The Handbook of Language and Speech Disorders. Группа авторов
18.1 Introduction 18.2 AAC Systems 18.3 Components of Aided AAC Systems 18.4 Assessment 18.5 AAC Intervention 18.6 Summary REFERENCES 19 Fluency and Fluency Disorders 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Stuttering Evaluation and Assessment 19.3 Epidemiological Issues Related to Stuttering Based on Longitudinal Studies 19.4 Causes of Stuttering 19.5 Treatment Techniques and Efficacy 19.6 Developmental Trends in Stuttering and Stuttering Theory: Yesterday and Today 19.7 Summary REFERENCES 20 Describing, Assessing, and Treating Voice Disorders 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Prevalence of Voice Disorders 20.3 Recent Developments in Voice and Voice Disorders 20.4 Voice Evaluations 20.5 Voice Therapy REFERENCES 21 Speech Disorders Related to Cleft Palate and Velopharyngeal Dysfunction 21.1 Introduction 21.2 Cleft Lip and Palate and Non‐cleft Velopharyngeal Dysfunction 21.3 Speech Development in Children Born with Cleft Palate 21.4 Intervention 21.5 Types of Intervention 21.6 Language Development in Children Born with Cleft Palate 21.7 Impact on Academic Achievement 21.8 The ICF‐CY, HRQoL and PROMs 21.9 Clinical Audit and Research 21.10 Conclusion REFERENCES 22 Speech Disorders Related to Head and Neck Cancer 22.1 Introduction 22.2 Total Laryngectomy 22.3 Partial Laryngectomies 22.4 Glossectomy 22.5 Velopharyngeal Defects 22.6 Maxillofacial and Facial Defects Acknowledgment REFERENCES
Part IV: Cognitive and Intellectual Disorders
23 ADHD and Communication Disorders
23.1 Introduction
23.2 What is ADHD?
23.3 The Nature of ADHD
23.4 ADHD and Language Learning Disabilities
23.5 Implications for Assessment and Intervention
23.6 Conclusion
24 Communication Deficits Associated with Right Hemisphere Brain Damage
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Overview of Disorders of Communication
24.3 Themes Underlying Comprehension Disorders
24.4 Discourse Production Deficits
24.5 Assessment
24.6 Conclusions
25 Traumatic Brain Injury
25.1 Introduction
25.2 Overview
25.3 Cognitive‐Communication Disorders Following TBI and their Assessment
25.4 Potential Cognitive Explanations for Communication Deficits Following TBI
25.5 Management of Cognitive Communicative Disorders Following TBI
25.6 Conclusion
26 Dementia
26.1 Introduction
26.2 Conditions Leading to Dementia
26.3 Risk Factors for Dementia and Conditions Leading to Dementia
26.4 Diagnosis and Assessment
26.5 Intervention for Communication and Cognition in Dementia
26.6 Dementia