The Broken Road. A. E. W. Mason

The Broken Road - A. E. W. Mason

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husband. No wonder she lived in terror lest it should claim her son. And apparently it did claim him.

      "The road through Chiltistan?" he said slowly.

      "Of course," answered Dick. "Of what other could I be thinking?"

      "They have stopped it," said the Colonel, and at his side he was aware that Sybil Linforth drew a deep breath. "The road reaches Kohara. It does not go beyond. It will not go beyond."

      Dick's eyes steadily looked into the Colonel's face; and the Colonel had some trouble to meet their look with the same frankness. He turned aside and Mrs. Linforth said,

      "Come and see my roses."

      Dick went back to his book. The man and woman passed on round the corner of the house to a little rose-garden with a stone sun-dial in the middle, surrounded by low red brick walls. Here it was very quiet. Only the bees among the flowers filled the air with a pleasant murmur.

      "They are doing well—your roses," said Dewes.

      "Yes. These Queen Mabs are good. Don't you think so? I am rather proud of them," said Sybil; and then she broke off suddenly and faced him.

      "Is it true?" she whispered in a low passionate voice. "Is the road stopped? Will it not go beyond Kohara?"

      Colonel Dewes attempted no evasion with Mrs. Linforth.

      "It is true that it is stopped. It is also true that for the moment there is no intention to carry it further. But—but—"

      And as he paused Sybil took up the sentence.

      "But it will go on, I know. Sooner or later." And there was almost a note of hopelessness in her voice. "The Power of the Road is beyond the Power of Governments," she added with the air of one quoting a sentence.

      They walked on between the alleys of rose-trees and she asked:

      "Did you notice the book which Dick was reading?"

      "It looked like a bound volume of magazines."

      Sybil nodded her head.

      "It was a volume of the 'Fortnightly.' He was reading an article written forty years ago by Andrew Linforth—" and she suddenly cried out, "Oh, how I wish he had never lived. He was an uncle of Harry's—my husband. He predicted it. He was in the old Company, then he became a servant of the Government, and he was the first to begin the road. You know his history?"


      "It is a curious one. When it was his time to retire, he sent his money to England, he made all his arrangements to come home, and then one night he walked out of the hotel in Bombay, a couple of days before the ship sailed, and disappeared. He has never been heard of since."

      "Had he no wife?" asked Dewes.

      "No," replied Sybil. "Do you know what I think? I think he went back to the north, back to his Road. I think it called him. I think he could not keep away."

      "But we should have come across him," cried Dewes, "or across news of him. Surely we should!"

      Sybil shrugged her shoulders.

      "In that article which Dick was reading, the road was first proposed.

       Listen to this," and she began to recite:

      "The road will reach northwards, through Chiltistan, to the foot of the Baroghil Pass, in the mountains of the Hindu Kush. Not yet, but it will. Many men will die in the building of it from cold and dysentery, and even hunger—Englishmen and coolies from Baltistan. Many men will die fighting over it, Englishmen and Chiltis, and Gurkhas and Sikhs. It will cost millions of money, and from policy or economy successive Governments will try to stop it; but the power of the Road will be greater than the power of any Government. It will wind through valleys so deep that the day's sunshine is gone within the hour. It will be carried in galleries along the faces of mountains, and for eight months of the year sections of it will be buried deep in snow. Yet it will be finished. It will go on to the foot of the Hindu Kush, and then only the British rule in India will be safe."

      She finished the quotation.

      "That is what Andrew Linforth prophesied. Much of it has already been justified. I have no doubt the rest will be in time. I think he went north when he disappeared. I think the Road called him, as it is now calling Dick."

      She made the admission at last quite simply and quietly. Yet it was evident to Dewes that it cost her much to make it.

      "Yes," he said. "That is what you fear."

      She nodded her head and let him understand something of the terror with which the Road inspired her.

      "When the trouble began fourteen years ago, when the road was cut and day after day no news came of whether Harry lived or, if he died, how he died—I dreamed of it—I used to see horrible things happening on that road—night after night I saw them. Dreadful things happening to Dick and his father while I stood by and could do nothing. Oh, it seems to me a living thing greedy for blood—our blood."

      She turned to him a haggard face. Dewes sought to reassure her.

      "But there is peace now in Chiltistan. We keep a close watch on that country, I can tell you. I don't think we shall be caught napping there again."

      But these arguments had little weight with Sybil Linforth. The tragedy of fourteen years ago had beaten her down with too strong a hand. She could not reason about the road. She only felt, and she felt with all the passion of her nature.

      "What will you do, then?" asked Dewes.

      She walked a little further on before she answered.

      "I shall do nothing. If, when the time comes, Dick feels that work upon that road is his heritage, if he wants to follow in his father's steps, I shall say not a single word to dissuade him."

      Dewes stared at her. This half-hour of conversation had made real to him at all events the great strength of her hostility. Yet she would put the hostility aside and say not a word.

      "That's more than I could do," he said, "if I felt as you do. By

       George it is!"

      Sybil smiled at him with friendliness.

      "It's not bravery. Do you remember the unfinished letter which you brought home to me from Harry? There were three sentences in that which I cannot pretend to have forgotten," and she repeated the sentences:

      "'Whether he will come out here, it is too early to think about. But the road will not be finished—and I wonder. If he wants to, let him.' It is quite clear—isn't it?—that Harry wanted him to take up the work. You can read that in the words. I can imagine him speaking them and hear the tone he would use. Besides—I have still a greater fear than the one of which you know. I don't want Dick, when he grows up, ever to think that I have been cowardly, and, because I was cowardly, disloyal to his father."

      "Yes, I see," said Colonel Dewes.

      And this time he really did understand.

      "We will go in and lunch," said Sybil, and they walked back to the house.

       Table of Contents


      The footsteps sounded overhead with a singular regularity. From the fireplace to the door, and back again from the door to the fireplace. At each turn there was a short pause, and each pause was of the same duration. The footsteps were very light; it was almost as though an animal, a caged animal, padded from the bars at one end to the bars at the other. There was something stealthy in the footsteps too.

      In the room below a man of forty-five sat writing at a desk—a very tall, broad-shouldered man, in clerical dress. Twenty-five years before he

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