Electromagnetic Methods in Geophysics. Fabio Giannino

Electromagnetic Methods in Geophysics - Fabio Giannino

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fields at z=0 and t=0 (E0 and H0) by the expressions:






      α is called absorption constant and β is called the phase constant.

      The constitutive parameters ε and σ are, in general, complex numbers and have in‐phase (d.c.) components, namely ε’ and σ’, and out of phase (high frequency) components, namely ε” and σ” (Turner and Siggins, 1994) relating with each other by the following:



Schematic illustration of electromagnetic-wave velocity measurements: (a) the known object depth; (b) the two-way travel time related to reflection event by known object.




       ω = 2 π f, is the radian frequency

       μ = μ0μr = (4π) 10−7 Henry/m (μr = 1), is the magnetic permittivity

       ε = ε0 εr = 8.85 10−2 εr = εr /(36 π 109) F/m, is the dielectric constant

       c = 1/(ε0μ0)1/2= 3x108m/s, is the electromagnetic velocity in free space

       Z0 = (μ0/ε0)1/2=376,8 ohm, is the intrinsic impedance in the free space

       K′=ε′/ε0 is the real part of the relative permittivity (or dielectric constant) of the medium.


      And the medium attenuation can be approximated by:


Schematic illustration of electromagnetic wave velocity analysis with the hyperbola adaptation method using a commercial software. Schematic illustration of relation between EM wave velocity and frequency (a) and between attenuation and frequency (b) at different values of electric conductivities.

      (Modified from Davis and Annan, 1989).

      For these reasons, the penetration capability of GPR decreases as the center frequency of the antenna increases. When a wave arrives at a boundary separating two media with different EM characteristics, energy is partially reflected and partially transmitted. For normal incidence and in the case of non‐magnetic low‐loss materials, the amplitude reflection coefficient, R can be expressed either in terms of the radar wave velocity in the two layers (v1 and v2):


      It can be seen that the dielectric constant of water is 80, while the dielectric constant of many dry geological materials is in the range of 4–8: this great difference explains why the electromagnetic wave velocity is strongly dependent on the water content in the traversed materials.

      Very important in GPR surveys is the choice of the antenna to use to obtain the best result: the ability to resolve buried objects and the depth to be reached are, in fact, mainly determined by the frequency and therefore by the length of the transmitted wave.

      Other factors that must be considered in the study of the electromagnetic wave propagation are the penetration depth and the resolution. The penetration depth decreases as the frequency increases, while radar resolution increases with higher frequencies. The resolution is a crucial point both in defining the acquisition geometry and interpreting georadar data. Resolution relates to how close two points can be, yet still, be distinguished.

      On this regard, two “types” of resolution are illustrated and discussed in order to derive their implication in terms of targets detectability, namely the “vertical resolution” and the “horizontal resolution”.

      The vertical resolution relates to the (minimum) depth separation between two boundaries to give separate reflection events; it is determined by the bandwidth that is considered about equal to the center (or dominant) frequency. Reflections from two boundaries, separated by a distance Δz, are separated for high center frequency

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