Infrared Spectroscopy of Symmetric and Spherical Top Molecules for Space Observation, Volume 2. Pierre-Richard Dahoo
1.11. Double resonance signals: (a) carried by the line P26 (A: 4.2 µs) a...Figure 1.12. Effect of gain saturation for an inhomogeneous widening: hole burni...Figure 1.13. Diagram of a CRDS setup and temporal profile of the optical signal ...Figure 1.14. Temporal profile of the transmission of a laser pulse and spectral ...Figure 1.15. CW-CRDS by injection through resonance [ROM 97a]: P, piezoelectric;...Figure 1.16. Pulse train emitted by a laser source in the temporal rangeFigure 1.17. Pulse train emitted by a laser source providing a frequency comb in...Figure 1.18. Elements of an ellipsometer: S, source; P, polarizer; λ/4, quarter ...Figure 1.19. Rough surface modeled by an effective medium. For a color version o...Figure 1.20. Maxwell–Garnett and Bruggeman mean-field models. For a color versio...Figure 1.21. Maxima and minima of a function. For a color version of this figure...Figure 1.22. Ellipsometric parameters Ψ (Psi) and Δ (Delta) on the spectral rang...Figure 1.23. Optical constants n and k in the 370–900 nm range. For a color vers...Figure 1.24. Optical constants n and k of tholins between 400 nm and 1,000 nm fo...Figure 1.25. Absorption spectra of tholins in mid-infrared for various initial c...Figure 1.26. Comparison of optical constants k of tholins for various initial co...Figure 1.27. Optical diagram of UV and IR channels of SPICAM light. (1) UV chann...Figure 1.28. Optical diagram of SOIR: (1) entrance optics, (2) diaphragm, (3) AO...Figure 1.29. Diagram of the LIDAR operating principle. For a color version of th...Figure 1.30. Diagram of LIDAR measurement parameters. For a color version of thi...Figure 1.31. Diagram of the Doppler wind LIDAR observation principle. For a colo...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1. Geometric characteristics of a symmetric top NH3 molecule in interac...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Curves of the normalized density of phonon states | (solid line curv...Figure 3.2. Inclusion diagram, in a simple substitution site, of the NH3 molecul...Figure 3.3. Level curves of the potential energy surfaces (cm-1): | (on the left...Figure 3.4. Orientational level scheme attached to species A (k = 0) and E (k = ...Figure 3.5. Inversion–orientation bar spectrum of NH3 in an argon matrix calcula...Figure 3.6. Vibration–inversion–orientation bar spectrum of NH3 in an argon matr...Figure 3.7. Spectral profile of the inversion–orientation of NH3 in an argon mat...Figure 3.8. Spectral profile of the vibration–inversion–orientation of NH3 in an...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. LS state and HS state of Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions. For a color versio...Figure 4.2. Small and large cages forming the sI and sII structures, and the num...Figure 4.3. Inclusion of a methane (or ammonia) molecule in a small cage (a) and...Figure 4.4. Geometric characteristics of a CH4–H2O (or NH3–H2O) pair. The positi...Figure 4.5. Contour maps of the potential energy surfaces | (meV) of CH4 trapped...Figure 4.6. Orientational level diagrams of the CH4 molecule trapped in the clat...Figure 4.7. Diagrams of the orientational levels of the NH3 molecule trapped in ...Figure 4.8. Contour maps of the potential energy surface | (meV) of NH3 trapped ...Figure 4.9. Bar spectrum calculated in the vibrational mode
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Geometry of the fullerene C60 molecule.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1. Geometric characteristics of the adsorption of the NH3 molecule on t...Figure 6.2. Variations of potential energy depending on the approach distance, V...Figure 6.3. Normalized phonon density of states | of the graphite substrate (100...Figure 6.4. Potential energy of the vibration–inversion mode of the NH3 molecule...Figure 6.5. Potential energy of the vibration–inversion mode of the NH3 molecule...Figure 6.6. Orientational energy level scheme of the NH3 adsorbed on the graphit...Figure 6.7. Vibration–orientation energy level schemes of NH3 adsorbed on the gr...Figure 6.8. Vibration–orientation energy level schemes of NH3 adsorbed on the gr...Figure 6.9. Far-infrared bar and profile spectra of the ammonia adsorbed on the ...Figure 6.10. Near-infrared bar and profile spectra in the range of mode
List of Tables
1 Chapter 3Table 3.1. Melting temperature, cohesion energy, lattice parameter and distance ...Table 3.2. Atom–atom parameters of Lennard-Jones potential of rare gases, nitrog...Table 3.3. Cartesian coordinates of the atoms of the ammonia molecule NH3 in the...Table 3.4. Numerical values of several elements of the (dimensionless) Green’s f...Table 3.5. Values of the constants associated with the double well of vibration–...Table 3.6. Values of expansion coefficients A (cm-1) [3.20] of the hypersurface ...Table 3.7. Characteristics (position in frequency and intensity) of the lines in...
2 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Data related to the clathrate sI and sII structures [SLO 08]Table 4.2. Cartesian coordinates of the atoms of a CH4 molecule in the reference...Table 4.3. Lennard-Jones parameters. Energy conversion factor 1 meV = 8.06554 cm...Table 4.4. Equilibrium configurations and minimum energies of the CH4 molecule t...Table 4.5. Equilibrium configurations and minimum energies of the NH3 molecule t...Table 4.6. The frequencies and frequency shifts (cm-1) of the vibrational mode ν...Table 4.7. The frequencies and frequency shifts (cm-1) of the vibrational modes ...Table 4.8. Expansion coefficients | of the potential energy surface, in terms of...Table 4.9. Expansion coefficients | (meV) of the potential energy surface, in te...Table 4.10. Integrated intensities of the far infrared spectrum of NH3 molecules...Table 4.11. Integrated intensities of the near infrared spectra of the NH3 molec...Table 4.12. First derivatives of the dipole moment of CH4 as a function of dimen...
3 Chapter 5Table 5.1. Lennard-Jones atom–atom parameters. Energy conversion factor 1 meV = ...Table 5.2. Vibrational frequency shifts of NH3 trapped in a C60 nanocage,
4 Chapter 6Table 6.1. Lennard-Jones atom–atom parameters and parameters associated with gra...Table 6.2. Frequencies (in cm-1) of the translational and orientational motions ...Table 6.3. Vibrational frequency shifts of NH3 adsorbed on a graphite substrate ...Table 6.4. Experimental frequencies (cm-1) and transition elements of the dimens...Table 6.5. Frequencies, frequency shifts (cm-1) and transition elements of the d...Table 6.6. Non-negligible values of fitting coefficients A (meV) [6.16] of the o...Table 6.7. Frequencies, frequency shifts and widths at mid-height associated wit...Table 6.8. Frequencies, intensities, frequency shifts and widths at mid-height o...
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