Thermal Energy Storage Systems and Applications. Ibrahim Dincer

Thermal Energy Storage Systems and Applications - Ibrahim  Dincer

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turbulent. Compared to flow along a flat plate, the major difference in pipe flow is that there is a limit to the growth of the boundary‐layer thickness because of the pipe radius.

      Many empirical pipe flow equations have been developed, particularly for water. The velocity V and volumetric flow rate images equations of Hazen–Williams are the most widely used, and are as follows:



      where Rh is the hydraulic radius of the pipe, P is wetted perimeter (A/P, for example, Rh = D/4 for a round pipe), S is the slope of the total head line, hf/L, A is the pipe cross‐sectional area, and C is the roughness coefficient. The coefficient C takes different values for the pipes, for example, C = 140 for very badly corroded iron or steel pipes.

      In order to transfer heat, there must be a driving force, which is the temperature difference between the locations where heat is taken and where the heat originates. For example, consider that a long slab of food product is subjected to heating on the left side; the heat flows from the left side to the right side, which is colder. Heat tends to flow from a point of high temperature to a point of low temperature, owing to the temperature difference driving force.

      In the utilization of these groups, care must be taken to use equivalent units so that all the dimensions cancel out. Any system of units may be used in a dimensionless group as long as all units cancel in the final result.

      Basically, heat is transferred in three ways: conduction, convection, and radiation (the so‐called modes of heat transfer). In many cases, heat transfer takes place by all three of these methods simultaneously.

      Source: Olson and Wright [8].

Name Symbol Definition Application
Biot number Bi hY/k Steady‐ and unsteady‐state conduction
Fourier number Fo at/Y2 Unsteady‐state conduction
Graetz number Gz GY 2 c p/k Laminar convection
Grashof number Gr ΔTY3/v2 Natural convection
Rayleigh number Ra Gr × Pr Natural convection
Nusselt number Nu hY/kf Natural or forced convection, boiling, or condensation
Pec let number Pe UY/a = Re × Pr Forced convection (for small Pr)
Prandtl number Pr c p μ/k = v/a Natural or forced convection, boiling, or condensation
Reynolds number Re UY/v Forced convection
Stanton number St h/ρUcp = Nu/ Re Pr Forced convection

      1.6.1 Conduction Heat Transfer

      Conduction is a mode of transfer of heat from one part of a material to another part of the same material, or from one material to another in physical contact with it, without appreciable displacement of the molecules forming the substance. For example, the heat transfer in a solid object, subject to cooling in a medium, is by conduction. In solid objects, the conduction of heat is partly due to the impact of adjacent molecules vibrating about their mean positions and partly due to internal radiation. When the solid object is a metal, there are also large numbers of mobile electrons that can easily move through the matter, passing from one atom to another, and they contribute to the redistribution of energy in the metal object. The contribution of the mobile electrons predominates in metals, which explains the relation that is observed between the thermal and electrical conductivities of such materials.

      (a) Fourier's Law of Heat Conduction

      Fourier's law states that the instantaneous rate of heat flow through a homogeneous solid object is directly proportional to the cross‐sectional area A

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