Clinical Pancreatology for Practising Gastroenterologists and Surgeons. Группа авторов
6.1 MRI protocol for evaluating acute or chronic pancreatitis.
7 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Clinical findings associated with a severe course for initial risk ...
8 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Modified Marshall scoring system for organ dysfunction.
9 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Intravenous administration of analgesics.Table 9.2 Epidural administration of local anesthetics and opioids.
10 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Oral refeeding protocols after acute pancreatitis.Table 11.2 Characteristics of studies included in systematic review.
11 Chapter 17Table 17.1 Revised definitions of morphological features of acute pancreatiti...
12 Chapter 20Table 20.1 Causes of recurrent acute pancreatitis.Table 20.2 Stratification of recurrent acute pancreatitis based on risk of pr...
13 Chapter 21Table 21.1 Overview of direct and indirect pancreatic function tests.
14 Chapter 22Table 22.1 Causes of chronic asymptomatic hyperamylasemia.
15 Chapter 23Table 23.1 TIGAR‐O Version 2 risk/etiology classification: short form.
16 Chapter 25Table 25.1 Individual susceptibility to alcoholic pancreatitis.
17 Chapter 26Table 26.1 Genes that should be screened for in patients with CP of unknown e...Table 26.2 Mutations most likely to be expected in CP patients when screening...
18 Chapter 27Table 27.1 Potential obstructive causes of chronic pancreatitis.Table 27.2 Summary and recommendations for clinical practice.Table 27.3 Endoscopic therapy in pancreatitis and pancreas divisum: systemati...Table 27.4 CFTR mutation frequency is higher in pancreatitis patients with PD com...
19 Chapter 28Table 28.1 Cambridge classification for transabdominal ultrasound.Table 28.2 Cambridge classification for EUS.Table 28.3 Cambridge classification for CT and MRI.
20 Chapter 29Table 29.1 Imaging findings of different types of chronic pancreatitis.
21 Chapter 30Table 30.1 MRI/MRCP findings in chronic pancreatitis.Table 30.2 MRI/MRCP findings of CP complications.
22 Chapter 31Table 31.1 EUS criteria for CP defined by the minimum standard terminology an...Table 31.2 Number of EUS criteria needed for the diagnosis of CP in studies u...Table 31.3 Consensus‐based parenchymal and ductal features of CP according to...Table 31.4 EUS diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis (CP) based on Rosemont conse...
23 Chapter 32Table 32.1 Causes of pancreatic insufficiency.Table 32.2 Description of direct and indirect pancreatic function tests.Table 32.3 Descriptive protocol of two endoscopic pancreatic function tests (...
24 Chapter 33Table 33.1 Accuracy (range reported in the literature) of currently available...Table 33.2 Severity of the reduction of stimulated pancreatic secretion durin...
25 Chapter 34Table 34.1 Consequences of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.Table 34.2 Protocol for the approach to patients with CP.
26 Chapter 35Table 35.1 Summary of characteristics of QOL questionnaires used in assessmen...Table 35.2 Comparison of two chronic pancreatitis‐specific QOL questionnaires...
27 Chapter 36Table 36.1 Main reasons for pain in chronic pancreatitis.Table 36.2 Recommended oral analgesics for pain management in chronic pancrea...
28 Chapter 38Table 38.1 Clinical manifestations of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.Table 38.2 Main differential diagnoses of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.Table 38.3 Tests used for the diagnosis of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency.
29 Chapter 39Table 39.1 Surgical interventions for pain in chronic pancreatitis.
30 Chapter 41Table 41.1 Variceal bleeding in CP patients with splenic vein thrombosis and ...
31 Chapter 44Table 44.1 Symptoms at diagnosis of autoimmune pancreatitis.Table 44.2 Other organ involvement in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis.
32 Chapter 46Table 46.1 Diagnostic algorithm for AIP: patients meeting criteria listed in ...
33 Chapter 48Table 48.1 Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy formulations.Table 48.2 Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT) dosing recommendation...Table 48.3 Dosing guidelines for oral, bolus, and continuous tube feeds.
34 Chapter 49Table 49.1 Estimated number of new pancreatic cancer cases and deaths in 2018...Table 49.2 Risk factors for pancreatic cancer: summary results of pooled anal...Table 49.3 Population attributable fraction (PAF) for potentially modifiable ...Table 49.4 Prediction of the pancreatic cancer incidence burden from the curr...
35 Chapter 52Table 52.1 Germline genetic mutations associated with pancreatic cancer.Table 52.2 Family history and risk of developing pancreatic cancer.Table 52.3 Screening recommendations.
36 Chapter 53Table 53.1 Biological markers in pancreatic cancer.
37 Chapter 54Table 54.1 The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM Staging of Pancr...Table 54.2 Criteria defining resectability status.
38 Chapter 56Table 56.1 Reliability of EUS according to stage of pancreatic cancer.
39 Chapter 57Table 57.1 Strategies for performing EUS‐guided tissue acquisition in pancrea...
40 Chapter 59Table 59.1 ISGPS definitions of pancreatic surgery‐specific complications.Table 59.2 The fistula risk score and the alternative fistula risk score.Table 59.3 Severity grading of post‐pancreatectomy hemorrhage as provided by ...Table 59.4 ISGPS classification of post‐pancreatectomy hemorrhage (PPH).Table 59.5 ISGPS classification of delayed gastric emptying (DGE).Table 59.6 ISGLS classification of biliary leakage.Table 59.7 ISGPS classification of chyle leak.
41 Chapter 60Table 60.1 The AHPBA/SSO/SSAT classification and the MD Anderson classificati...Table 60.2 NCCN Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Guidelines Version 3.2019 defining ...Table 60.3 Randomized clinical trials investigating neoadjuvant regimens in r...Table 60.4 Randomized phase I/II trials investigating neoadjuvant regimens in...
42 Chapter 61Table 61.1 Efficacy of adjuvant therapy over time and by chemotherapy regimen...
43 Chapter 62Table 62.1 Usual therapeutic dose of different antidepressant drugsTable 62.2 Usual analgesic drugs used for pancreatic cancer pain.
44 Chapter 63Table 63.1 Early endoscopic ultrasound celiac plexus neurolysis (EUS‐CPN) ver...
45 Chapter 64Table 64.1 Endoscopic palliation treatments for pancreatic cancer.
46 Chapter 66Table 66.1 Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency concepts elicited from qualitati...Table 66.2 Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency: frequency of concepts and sub‐c...
47 Chapter 67Table 67.1 Etiology of malnutrition in pancreatic cancer.Table 67.2 Long‐term nutritional complications of pancreatic resection.
48 Chapter 73Table 73.1 Areas of agreement and disagreement between the IAP, AGA and Europ...
49 Chapter 74Table 74.1 Classification of cystic neoplasms of the pancreas (including simi...
50 Chapter 75Table 75.1 Summary of EUS‐guided chemical ablation studies on CPL.
51 Chapter 76Table 76.1 Epidemiology and main clinical features of functioning pancreatic ...Table 76.2 2017 WHO classification of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (Pa...Table 76.3 European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS) and American Joint C...
52 Chapter 78Table 78.1 Mechanisms which have been hypothesized to affect exocrine pancrea...Table 78.2 Algorithm for diagnosing, evaluating, and treating patients with s...
53 Chapter 79Table 79.1 Classification of diabetes mellitus.
54 Chapter