Kelly Vana's Nursing Leadership and Management. Группа авторов
Edition History
Delmar, Cengage Learning (1e, 2003; 2e, 2008; 3e, 2012)
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data
Names: Vana, Patricia Kelly, 1941‐ editor. | Tazbir, Janice, editor.
Title: Kelly Vana’s Nursing Leadership and Management / edited by Patricia Kelly Vana, Janice Tazbir.
Other titles: Nursing leadership & management | Nursing leadership and management
Description: Fourth edition. | Hoboken, NJ : Wiley‐Blackwell, 2021. | Preceded by Nursing leadership & management / [edited] by Patricia Kelly. 3rd ed. 2012. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2020021964 (print) | LCCN 2020021965 (ebook) | ISBN 9781119596615 (paperback) | ISBN 9781119596622 (adobe pdf) | ISBN 9781119596639 (epub)
Subjects: MESH: Nursing Services—organization & administration | Nursing Care—organization & administration | Nurse Administrators | Leadership | United States
Classification: LCC RT89 (print) | LCC RT89 (ebook) | NLM WY 105 | DDC 362.17/3—dc23
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Cover Design: Wiley
Cover Images: © Marje/Getty Images
Patricia would like to dedicate this book to the memory of Dr. Joyce Ellis. Joyce was a born leader and manager. She was Pat's Faculty as a student, and her “boss,” Department Head, mentor and friend as a Faculty member. Janice would like to dedicate this book to the memory of Dr. Gloria Smokvina. Gloria was Janice's Professor and Dean as a student and her “boss,” Dean, mentor and friend as a faculty member. Joyce and Gloria taught that leadership begins with personal integrity, honesty, and the desire to do the right thing. Their lives were an example of the kind of leader and manager nursing (and we all) really need. We ask you, the next generation of nursing, to be more like Dr. Ellis and Dr. Smokvina. Have courage and maintain your integrity in all circumstances, be honest and trustworthy, and always try to do the right thing.
Former Contributors to the Third Edition
Rinda Alexander, PhD, RN, CS
Professor Emeritus, Nursing
College of Nursing
Purdue University Northwest
Hammond, Indiana
Kim Siarkowski Amer, PhD, RN
Associate Professor
Department of Nursing
DePaul University
Chicago, Illinois
Margaret M. Anderson, EdD, RN
Professor of Nursing and Past Chair
College of Health Professions, Department of Advanced Nursing Studies
Northern Kentucky University
Highland Heights, Kentucky
Ida M. Androwich, PhD, RN, BC, FAAN
Professor and Director, Health Systems Management
Niehoff School of Nursing
Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Crisamar J. Anunciado, RN, MSN, FNP‐BC
Inpatient Nurse Practitioner
Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center Chula Vista, California
Adjunct Faculty
Southwestern Community College
Associate Degree Nursing Program
Chula Vista, California
Anne Bernat, RN, MSN, CNAA
Vice President of Patient Care Services (Retired)
Arlington, Virginia
Nancy Braaten, RN, MS
Adult Health Clinical Nurse Specialist
Clinical Analyst, Nursing Information Systems
Northeast Health Acute Care Division