The New Human: Awakening and Transition. Альнур Нуржамин

The New Human: Awakening and Transition

Год выпуска: 2025

Автор произведения: Альнур Нуржамин



Издательство: Автор


Краткое описание:

This book is a guide for those undergoing a deep inner transformation associated with the awakening of higher consciousness. It reveals the multidimensional nature of the human, personality foundations and inner conflicts that hinder the attainment of wholeness. The book helps to consciously navigate the process of change, free oneself from past limitations, reach a new level of perception, and learn to build one’s reality in alignment with a new level of awareness. Practical recommendations and safety measures will allow one to move forward without unnecessary energy loss and suffering. This knowledge is for those who do not seek intermediaries on their spiritual path, who feel stuck in transformation and are looking for a way out, who are ready to take responsibility for their lives and become their own creators. Based on the author's personal experience, this book will be a reliable support, helping one go through the awakening journey more safely, consciously, and effectively.