Christmas. Various

Christmas - Various

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Vainly we offer each ample oblation;

       Vainly with gifts would His favor secure:

       Richer by far is the heart's adoration;

       Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor.

       Brightest and best of the Sons of the morning!

       Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid!

       Star of the East, the horizon adorning,

       Guide where our Infant Redeemer is laid!



      God rest ye, merry gentlemen; let nothing you dismay,

       For Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas-day.

       The dawn rose red o'er Bethlehem, the stars shone through the gray,

       When Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas-day.

       God rest ye, little children; let nothing you affright,

       For Jesus Christ, your Saviour, was born this happy night;

       Along the hills of Galilee the white flocks sleeping lay,

       When Christ, the child of Nazareth, was born on Christmas-day.

       God rest ye, all good Christians; upon this blessed morn

       The Lord of all good Christians was of a woman born:

       Now all your sorrows He doth heal, your sins He takes away;

       For Jesus Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas-day.



      Hushed are the pigeons cooing low

       On dusty rafters of the loft;

       And mild-eyed oxen, breathing soft,

       Sleep on the fragrant hay below.

       Dim shadows in the corner hide;

       The glimmering lantern's rays are shed

       Where one young lamb just lifts his head,

       Then huddles 'gainst his mother's side.

       Strange silence tingles in the air;

       Through the half-open door a bar

       Of light from one low-hanging star

       Touches a baby's radiant hair.

       No sound: the mother, kneeling, lays

       Her cheek against the little face.

       Oh human love! Oh heavenly grace!

       'Tis yet in silence that she prays!

       Ages of silence end to-night;

       Then to the long-expectant earth

       Glad angels come to greet His birth

       In burst of music, love, and light!



      Sleep, baby, sleep! The Mother sings:

       Heaven's angels kneel and fold their wings.

       Sleep, baby, sleep!

       With swathes of scented hay Thy bed

       By Mary's hand at eve was spread.

       Sleep, baby, sleep!

       At midnight came the shepherds, they

       Whom seraphs wakened by the way.

       Sleep, baby, sleep!

       And three kings from the East afar,

       Ere dawn came, guided by the star.

       Sleep, baby, sleep!

       They brought Thee gifts of gold and gems,

       Pure orient pearls, rich diadems.

       Sleep, baby, sleep!

       Thou who liest slumbering there,

       Art King of Kings, earth, ocean, air.

       Sleep, baby, sleep!

       Sleep, baby, sleep! The shepherds sing:

       Through heaven, through earth, hosannas ring.

       Sleep, baby, sleep!



      Happy night and happy silence downward softly stealing,

       Softly stealing over land and sea,

       Stars from golden censors swing a silent eager feeling

       Down on Judah, down on Galilee;

       And all the wistful air, and earth, and sky,

       Listened, listened for the gladness of a cry.

       Holy night, a sudden flash of light its way is winging:

       Angels, angels, all above, around;

       Hark, the angel voices, hark, the angel voices singing;

       And the sheep are lying on the ground.

       Lo, all the wistful air, and earth, and sky,

       Listen, listen to the gladness of the cry.

       Happy night at Bethlehem; soft little hands are feeling,

       Feeling in the manger with the kine:

       Little hands, and eyelids closed in sleep, while angels kneeling,

       Mary mother, hymn the Babe Divine.

       Lo, all the wistful air, and earth, and sky,

       Listen, listen to the gladness of the cry.

       Wide, as if the light were music, flashes adoration:

       "Glory be to God, nor ever cease,"

       All the silence thrills, and speeds the message of salvation:

       "Peace on earth, good-will to men of peace."

       Lo, all the wistful air, and earth, and sky,

       Listen, listen to the gladness of the cry.

       Holy night, thy solemn silence evermore enfoldeth

       Angels songs and peace from God on high:

       Holy night, thy watcher still with faithful eye beholdeth

       Wings that wave, and angel glory nigh,

       Lo, hushed is strife in air, and earth, and sky,

       Still thy watchers hear the gladness of the cry.

       Praise Him, ye who watch the night, the silent night of ages:

       Praise Him, shepherds, praise the Holy Child;

       Praise Him, ye who hear the light, O praise Him, all ye sages;

       Praise Him, children, praise Him meek and mild.

       Lo, peace on Earth, glory to God on high,

       Listen, listen to the gladness of the cry.



      "To Bethlem did they go, the shepherds three;

       To Bethlem did they go to see whe'r it were so or no,

       Whether Christ were born or no

       To set men free."

       Masters, in this hall,

       Hear ye news to-day

       Brought over sea,

       And ever I you pray.

       Nowell! Nowell! Nowell! Nowell!

       Sing we clear!

       Holpen are

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