Unique English Course. Александр Чумаков

Unique English Course - Александр Чумаков

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did Jane want to run and jump, to talk and

      walk and dress like Supercat?

      Because Supercat was her heroine. And because she

      wanted to be just like Supercat. Exactly like Supercat.

      Just like Supercat.

      What did Jane wear every day? Remember?

      Right! She wore Supercat outfit. Every day Jane wore

      Superсat outfit (a special set of clothes).

      Did Jane wear Supercat outfit or did Jane wear

      Superman outfit?

      No, not Superman outfit. Jane wore Supercat outfit.

      One day Jane was walking along the street.

      Who was walking along the street one day? Supercat?

      No, not Supercat. Jane. Jane was walking along the street.

      And what did she see?

      She saw raccoons robbing a jewelry shop.

      Who saw raccoons robbing a jewelry shop?

      Jane did. Jane saw raccoons robbing a jewelry shop.

      Did Jane see raccoons taking jewelries from

      the shop illegally?

      Yes, exactly. She saw raccoons taking jewelries from

      the shop illegally. Jane saw raccoons robbing a jewelry


      Were the raccoons dancing when Jane saw them?

      No, they were not dancing.

      What were the raccoons doing when Jane saw them?

      They were robbing a jewelry shop. Jane ran to the

      jewelry shop. She caught the raccoons.

      Where did Jane run to?

      She ran to the jewelry shop.

      Who did Jane catch?

      The raccoons. She caught the raccoons. Jane ran to the

      jewelry shop and she caught the raccoons.

      What happened when Jane caught the raccoons?

      When Jane caught the raccoons, suddenly Supercat


      Who suddenly appeared?

      Supercat. Suddenly Supercat appeared. Wow!

      And what did Supercat do?

      Supercat helped Jane bring the raccoons to the

      police station.

      Did Supercat help Jane take the raccoons to the

      police station?

      Yes, exactly. Supercat helped Jane take the raccoons

      to the police station. Supercat helped Jane bring the

      raccoons to the police station.

      Who helped Jane bring the raccoons to the

      police station?

      Supercat did. Supercat helped Jane bring the raccoons

      to the police station.

      Then Supercat and Jane were working together, right?

      Yes, that’s right. Supercat and Jane were working together.

      What were they doing together?

      Working. Supercat and Jane were working together.

      And Jane understood that she could do good things

      without having superpower.

      What did Jane understand?

      She understood that she could do good things without

      having superpower.

      Could Jane help people without having superpower?

      Yes, she could. Jane understood that she could do good

      things without having superpower.

      Was Jane happy?

      Yes, she was. Jane was very happy.

      This is the end of the mini-story for “Supercat”. Listen to this mini-story many times. Listen and answer the questions.

      If you listen and answer the questions every day for seven days or more, I promise, you will speak English easily and confidently.

      And one more thing, I encourage you to go to my website englishiseasyandfun.ru or you can visit my Instagram page easyenglishshow. Why? To stay committed to learning English, to remain curious about learning English and to maintain your motivation for learning English. There you will find many free, useful, inspiring and empowering ideas not only for learning English, but also for your every day life. Go there and grab it. See you soon.

      Unit 2. A Secret

      Hello, my superstar student. This is Alex – your English teacher. I hope you are having a nice day today. Welcome to our second lesson “A Secret”. Let’s get started.

      There is a fish. Her name is Nancy. Nancy the fish has a secret. All the fishes want to know the secret. But Nancy doesn’t reveal the secret to them.

      One day all the fishes decide not to talk to Nancy any more. The fishes refuse to talk to her. The fishes pretend not to see her.

      Nancy says, “I don’t care. I can do well without you” and she swims away.

      Three weeks later Nancy is swimming towards a big, beautiful and fantastic coral reef. She has never been there before. As Nancy swims up to the big beautiful and fantastic coral reef, she sees a lot of fishes of different kinds. They are nice, cheerful and friendly to her. Nancy is thrilled.

      Suddenly a huge, ugly and hungry shark appears. The shark starts eating all the fishes. Nancy is trying to escape from the shark, but the shark follows her. Nancy is trying to hide in the seaweeds, but the shark finds her and attacks her.

      But because Nancy is a secret aikido master, Nancy beats the shark. The shark screams and swims away.

      All the fishes love Nancy. She becomes the queen of the coral reef. She becomes the sea queen of the coral reef.

      This is the end of the story “A Secret”. Listen to this story every day. Listen and enjoy the story. Your next lesson is the vocabulary lesson. See you there.

      The Vocabulary Lesson

      Hello, my superstar student. This is Alex – your English teacher. It’s me again. Welcome to the vocabulary lesson for “A Secret”. Let’s get started.

      There is a fish. And her name is Nancy. Nancy the fish has a secret.

      And our first word is a secret. A secret is something that you don’t tell anyone. Usually it is information that you keep from other people. The information you hide from other people.

      Nancy the fish has a secret. She has a piece of information that she doesn’t tell anyone. She keeps it a secret. She hides it from other fishes. Nancy the fish has a secret.

      All the fishes want to know the secret. But Nancy doesn’t reveal the secret to them.


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