Quantum Physics is NOT Weird. Paul J. van Leeuwen

Quantum Physics is NOT Weird

Год выпуска: 0

Автор произведения: Paul J. van Leeuwen


Жанр: Математика

Издательство: Bookwire

isbn: 9789403652498

Краткое описание:

Quantum Physics shows us that we create what we observe. Countless experiments confirm that it is our information which manifests reality. Matter and time are created by our observation. This is not only true when we do experiments in laboratories, but it works the same way in everyday reality. We manifest our own experiences. Science does not prove that our consciousness must be a product of our material brain. On the contrary. Consciousness emerging from the brain is just a belief. This book tells the story how physics did develop from a quest to understand nature into its current highly myopic materialistic paradigm. The profound spiritual message of Quantum Physics is ignored, to our detriment.
"A wonderful, very readable book that will convince thousands upon thousands of serious readers, including students of science, why consciousness is necessary to understand quantum physics and why materialist science is not adequate. I give the book my highest recommendation." – Amit Goswami, PhD, author of The Self-Aware Universe.
"A monumental book. A masterpiece in disguise" – Prof Emer dr. Dirk K.F Meijer, University of Groningen.