A Companion to Chomsky. Группа авторов

A Companion to Chomsky - Группа авторов

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Nevertheless, as Chomsky and Lasnik (1977) point out, the quest for descriptive adequacy led to a tremendously rich theory. This can be seen quite clearly in Peters and Ritchie (1973), whose explicit formalization contains a range of mechanisms that were proposed at the time, such as global rules and transderivational constraints. Let us look at these mechanisms briefly (building on the discussion in Lasnik and Lohndal 2013).

      1 (5) *Irv and someone were dancing, but I don't know who Irv and who were dancing.

      Notably, Ross (1969) showed that if the constraint isn't visible, it goes away. A way to make it disappear is to use ellipsis, as in (6).

      1 (6) Irv and someone were dancing, but I don't know who.

      In (6), the coordinate structure, the constituent that forms the island, has been elided and is not pronounced. That makes the example acceptable. More formally, Ross argued that for an island violation to occur, the constituent that forms the island needs to be present at surface structure. If a transformation deletes this constituent, the constraint no longer applies. This deletion became known as sluicing (see van Craenenbroeck and Merchant 2013). To capture the contrast between (5) and (6), island constraints need to mention both the surface structure and the point in the derivation where the movement of the relevant constitutent (who in (5)) takes place, the coordinate structure in (5). That the constraint needs to mention both properties makes it a global rule.

      As for transderivational constraints, such constraints depend on derivations different from the one that is being considered. Hankamer (1973) provides arguments in favor of such constraints. One example involves the phenomenon known as gapping (see van Craenenroeck and Merchant 2013). Among others, he uses the example in (7) (Hankamer 1973, pp. 26–27).

      1 (7) Max wanted Ted to persuade Alex to get lost, and Walt, Ira.

      The question is how such a string is derived, that is, what is the correct derivation underlying (7)? Possible candidates could be (8a) or (8b).

      1 (8)Max wanted Ted to persuade Alex to get lost, *and Walt [wanted] Ira [to persuade Alex to get lost]Max wanted Ted to persuade Alex to get lost,*and Walt [wanted Ted to persuade] Ira [to get lost]

      Hankamer argued that both options in (8) are out because (7) can also be derived from a different constituent structure which still derives the intended meaning, namely (9).

      1 (9) Max wanted Ted to persuade Alex to get lost,and [Max wanted] Walt [to persuade] Ira [to get lost]

      The new framework departed from earlier frameworks in some crucial ways, not at least in assuming that Universal Grammar is not an “undifferentiated” system. That is, it was argued that core grammar has highly restricted options, since it consists of universal principles and a few parameters that account for variation. In addition to the core, there is the periphery, consisting of “marked” phenomena, e.g. irregularities (i.e. irregular verbs) and exceptions more generally (e.g. English has prepositions, but also the marked exception ago – which comes after its complement). In other words, the approach required something similar to a theory of markedness, with all its complications (see Haspelmath 2006 for a comprehensive discussion). As Chomsky and Lasnik (1977, p. 430) say:

      Research was generally devoted to the core phenomena: “A reasonable approach would be to focus attention on the core system, putting aside phenomena that result from historical accident, dialect mixture, personal idiosyncrasies, and the like” (Chomsky and Lasnik 1993, p. 510).

      The name for constraints in Chomsky and Lasnik (1977) was “filters.” In their paper, the hypothesis was that surface filters can capture effects of ordering, obligatoriness and contextual dependencies. Such surface filters would be universal; thus, we would not expect any variation between languages. This makes filters different from parameters. Furthermore, a third component was language‐specific filters. For example, to capture the ill‐formedness of (10a) in Standard English, the language‐specific filter in (10b) was proposed.

      1 (10)*We want for to win.*[for‐to]

      This filter deems any for‐to string illicit. Chomsky and Lasnik (1977, p. 442) claim that the rule in (10b) would be a “dialect” filter, since it was assumed to involve “a high degree of uncertainty and variation.” And, indeed, for to sequences are perfectly possible in for example Irish English dialects. In essence, then, a filter can either be outside of core grammar, like (10b), or part of core grammar, like the ban on stranding an affix (The Stranded Affix Filter, cf. Lasnik 1981).

      Chomsky and Lasnik's (1977) paper prepared the ground for a major change in how to think about universality and variation. We turn to that in the next section.

      If these parameters are embedded in a theory of UG that is sufficiently rich in structure, then the languages that are determined by fixing their values one way or another will

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