Shakespeare Jest-Books. Various

Shakespeare Jest-Books - Various

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to make a gose to creke swetely. xliii. 67 ¶ Of the maydes answere that was wyth chylde. xliv. ib. ¶ Of the seruaunt that rymyd with hys mayster. xlv. 68 ¶ Of the Welcheman that delyuered the letter to the ape. xlvi. 69 ¶ Of hym that solde ryght nought. xlvii. 71 ¶ Of the frere that tolde the thre chyldres fortunes. xlviii. 72 ¶ Of the boy that bare the frere his masters money. xlix. 74 ¶ Of Phylyp Spencer the bochers man. l. 75 ¶ Of the courtear and the carter. li. 76 ¶ Of the yong man that prayd his felow to teche hym hys paternoster. lii. 77 ¶ Of the frere that prechyd in ryme expownynge the ave maria. liii. 78 ¶ Of the curat that prechyd the Artycles of the Crede. liv. 80 ¶ Of the frere that prechyd the x commaundementis. lv. 82 ¶ Of the wyfe that bad her husbande ete the candell fyrste. lvi. 84 ¶ Of the man of lawes sonnes answer. lvii. ib. ¶ Of the frere in the pulpet that bad the woman leve her babelynge. lviii. 85 ¶ Of the Welcheman that cast the Scotte into the see. lix. 86 ¶ Of the man that had the dome wyfe. lx. 87 ¶ Of the Proctour of Arches that had the lytel wyfe. lxi. 89 ¶ Of ii nonnes that were shryuen of one preste. lxii. ib. ¶ Of the esquyer that sholde haue ben made knight. lxiii. 91 ¶ Of hym that wolde gette the maystrye of his wyfe. lxiv. . 92 ¶ Of the penytent that sayd the shepe of God haue mercy vpon me. lxv. 93 ¶ Of the husbande that sayd he was John daw. lxvi. 94 ¶ Of the scoler of Oxforde that proued by souestry ii chykens iii. lxvii. 95 ¶ Of the frere that stale the podynge. lxviii. 97 ¶ Of the frankelyns sonne that cam to take orders. lxix. 98 ¶ Of the husbandman that lodgyd the frere in his own bede. lxx. 99 ¶ Of the preste that wolde say two gospels for a grote. lxxi. 100 ¶ Of the coutear that dyd cast the frere ouer the bote. lxxii. 101 ¶ Of the frere that prechyd what mennys sowles were. lxxiii. ib. ¶ Of the husbande that cryed ble vnder the bed.lxxiv. 102 ¶ Of the shomaker that asked the colyer what tydynges in hell. lxxv. 103 ¶ Of Seynt Peter that cryed cause bobe. lxxvi. 104 ¶ Of hym that aduenturyd body and soule for hys prynce. lxxvii. 105 ¶ Of the parson that stale the mylners elys. lxxviii. 106 ¶ Of the Welchman that saw one xl's better than God. lxxix. ib. ¶ Of the frere that said dyryge for the hoggys soule. lxxx. ib. ¶ Of the parson that sayde masse of requiem for Crystes soule. lxxxi. 108 ¶ Of the herdeman that sayde: ryde apace, ye shall haue rayn. lxxxii. 109 ¶ Of hym that sayde: I shall haue neuer a peny. lxxxiii. 110 ¶ Of the husbande that sayde his wyfe and he agreed well. lxxxiv. 111
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