Microgrid Technologies. Группа авторов

Microgrid Technologies - Группа авторов

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9Table 9.1 Tabular briefing of different methods for frequency support.Table 9.2 Equivalent synchronous generator design parameters.Table 9.3 Network parameters considered for modeling system.Table 9.4 System inertia calculation for 30% change in loading condition.Table 9.5 System inertia calculation for 30% change in loading condition.Table 9.6 Dynamics of fuel cell active power set points.Table 9.7 Modified active power requirements due to decentralize control.

      8 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Types of Microgrid based on the power handling capacity.Table 10.2 MG Demand and impedance value.Table 10.3 Harmonic orders and THD levels.Table 10.4 THD and measured power factor.Table 10.5 Individual phase percentage THD.

      9 Chapter 11Table 11.1 System parameters for wind turbine system.Table 11.2 System parameters.

      10 Chapter 12Table 12.1 System details for harmonics analysis.Table 12.2 System details for p.f. analysis.

      11 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Brief analysis of various FCs.Table 13.2 Load parameters (ShPF).Table 13.3 Simulation parameter.Table 13.4 Simulation parameter of SOFC.Table 13.5 Simulation parameters.Table 13.6 Circuit parameters.Table 13.7 Validation table for ShPF.Table 13.8 Validation table for SAF.

      12 Chapter 14Table 14.1 Harmonic current distortion limit as per IEEE-519:2014.Table 14.2 Rule base for FTDDF module.Table 14.3 Rule viewer output of FTDDF module for two cases.Table 14.4 Rule viewer output for Ideal and Nonideal cases of RQPF module.Table 14.5 Seven different loading cases considered for FRQPF evaluation.Table 14.6 Rule viewer output of FPQI module.Table 14.7 Evaluation of FPQI from three stages under sinusoidal situations.Table 14.8 Evaluation of FPQI from three stages under nonsinusoidal situations.

      13 Chapter 15Table 15.1 The variations among traditional grid and smart micro grid.Table 15.2 Advanced technologies for implementing SG.Table 15.3 Cyber security standards for SG.

      14 Chapter 17Table 17.1 Energy consumed over time.

      15 Chapter 19Table 19.1 Prosumer parameter values.Table 19.2 Power and revenue of prosumers.Table 19.3 Bids of three prosumers.Table 19.4 Updated power and revenue of prosumers.Table 19.5 Hiking the bid price of 3rd prosumer.Table 19.6 Expected payoff of three prosumers based on updated bidding strategy...Table 19.7 Power and revenue in two prosumer case.Table 19.8 Strategic bid for the four-prosumer case.Table 19.9 Power and revenues of four prosumers.


      1  Cover

      2  Table of Contents

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Foreword

      6  Acknowledgements

      7  Begin Reading

      8  Index

      9  End User License Agreement


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