Evangelism. Ellen G. White

Evangelism - Ellen G. White

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shall be established in _____. Let proper persons, who have never revealed the selfish, grasping spirit which withholds the means that ought to be used in the large cities, be selected to carry forward the work, because God acknowledges them as His chosen ones....

      God will move upon the hearts of monied men, when the Bible, and the Bible alone, is presented as the light of the world. In these cities the truth is to go forth as a lamp that burneth.

      The question has been asked, Why have you made a specialty of laboring for the lowest, most debased class, passing by the men of discrimination and talent? There is a field all ripe for the harvest, and the Lord has means whereby this field shall be worked. There are men of large business capabilities who will accept the truth, men who trust in the Scriptures, who, from the treasure house of the heart can bring forth things new and old. Controlled by the Holy Spirit, these men will move in a way that will clear away obstructions, so that the people may be warned of the soon coming of the Lord....

      In many testimonies I have stated that wealthy men, who have their Lord’s money, will be moved by the Spirit of God to open doors for the advancement of the truth in large cities. They will use their entrusted (p.88) means to prepare the way of the Lord, to make straight in the desert a highway for our God.

      Those who work in the large cities are to reach if possible to the high ones of the world, even to ruling powers. Where is our faith? God has presented to me the case of Nebuchadnezzar. The Lord worked with power to bring the mightiest king on the earth to acknowledge Him as King over all kings. He moved upon the mind of the proud king until Nebuchadnezzar acknowledged Him as “the most high God,” “whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and His kingdom is from generation to generation.”—Letter 132, 1901.

      Solicit the Wealthy—Let those who labor in the interests of the cause of God lay the necessities of the work in _____ before the wealthy men of the world. Do this judiciously. Tell them what you are trying to do. Solicit donations from them. It is God’s means which they have, means which should be used in enlightening the world.

      There are stored up in the earth large treasures of gold and silver. Men’s riches have accumulated. Go to these men with a heart filled with love for Christ and suffering humanity, and ask them to help you in the work you are trying to do for the Master. As they see that you reveal the sentiments of God’s benevolence, a chord will be touched in their hearts. They will realize that they can be Christ’s helping hand by doing medical missionary work. They will be led to co-operate with God, to provide the facilities necessary to set in operation the work that needs to be done.—Manuscript 40, 1901.

      Others, Too, Must Have Facilities—Elder_____ uses with prodigality money that should go to the sustaining of workers in different parts of the field. (p.89) He needs to remember that others besides him are to have opportunity to use their talents in the Lord’s work. And they are to be given facilities for work, so that they can labor without sacrificing health and even life itself. One worker is not to absorb a large amount of money to carry on his line of work according to his own plans, leaving his fellow worker without the means he ought to have in order to do the work assigned him. Even if this money comes from outsiders, it is still the Lord’s money. God has not ordained that one worker should have a superabundance, while his fellow worker is so bound about by a lack of means that he cannot accomplish the work that should be done.—Letter 49, 1902.

      Converted Souls to Provide Means—As men and women are brought into the truth in the cities, the means will begin to come in. As surely as honest souls will be converted, their means will be consecrated to the Lord’s service, and we shall see an increase of our resources.—Manuscript 53, 1909.

      Build Up a Reserve Fund—Evangelistic work is not to be carried on in the selfish, self-exalted manner in which Elder _____ has carried it on. The means that come into the hands of the workers in the Lord’s cause belong to God and are to be used in an economical manner. When large sums of money are given to the work, let a portion of the means be laid by; for there will be emergencies to meet in the Lord’s great vineyard.—Letter 149, 1901.

      Wise Management in New Fields—There is great importance attached to the starting in right at the beginning of our work. I have been shown that the work in _____ has been bound about without making that decided advancement that it might have made if the work had commenced right. Far more might have (p.90) been done with different modes of management, and there would have been less means actually taken from the treasury. We have a great and sacred trust in the elevated truths committed to us.—Letter 14, 1887.

      Economy Not to Excess—While we are to be economical, we are not to carry economy to excess. It is one of the sad, strange things in life that great mistakes are sometimes made in carrying the virtue of self-sacrifice to an extreme. It is possible for the Lord’s workers to be presumptuous, and to carry too far the self-sacrifice that prompts them to go without sufficient food and without sufficient clothing, in order that they may make every dollar go as far as possible. Some laborers overwork and do without things they ought to have, because there is not enough money in the treasury to sustain the number of workers that ought to be in the field. There would be more money if all would work in accordance with Christ’s injunction: “Whosoever will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.”—Letter 49, 1902.

      Avoid Petty Meanness—The one object to be kept before the mind is that you are reformers and not bigots. In dealing with unbelievers, do not show a contemptible spirit of littleness, for if you stop to haggle over a small sum, you will, in the end, lose a much larger sum. They will say, “That man is a sharper; he would cheat you out of your rights if he possibly could, so be on your guard when you have any dealing with him” But if in a deal a trifle in your favor is placed to the favor of another, that other will work with you on the same generous plan. Littleness begets littleness, penuriousness begets penuriousness. Those who pursue this course do not see how contemptible it appears to others; especially those not of (p.91) our faith; and the precious cause of truth bears the stamp of this defect.—Letter 14, 1887.

      The Business Management of the Campaign

       Table of Contents

      Ministers Not Burdened With Business—To every man is given his work. Those who enter the ministry engage in a special work and should give themselves to prayer and to the speaking of the Word. Their minds should not be burdened with business matters. For years the Lord has been instructing me to warn our ministering brethren against allowing their minds to become so engrossed with business matters that they will have no time to commune with God and to have fellowship with the Spirit. A minister cannot keep in the best spiritual frame of mind while he is called upon to settle little difficulties in the various churches. This is not his appointed work. God desires to use every faculty of His chosen messengers. Their mind should not be wearied by long committee meetings at night, for God wants all their brain power to be used in proclaiming the gospel clearly and forcibly as it is in Christ Jesus.

      Overburdened, a minister is often so hurried that he scarcely finds time to examine himself, whether he be in the faith. He finds very little time to meditate and pray. Christ in His ministry united prayer with work. Night after night He spent wholly in prayer. Ministers must seek God for His Holy Spirit, in order that they may present the truth aright.—Manuscript 127, 1902. Business Details Carried by Men of Business Ability—It is a great mistake to keep a minister who is gifted with power to preach the gospel, constantly at work (p.92) in business matters. He who holds forth the Word of life is not to allow too many burdens to be placed upon him....

      The finances of the cause are to be properly managed by businessmen of ability; but preachers and evangelists are set apart for another line of work. Let the management of financial matters rest on others than those set apart for the work of preaching the gospel. Our ministers are not to be heavily burdened with the business details of the evangelical work carried on in our large cities. Those in charge of our conferences should find businessmen to look after the financial details

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