Roman Jackiw. Группа авторов

Roman Jackiw

Год выпуска: 0

Автор произведения: Группа авторов


Жанр: Физика

Издательство: Ingram

isbn: 9789811212284

Краткое описание:

Professor Roman Jackiw is a theoretical physicist renowned for his many fundamental contributions and discoveries in quantum and classical field theories, ranging from high energy physics and gravitation to condensed matter and the physics of fluids. Among his major achievements is the establishment of the presence of the famous Adler&#x2013;Bell&#x2013;Jackiw anomalies in quantum field theory, a discovery with far-reaching implications for the structure of the Standard Model of particle physics and all attempts to go beyond it. Other important contributions, among many, that one may mention here are the topological mass term in gravity and gauge theories, and the fractionalization of fermion number and charge in the presence of topological objects.Roman Jackiw, a Professor Emeritus at the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, is the recipient of several international awards including the Dannie Heineman Prize for Mathematical Physics and the Dirac Medal of the ICTP. He is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences and honorary doctor of Kiev, Montreal, Tours, Turin and Uppsala universities.To celebrate his 80th birthday, many students and colleagues of Professor Jackiw have come together to share interesting anecdotes of working with him as well as their latest research, some of it inspired by his work. Edited by his former students Antti Niemi and Terry Tomboulis together with his long-time friend KK Phua, this festschrift volume is a must-have collection for all theoretical physicists.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li><b><i>Personal Recollections:</i></b><ul><li>Recent Path Crossings with Roman and Anomalies <i>(Stephen L Adler)</i></li><li>Roman Jackiw and the Family Structure <i>(Luis &#x00C1;lvarez-Gaum&#x00E8;)</i></li><li>Romaniana: A Student's Appreciation of Roman Jackiw, on His 80th Birthday <i>(Michael Bos)</i></li><li>Electron Fractionalization in Celebration of Roman Jackiw's 80th Birthday <i>(Claudio Chamon)</i></li><li>Roman Jackiw and Our Physics in Common <i>(John Mike Cornwall)</i></li><li>Fun in 2+1 <i>(Stanley Deser)</i></li><li>Roman Jackiw and Gauge Field Theory: Reminiscences of MIT Postdoc Days <i>(Nicholas Manton)</i></li><li>Recollections of a Most Fruitful and Enjoyable Collaboration: Looking Back at My Work with Roman Jackiw <i>(Claudio Rebbi)</i></li><li>Roman Jackiw and My MIT Days <i>(Paolo Rossi)</i></li><li>Roman Jackiw: A Beacon in a Golden Period of Theoretical Physics <i>(Luc Vinet)</i></li><li>Roman Jackiw <i>(Steven Weinberg)</i></li><li>Tribute to a Mentor <i>(L C Rohana Wijewardhana)</i></li></ul></li><li><b><i>Scientific Contributions:</i></b><ul><li>Entanglement in Fermionic Chains and Bispectrality <i>(Nicolas Cramp&#x00E9;, Rafael I Nepomechie and Luc Vinet)</i></li><li>Gravitational Wilson Lines in AdS&#x2083; <i>(Eric D'Hoker and Per Kraus)</i></li><li>Bions and Instantons in Triple-Well and Multi-Well Potentials <i>(Gerald V Dunne, Tin Sulejmanpasic and Mithat &#x00DC;nsal)</i></li><li>On the Sudakov Form Factor, and a Factor of Two <i>(Stefano Forte)</i></li><li>Emerging Majorana Modes in Junctions of One-Dimensional Spin Systems <i>(Domenico Giuliano, Andrea Trombettoni and Pasquale Sodano)</i></li><li>Anomalies and Bose Symmetry <i>(Daniel Kabat)</i></li><li>Sasakians and the Geometry of a Mass Term <i>(V Parameswaran Nair)</i></li><li>Celestial Operator Products of Gluons and Gravitons <i>(Monica Patez, Ana-Maria Raclariu, Andrew Strominger and Ellis Ye Yuan)</i></li><li>How to Split the Electron in Half <i>(Gordon W Semenoff)</i></li><li>Anomalies and Topologies in Quantum Field Theories <i>(Gerard 't Hooft)</i></li><li>Superinsulators, a Toy Realization of QCD in Condensed Matter <i>(Maria Cristina Diamantini and Carlo A Trugenberger)</i></li><li>Three Easy Pieces (in Tribute to Roman Jackiw) <i>(Frank Wilczek)</i></li><li>A Note on Boundary Conditions in Euclidean Gravity <i>(Edward Witten)</i></li></ul></li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Physics students and theoretical physicists.Theoretical Physics;Quantum Field Theory;High Energy Physics;Gravitation;Condensed Matter Physics;Fluid Dynamics;Adler–Bell–Jackiw Anomalies;Standard Model of Particle Physics;Topological Mass Term;Fractionalization of Fermion Number and Charge0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>Dedicated to Roman Jackiw, a well-known theoretical physicist</li><li>Prominent contributors including Nobel laureates</li><li>Includes interesting anecdotes of famous physicists</li></ul>