Evangelism. Ellen G. White

Evangelism - Ellen G. White

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the hearts of those who do this work must throb in unison with the heart of Christ. They must be wholly consecrated to the service of God, ready to do His bidding, to go wheresoever His providence leads them, and speak the words He gives them. And if they are what God desires they shall be, if they are imbued with His Holy Spirit, they co-operate with the heavenly agencies and are indeed “laborers together with God.”—Letter 95, 1896.

      Printed Sermons And Literature

       Table of Contents

      The Effective Use of Literature—The truth must be published far more extensively than it yet has been. It must be defined in clear, sharp lines before the people. It must be presented in short but conclusive arguments, and plans must be laid that at every meeting where the truth has been set before the people, it may be followed by the distribution of tracts and pamphlets. At the present time it may be found necessary to give these away, but they will be a power for good, and nothing will be lost.

      The discourses given in the desk would be far more effective if reading matter were circulated, educating the hearers in the doctrines of the Bible. God will make many willing to read, but there will also be many who will refuse to see or hear anything upon the present truth. But we should not even think these cases beyond hope, for Christ is drawing many to Himself.... You should go forth with your hands filled with proper reading matter, and your heart filled with the love of God.—Letter 1, 1875.

      To Forestall Effects of Opposition—When a discourse is given, the people may listen with interest, (p.160) but it is all strange and new to them, and Satan is ready to suggest to their minds many things that are not true. He will seek to pervert and misrepresent the speaker’s words. What shall we do?

      The discourses presenting the reasons of our faith should be published in little leaflets, and circulated as widely as possible. [Note.—In the matter of printing or mimeographing sermons, every worker should labor in harmony with the counsel of the General Conference Committee set forth in the following resolution adopted December 15, 1941, relating to the safeguarding of our public utterance:

      “That before issuance, all mimeographed and printed sermons be first approved by the leadership of the local conference in which one is laboring, as a safeguarding, protective measure.”] Thus the falsehoods and misrepresentations which the enemy of truth constantly tries to keep in circulation would be revealed in their true character, and the people would have an opportunity of knowing just what the minister said.—The Review and Herald, October 14, 1902.

      Short Printed Discourses—Let a synopsis of the discourses be printed and widely circulated.—Manuscript 42, 1905. Handbills—If a press can be secured to be worked during the meeting, printing leaflets, notices and papers for distribution, it will have a telling influence.—Testimonies For The Church 6:36 (1900).

      Some Only Reached by Literature—Very much more can be accomplished by the living preacher with the circulation of papers and tracts than by the preaching of the Word alone without the publications.... Many minds can be reached in no other way. Here is true missionary work in which labor and means can be invested with the best results.—Life Sketches, p. 217. (1915).

      The Power of the Press—The press is a powerful means to move the minds and hearts of the people. The men of this world seize the press, and make the (p.161) most of every opportunity to get poisonous literature before the people. If men, under the influence of the spirit of the world and of Satan, are earnest to circulate books, tracts, and papers of a corrupting nature, you should be more earnest to get reading matter of an elevating and saving character before the people.

      God has placed at the command of His people advantages in the press, which, combined with other agencies, will be successful in extending the knowledge of the truth. Tracts, papers, and books, as the case demands, should be circulated in all the cities and villages in the land.—Life Sketches, pp. 216, 217. (1915).

      Truth Given Wings—There is great need of men who can use the press to the best advantage, that the truth may be given wings to speed it to every nation, and tongue, and people.—Gospel Workers, 25 (1915).

      The Printed Page—Though the minister may faithfully present the message, the people are not able to retain it all. The printed page is therefore essential, not only in awakening them to the importance of the truth for this time, but in rooting and grounding them in the truth, and establishing them against deceptive error. Papers and books are the Lord’s means of keeping the message for this time continually before the people. In enlightening and confirming souls in the truth, the publications will do a far greater work than can be accomplished by the ministry of the Word alone. The silent messengers that are placed in the homes of the people through the work of the canvasser, will strengthen the gospel ministry in every way; for the Holy Spirit will impress minds as they read the books, just as He impresses the minds of (p.162) those who listen to the preaching of the Word. The same ministry of angels attends the books that contain the truth as attends the work of the ministry.—Testimonies For The Church 6:315, 316 (1900).

      The Debate

       Table of Contents

       [See also pp. 301-306, “Meeting Prejudice and Opposition.”]

      God Is Seldom Glorified—In some cases, it may be necessary to meet a proud boaster against the truth of God in open debate; but generally these discussions, either oral or written, result in more harm than good.—Testimonies For The Church 3:213 (1872).

      Discussions cannot always be avoided.... People who love to see opponents combat, may clamor for discussion. Others, who have a desire to hear the evidences on both sides, may urge discussion in all honesty of motive; but whenever discussions can be avoided, they should be.... God is seldom glorified or the truth advanced in these combats.—Testimonies For The Church 3:424 (1875).

      Opposers Must Sometimes Be Met—There are occasions where their glaring misrepresentations will have to be met. When this is the case, it should be done promptly and briefly, and we should then pass on to our work.—Testimonies For The Church 3:37 (1872).

      To Meet Defiance but Not Defy—In the presentation of unpopular truth, which involves a heavy cross, preachers should be careful that every word is as God would have it. Their words should never cut. They should present the truth in humility, with the deepest love for souls, and an earnest desire for their salvation, and let the truth cut. They should not defy ministers (p.163) of other denominations, and seek to provoke a debate. They should not stand in a position like that of Goliath when he defied the armies of Israel. Israel did not defy Goliath but Goliath made his proud boasts against God and His people. The defying, the boasting, and the railing must come from the opposers of truth, who act the Goliath. But none of this spirit should be seen in those whom God has sent forth to proclaim the last message of warning to a doomed world....

      If they, like David, are brought into a position where God’s cause really calls for them to meet a defier of Israel, and if they go forth in the strength of God, relying wholly upon Him, He will carry them through, and cause His truth to triumph gloriously. Christ has given us an example. “Yet Michael the Archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”—Testimonies For The Church 3:218-220 (1872).

      Controversial Spirit Lays Weak Foundation—The spirit of debate, of controversy, is a device of Satan to stir up combativeness, and thus eclipse the truth as it is in Jesus. Many have thus been repulsed instead of being won to Christ....

      A controversial spirit is encouraged. Many dwell almost exclusively upon doctrinal subjects, while the nature of true piety, experimental Godliness, receives little attention.

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