The Handbook of Language and Speech Disorders. Группа авторов
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5 Genetic Syndromes and Communication Disorders
University of Reading, UK
5.1 Why Study Genetic Syndromes?
A syndrome is defined as the presence of multiple anomalies in the same individual with all of those anomalies having a single cause. Different motivations have driven the study and research into genetic syndromes. One strong motivation has been to obtain as much in‐depth knowledge as possible about the behavioral manifestations of a specific genetic syndrome, in order to develop better understanding of the condition and inform diagnosis and intervention. Another reason for studying genetic syndromes (the focus of this chapter) has been the potential contribution that knowledge about genetic syndromes can make to advancing theoretical debates on the role of general cognitive mechanisms for language acquisition. This is because different cognitive skills can sometimes be dissociated, resulting in neurocognitive profiles characterized by relative strengths and weaknesses. With the second reason in mind, the study of genetic syndromes has informed debates about the potential dissociability of language (primarily grammar) from other cognitive skills for the past few decades. According to the Modularity of Mind hypothesis (Fodor, 1983), many of the processes involved in language comprehension are undertaken by special neural systems called modules, whose main feature is informational encapsulation, which means they only have access to certain types of information. For example, a breakdown in the visual system should not affect a person’s processing of tense marking morphology. According to this view, the modular system observed in the adult end state is also present in the infant start state. This view has been challenged, one of the challenges being that modules are not specified innately and that the mind becomes modularized in the process of development under the influence of the environment (Karmiloff‐Smith, 1994, 1998). This view is known as neuro‐constructivism. Developmental disorders provide a naturalistic way of testing the relation between the biological (and psychological) basis of language and the biological (and psychological) basis of other cognitive or neural systems (Marcus & Rabagliati, 2006).
A related issue, which has featured prominently in debates about modularity, is whether cognitive development, including language, in individuals with genetic syndromes follows a developmental trajectory