milan, where again many pilgrims came. Now when Frederick Barbarossa laid siege to the city of Milan, he rejoiced above all else to find them there. And by him they were taken to Cologne, and there a golden shrine was built in which the bones of the three holy kings were placed that there they might remain until the Judgment day.

       Table of Contents


      From out Cologne there came three kings

       To worship Jesus Christ, their King.

       To Him they sought fine herbs they brought,

       And many a beauteous golden thing;

       They brought their gifts to Bethlehem town,

       And in that manger set them down.

      Then spake the first king, and he said:

       "O Child, most heavenly, bright, and fair!

       I bring this crown to Bethlehem town.

       For Thee, and only Thee, to wear;

       So give a heavenly crown to me

       When I shall come at last to Thee!"

      The second, then. "I bring Thee here

       This royal robe, O Child!" he cried;

       "Of silk 'tis spun, and such an one

       There is not in the world beside;

       So in the day of doom requite

       Me with a heavenly robe of white!"

      The third king gave his gift, and quoth:

       "Spikenard and myrrh to Thee I bring,

       And with these twain would I most fain

       Anoint the body of my King;

       So may their incense sometime rise

       To plead for me in yonder skies!"

      Thus spake the three kings of Cologne,

       That gave their gifts and went their way;

       And now kneel I in prayer hard by

       The cradle of the Child to-day;

       Nor crown, nor robe, nor spice I bring

       As offering unto Christ, my King.

      Yet have I brought a gift the Child

       May not despise, however small;

       For here I lay my heart to-day,

       And it is full of love to all.

       Take Thou the poor but loyal thing,

       My only tribute, Christ, my King!

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