A Companion to Chomsky. Группа авторов
8.1 The Computational Task 8.2 Computation and Syntax 8.3 A Minimalist Architecture 8.4 Summary Endnote References 9 Merge and Features: The Engine of Syntax1 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Merge 9.3 Features 9.4 Feature Movement 9.5 Conclusion Endnotes References 10 On Chomsky's Legacy in the Study of Linguistic Diversity 10.1 Introduction 10.2 The “Neglect” Period of Aspects 10.3 The “Limiting” Period of LGB 10.4 The “Denying” Phase of The Minimalist Program References 11 Parameters and Linguistic Variation 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Parameters: An Evolving Notion 11.3 Word Order Variation 11.4 Argument Expression 11.5 Conclusions and Outlook Endnotes References Chapter 12: Constraints on Grammatical Dependencies 12.1 Overview 12.2 Constraints 12.3 Constraints That Do Not Meet the Requirements 12.4 Constraints That Meet the Requirements Endnotes References 13 Chomsky's Influence on Historical Linguistics: From Universal Grammar to Third Factors 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Generative Grammar and Historical Linguistics 13.3 From Principles and Parameters to Third Factors 13.4 Change Due to Labeling Pressure 13.5 Change Due to Indeterminacy 13.6 Conclusions Endnotes References 14 Second Language Acquisition 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Poverty of the Stimulus and UG Parameters 14.3 Subjacency, the Empty Category Principle, and Structure Preservation 14.4 The Limits of the Input 14.5 Conclusions Endnotes References 15 Multilingualism and Chomsky's Generative Grammar 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Bilingualism and Parameter Setting 15.3 Multilingualism and the I‐language/E‐language Debate 15.4 Conclusion Endnotes References
11 Part III: Comparisons with Other Frameworks 16 The View from Declarative Syntax1 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Factoring Apart Structure and Information 16.3 Design Features of a Grammatical Framework 16.4 Salient Properties 16.5 Conclusion Endnote References 17 How Statistical Learning Can Play Well with Universal Grammar 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Statistical Learning Mechanisms in Small Humans 17.3 When Statistical Learning Complements UG 17.4 When Statistical Learning Refines What's in UG 17.5 Concluding Thoughts Endnote References 18 Chomsky and Usage‐Based Linguistics1 18.1 Introduction