Biological Mechanisms of Tooth Movement. Группа авторов
1911). In any case, Hecht did not support his assumptions with any histological evidence.
Histological examination of paradental tissues during OTM was reported for the first time by Sandstedt (1904), who tipped teeth uncontrollably in dogs, and later studied their tissues by light microscopy (Figures ). In these sections he observed areas of pressure and tension in the PDL, and necrosis or hyalinization zones in the PDL at sites of great compression. Oppenheim (1911), while trying to duplicate those experiments, could not find any thrombosis in vessels or hyalinization in the PDL. He speculated that the lack of necrosis in his own experiment might have been due to the use of light force, in contrast to the heavy forces used by Sandstedt.
Figure 2.2 Plate I from Sandstedt’s original article showing photographs of the control (1) and experimental (2) dogs at sacrifice. The mandibular canines were removed to allow the movement of the maxillary teeth. The appliance consisted of an archwire inserted into tubes attached to bands on the upper canines; distal to the tubes was a screw mechanism, which, when tightened, moved the incisors lingually and the canines mesially.
(Source: Sandstedt, 1904, 1905).
Figure 2.3 Plate III from Sandstedt’s original article showing horizontal sections through the right maxillary canine; the direction of movement is towards the top.
(Source: Sandstedt, 1904, 1905.).
(a) (Sandstedt’s Figure 9.) A section cut in close proximity to the alveolar rim. A. At the site of presumptive compression, the PDL shows the glassy appearance characteristic of hyalinization, with osteoclasts undermining the adjacent alveolar wall. B. On the buccal side of the root, a thin layer of lighter staining new bone is demarcated from the old bone by a von Ebner (reversal) line. At the bottom, new bone takes the form of lighter staining bony trabeculae of woven bone orientated in the direction of pull. C. On the right side, osteoclasts are resorbing the alveolar wall; on the left, the detachment of the PDL from the bone is the result of a tear during sectioning.
(Source: Sandstedt, 1904, 1905.).
(b) (Sandstedt’s Figure 10) A section through the middle third of the same tooth (in dogs, the pulp canal expands towards the middle third of the root before narrowing towards the apex). General remodeling activity at the bone–PDL interface is seen but evidence of the accelerated bone formation and resorption is absent. This area corresponds to the center of rotation of the tooth.
(Source: Sandstedt, 1904, 1905.)
Figure 2.4 Plate IV A from Sandstedt’s original article. These sections show at a higher power the cellular and tissue changes in the PDL and alveolar bone at sites of presumptive tension and compression. Sandstedt’s Figure 11: tension in the PDL. A. Bone of the original alveolar wall. B. Newly laid‐down woven bone with vascular spaces clearly demarcated from the older lamellar bone. C. Highly vascular PDL. D. Cementum. E. Dentine. Sandstedt’s Figure 12: compression in the PDL. A. Bone of the original alveolar wall. B. Numerous dark‐staining osteoclasts lining the bone surface. C. The PDL in which the fibrillar structure has been lost and replaced by a glassy homogeneous or hyalinized tissue. D. Cementum. E. Dentine.
(Source: Sandstedt, 1904, 1905.)
Edward H. Angle, the father of modern orthodontics and follower of Wolff ’s law of bone adaptation to mechanical stress, was a proponent of the bone‐bending concept. He stated that the degree of bending of the alveolar bone is determined by the magnitude of the applied force, the age of the patient, and the direction of force application (Angle, 1907; Oppenheim, 1911). He advocated the bone remodeling hypothesis and suggested that resorption is seen in areas of pressure and traction, while deposition/apposition is for filling up of hollow areas created with this act. His writings were also in favor of the pressure hypothesis.
Figure 2.5 Plate IV B from Sandstedt’s original article. Sandstedt’s Figure 13: direct resorption. A. PDL at a compression site showing its normal fibrillar appearance. B. Numerous multinucleate osteoclasts in Howship’s lacunae are resorbing the surface of the bone. C. Cortical bone of the alveolus; two Haversian systems or secondary osteones are clearly visible. Sandstedt’s Figure 14. A. Hyalinized PDL. B. Although one cannot be absolutely sure, this section was likely to have been included to represent resorption of the root cementum at C by multinucleate giant cells. D. Unaffected periodontal ligament cells.
(Source: Sandstedt, 1904, 1905.)
Oppenheim’s transformation hypothesis
Oppenheim (1911) conducted OTM on a juvenile baboon, wherein he performed all sorts of tooth movements (labial, lingual, intrusion, extrusion, and rotation), with a split mouth design (where one side of the dental arch is operated upon, while the other side serves as control). He processed the jaw tissues histologically, and concluded that
The bony tissue, be it compact or cancelleous, reacts to pressure by a transformation of its entire architecture; this takes place by resorption of the bone present and deposition of new bony tissue; both processes occur simultaneously. Deposition finally preponderates over resorption. The newly formed bony spicules are arranged in the direction of the pressure [Figure 2.6]. Increased pull has similarly resulted in addition of new bony tissue as a result, and simultaneous orientation of the spicules thereof in the direction of the pull [Figure 2.7]. The entire transformation of the architecture and the orientation of the newly formed spongy bone spicules always occur so characteristically and lawfully, that we can say by the histological preparations in what manner the movements were accomplished. This characteristic transformation results only upon the application of very slight, physiological‐like influences. Should the force be too strong, the result will be such serious injuries to the periosteum, due to the disturbances in circulation, that there will be no typical reaction of the bony cells.