A Companion to the Global Renaissance. Группа авторов
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0.1 Elizabeth I, Armada Portrait, attributed to George Gower, c. 1588. Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire. The Bridgeman Art Library Digital Image Library/Alamy Stock Photo
5.1 Frontispiece of volume 1 of Molina, De iustitia et iure (Cuenca, 1593). Digitized by School of Salamanca Project https://www.salamanca.school/en/works.html. Creative Commons License
6.1 Jahangir Preferring a Sufi Shaikh to Kings, by Bichitr, c.1615–1618. Reproduced by permission of Freer Gallery of Art, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC: Purchase – Charles Lang Freer Endowment, F1942.15a.
7.1 Kano Naizen (1570–1616), Nanban-jin [Southern Barbarians] disembarking from the nao [Portuguese carrack], c. 1600. Kobe City Museum. Wikimedia Common
7.2 The Dutch Procession to Edo. MS Sloane 3060 f. 501. © British Library Board
7.3 Kaempfer dances and sings for Tsunayoshi. MS Sloane 3060 f. 514. © British Library Board
8.1 Teresia, Countess of Shirley, attributed to William Larkin, c. 1611–1613. Courtesy of National Trust for Scotland, Gladstone’s Land
9.1 Jahangir in a Garden, attributed to Manohar, c. 1610–1615. Victoria and Albert Museum, IM.9-1925
12.1 1707 map of Japan, with a cartouche representing the audience of William Adams with the Shogun. From Naaukeurige Versameling der Gedenk-Waardigste Zee en Land-Reysen (a series of accounts of famous voyages). Thought to be by Pieter van der Aa. Public domain
13.1 From Abraham Ortelius, Theatrum Orbis Terrarum (London, c.1607), plate 103, Map of Islandia. Call #: STC 18855. Used by permission of the Folger Shakespeare Library under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
15.1 Sir Robert Sherley c. 1627. © Image courtesy of the Trustees of the Berkeley Will Trust
16.1 Willem Schellinks, Shah Jahan and his Four Sons. Musée Guimet, Paris
16.2 Willem Schellinks, Parade of the Sons of Shah Jahan on Composite Horses and Elephants. Victoria and Albert Museum, London
16.3 Willem Schellinks, Hunting Scene with Shah Jahan and his Sons. Museum of Islamic Art, DOHA. Reproduced by permission of the RKD, Netherlands Institute for Art History, The Hague, The Netherlands
16.4 Hans Jurriaenszoon van Baden, Interior of the Amsterdam Theatre. Reproduced by permission of the John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL, USA
16.5 S. Savry, Het toneel van de eerste Amsterdamse Schouwburg, engraving 1658. Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
17.1 Original Grant of Arms to John Hawkins, 1565, with the Augmentation (1571)pinned to the original. Image courtesy of the North Devon Record Office and North Devon Athenaeum, Barnstaple, UK
17.2 Pen and Ink Sketch of the Hawkins Arms. College of Arms MS Misc. Grants 1, fol. 148r. Reproduced by permission of the Kings, Heralds, and Pursuivants of Arms
19.1 Mexican Sacrifice based on José de Acosta’s descriptions; Theodore De Bry, Americae, Pars Dvodecima (Frankfurt, 1624); © Huntington Library. Public domain