The Handbook of Speech Perception. Группа авторов
and the basilar membrane inside it, is curled up in a spiral, and the organization of the auditory nerve mirrors that of the basilar membrane: inside it we have something that could be described as a rate–place code for sounds, where the amount of sound energy at the lowest audible frequencies (around 50 Hz) is represented by the firing rates of nerve fibers right at the center, and increasingly higher frequencies are encoded by nerve fibers that are arranged in a spiral around that center. Once the auditory nerve reaches the cochlear nuclei, this orderly spiral arrangement unwraps to project systematically across the extent of the nuclei, creating tonotopic maps, which are then passed on up the auditory pathway by orderly anatomical connections from one station to the next. What this means for the encoding of speech in the early auditory system is that formant peaks of speech sounds, and maybe also the peaks of harmonics, should be represented by systematic differences in firing rates across the tonotopic array. The human auditory nerve contains about 30,000 such nerve fibers, each capable of firing anywhere between zero and several hundred spikes a second. So there are many hundreds of thousands of nerve impulses per second available to represent the shape of the sound spectrum across the tonotopic array. And, indeed, there is quite a lot of experimental evidence that systematic firing‐rate differences across this array of nerve fibers is not a bad first‐order approximation of what goes on in the auditory system (Delgutte, 1997), but, as so often in neurobiology, the full story is a lot more complicated.
Thanks to decades of physiological and anatomical studies on experimental animals by dozens of teams, the mechanisms of sound encoding in the auditory nerve are now known in sufficient detail that it has become possible to develop computer models that can predict the activity of auditory nerve fibers to arbitrary sound inputs (Zhang et al., 2001; Heinz, Colburn, & Carney, 2002; Sumner et al., 2002; Meddis & O’Mard, 2005; Zhang & Carney, 2005; Ferry & Meddis, 2007), and here we shall use the model of Zilany, Bruce, and Carney (2014) to look at the encoding of speech sounds in the auditory nerve in a little more detail.
The left panel of Figure 3.2 shows the power spectrum of a recording of the spoken vowel [ɛ], as in head (IPA [hɛːd]). The spectrum shows many sharp peaks at multiples of about 145 Hz – the harmonics of the vowel. These sharp peaks ride on top of broad peaks centered around 500, 1850, and 2700 Hz – the formants of the vowel. The right panel of the figure shows the distribution of firing rates of low spontaneous rate (LSR) auditory nerve fibers in response to the same vowel, according to the auditory nerve fiber model by Zilany, Bruce, and Carney (2014). Along the x‐axis we plot the CF of each nerve fiber, and along the y‐axis we expect the average number of spikes the fiber would be expected to fire per second when presented with the vowel [ɛ] at a sound level of 65 dB SPL (sound pressure level), the sort of sound level that would be typical during a calm conversation with a quiet background.
Figure 3.2 A power spectrum representing an instantaneous spectrogram (left) and a simulated distribution of firing rates for an auditory nerve fiber (right) for the vowel [ɛ] in head [hɛːd].
Comparing the spectrogram on the left with the distribution of firing rates on the right, it is apparent that the broad peaks of the formants are well reflected in the firing rate distribution, if anything perhaps more visibly than in the spectrum, but that most of the harmonics are not. Indeed, only the lowest three harmonics are visible; the others have been ironed out by the fact that the frequency tuning of cochlear filters is often broad compared to the frequency interval between individual harmonics, and becomes broader for higher frequencies. Only the very lowest harmonics are therefore resolved by the rate–place code of the tonotopic nerve fiber array, and we should think of tonotopy as well adapted to representing formants but poorly adapted to representing pitch or voicing information. If you bear in mind that many telephones will high‐pass filter speech at 300 Hz, thereby effectively cutting off the lowest harmonic peak, there really is not much information about the harmonicity of the sound left reflected in the tonotopic firing‐rate distribution. But there are important additional cues to voicing and pitch, as we shall see shortly.
The firing rates of auditory nerve fibers increase monotonically with increasing sound level, but these fibers do need a minimum‐threshold sound level, and they cannot increase their firing rates indefinitely when sounds keep getting louder. This gives auditory nerve fibers a limited dynamic range, which usually covers 50 dB or less. At the edges of the dynamic range, the formants of speech sounds cannot be effectively represented across the tonotopic array because the neurons in the array either fire not at all (or not above their spontaneous firing rates), or because they all fire as fast as they can. However, people can usually understand speech well over a very broad range of sound levels. To be able to code sounds effectively over a wide range of sound levels, the ear appears to have evolved different types of auditory nerve fibers, some of which specialize in hearing quiet sounds, with low thresholds but also relatively low‐saturation sound levels, and others of which specialize in hearing louder sounds, with higher thresholds and higher saturation levels. Auditory physiologists call the more sensitive of these fiber types high spontaneous rate (HSR) fibers, given that these auditory nerve fibers may fire nerve impulses at fairly elevated rates (some 30 spikes per second or so), even in the absence of any external sound, and the less sensitive fibers the LSR fibers, which we have already encountered, and which fire only a handful of spikes per second in the absence of sound. There are also medium spontaneous rate fibers, which, as you might expect, lie in the middle between HSR and LSR fibers in sensitivity and spontaneous activity. You may, of course, wonder why these auditory nerve fibers would fire any impulses if there is no sound to encode, but it is worth bearing in mind that the amount of physical energy in relatively quiet sounds is minuscule, and that the sensory cells that need to pick up those sounds cannot necessarily distinguish a very quiet external noise from internal physiological noise that comes simply from blood flow or random thermal motion inside the ear at body temperature. Auditory nerve fibers operate right at the edge of this physiological noise floor, and the most sensitive cells are also most sensitive to the physiological background noise, which gives rise to their high spontaneous firing rate.
Figure 3.3 Firing‐rate distributions in response to the vowel [ɛ] in head [hɛːd] for low spontaneous rate fibers (left) and high spontaneous rate fibers (right) at three different sound intensities.
To give you a sense of what these different auditory nerve fiber types contribute to speech representations as different sound levels, Figure 3.3 shows the firing‐rate distributions for the vowel [ɛ], much as in the right panel of Figure 3.2, but at three different sound levels (from a very quiet 25 dB SPL to a pretty loud 85 dB SPL, and for both LSR and HSR populations. As you can see, the LSR fibers (left panel) hardly respond at all at 25 dB, but the HSR fibers show clear peaks at the formant frequencies already at those very low sound levels. However, at the loud sound levels, most of the HSR fibers saturate, meaning that most of them are firing as fast as they can, so that the valleys between the formant peaks begin to disappear. One interesting consequence of this division of labor between HSR and LSR fibers for representing speech at low and high sound levels respectively is that it may provide an explanation why some people, particularly among the elderly, may complain of an increasing inability to understand speech in situations with high background noise. Recent work by Kujawa and Liberman (2015) has shown that, perhaps paradoxically, the less sound‐sensitive LSR fibers