Selling Your Startup. Alejandro Cremades

Selling Your Startup - Alejandro Cremades

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From now on, I'll be recommending Selling Your Startup to every entrepreneur I meet.”

      —Will Herman, Cofounder

      Sold ViewLogic to Synopsys for $497 million

      “As you build your company and the various critical aspects—fundraising, which investors, culture, product market fit, and scale—put thought into what a successful exit looks like, as this does influence your success. This book will provide you information that can help you in your startup journey.”

      —Sujai Hajela, Cofounder

      Sold Mist Systems to Juniper Networks for $405 million

      “Once again Alejandro Cremades brings an incredible amount of much-needed knowledge to the startup community with this work of literature. This book is extremely useful to all companies and contains viable information that can set the stage for a successful M&A. No entrepreneur should be entertaining acquisition offers or even running a fundraising process until they've read this book.”

      —Lior Elazary, Cofounder

      Sold EdgeCast to Verizon for $400 million

      “Selling Your Startup is a must-read for all founders of funded startups. It is a credible resource that will help prepare entrepreneurs to skillfully navigate this often precarious part of the business cycle.”

      —Milind Mehere, Cofounder

      Sold Yodle to for $340 million

      “While every M&A situation is unique, many fundamentals are universally applicable. In Selling Your Startup, Alejandro Cremades breaks an often complex process down to the basics in a way that's both accessible and logical. Whether you're new to the world of M&A or simply looking to refresh your knowledge, this book is an invaluable read.”

      —Jeffrey Glass, Cofounder

      Sold m-Qube to VeriSign for $250 million

      —Craig Walker, Cofounder

      Sold GrandCentral to Google for $100 million

      “Selling a startup is the most important decision in the life of an entrepreneur. I wish we had a book like this when we were in the process of selling our company.”

      —Ander Michelena, Cofounder

      Sold Ticketbis to eBay for $190 million

      “A startup is a very hard journey for any soul on this planet. Very very few startups get to IPOs and most need to get to a solid exit. Alejandro is demystifying the exit by giving everyone a cheat sheet to get the most from their hardships.”

      —Ramu Sunkara, Cofounder

      Sold Qik to Skype for $150 million

      “If you have done it right, so much time, energy, sweat, tears, and sacrifice go into creating and building a startup, so it's a tragedy when the outcome falls so far short of its potential because founders simply aren't prepared for this phase. This book finally turns the tables in favor of founders. No matter where you are in your startup, read this and know Alejandro has your back.”

      —Dane Madsen, Cofounder

      Sold YellowPages for $100 million

      “It's what you don't know that really hurts you in business. Until now, startup founders have been at an extreme disadvantage without access to this information. You owe it to yourself, your team, your investors, and customers to get equipped with this knowledge.”

      —Iñaki Berenguer, Cofounder

      Sold Pixable to SingTel for $26 million and CoverWallet to Aon for an undisclosed amount

      “A lot has been written about how to build and scale startups, but not about the process of selling them. Alejandro has compiled the collective wisdom of hundreds of the top founders with big exits and brings it altogether in this really one-of-a-kind book that is of immense value if you are ever going through this process.”

      —Luis Sanz, Cofounder

      Sold Olapic to Monotype for $130 million

      —Allan Hahn, FounderSold multiple companies for $1 billion+

      “Startup founders suffer from a basic disadvantage when selling their startups. For most, it is the first time they're going through that process, while everyone else involved (corporate buyers, investors, lawyers) have repeated experience at the art of M&A. With this book, Alejandro is tipping back the scale and demystifying this process in a clear, down-to-earth, and detailed language. Highly recommended reading for startup founders and execs.”

      —Eran Shir, Cofounder

      Sold Dapper to Yahoo for $55 million




      Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

      Published simultaneously in Canada.

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