A Trip to the Red Planet: Police Your Planet & Badge of Infamy. Lester Del Rey

A Trip to the Red Planet: Police Your Planet & Badge of Infamy

Год выпуска: 0

Автор произведения: Lester Del Rey


Жанр: Языкознание

Издательство: Bookwire

isbn: 4064066384432

Краткое описание:

Badge of Infamy: In the future powerful unions called lobbies control much of society on Earth. One of the most powerful lobbies is the medical lobby, which following a pandemic that spread across earth, has required all medicine from being practiced only by authorized lobby members and only in approved lobby facilities. Daniel Feldman once a doctor has now become a pariah due to his breach of these rules. He leaves the Earth and travels to Mars, where he discovers the truth, a disaster threatening billions of lives. Police Your Planet: In the future Mars is inhabited. Cities are growing fast and crime is rampant. Bruce Gordon, an ex-cop, was shipped to Mars with no return ticket. Caring with himself nothing but a knife he has only one order, to police the Red Planet!