England's gazetteer. Vol. 3. Philip Luckombe
England's gazetteer. Vol. 3
Год выпуска: 1790
Автор произведения: Philip Luckombe
Жанр: Справочники
Издательство: Фонд РГБ
Краткое описание:
Полный вариант заголовка: «England's Gazetteer : Vol. 3 : or an accurate description of all the cities, towns, and villages in the Kingdom : showing their situations, manufactures, trades, markets, faires, customs, privileges, principal buildings, charitable and other foundations &c. and their distances from London &c. with a descriptive account of every county, their boundaries, extent, natural produce &c. including the chief harbours, bays, rivers, canals, forests, mines, hills, vales, and medicinal springs, pointing out the camps, castles, and other remains of Roman, Danish, and Saxon antiquity to which is annexed Antoninus Itinerary with the direction that the Roman military roads take throu' the Kingdom with the names of their stations and a copious introduction on its ancient and modern division, rise and course of its rivers, &c. taxes, revenues, trade, militia &c. / by Philip Luckombe».