Global Environmental Careers. Justin Taberham
provide upbeat, compassionate coaching for organisations and individuals and run training programmes on how to use coaching skills to empower and influence others. They offer confidential conversations, free from judgement and unwanted advice, to help people think clearly about climate change and then get into action to do something about it.
Their team are all coaches and come from backgrounds in leadership development, psychotherapy and change management and have worked in a broad range of fields including in sustainability, environmentalism, international development, the military, start‐ups and multinational for‐profit businesses. In addition to offering workshops and personal coaching, they share a quarterly newsletter filled with examples of positive and inspiring action for the environment, alongside thought pieces about the psychology of change.
Source: Adapted from‐us, @ClimateCoaches. © John Wiley & Sons.
Top Tips
Laura Thorne, aka The Environmental Career Coach, USA
1 Make sure your resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile are all working and working together, to help you stand out and get your next interview.
2 Create a networking strategy that helps you to build momentum and builds your confidence. The more you converse with others on a consistent basis, the more comfortable you will become, and the more you will see how much value you bring to the conversation.
3 Do not settle, figure out what you want and make a plan to get it. Create an action plan, get someone to hold you accountable to it and review your progress on it routinely.
4 Look within yourself to discover what you want to do. Asking others what you should do is like asking them to choose your meal at a restaurant; you may not like what you get and you’ll likely blame them for the bad choice.
5 Continue to map your career plan even after getting hired. People who don’t do this often find themselves feeling stuck a few years down the road.
Personal Profile
Laura works with students, recent grads and career changers from all backgrounds who are seeking environmental careers to gain confidence in their searches by crafting sound career navigation plans. Having been a biology student and career changer and now a business owner, her coaching comes from experience, a passion for science and a commitment to the well‐being of our planet.
She is well connected across the United States in the environmental and sustainability fields through her position as past president of the Tampa Bay Association of Environmental Professionals and now serving as a board member of the National Association of Environmental Professionals. These leadership positions and her experience as a grant manager for habitat restoration projects means that she has exposure and experience in a wide variety of both public and private industries.
Laura has a Bachelor's Degree in Biology from the University of South Florida, is a certified Project Management Professional (which means she is an expert in creating actionable plans) and has walked in your shoes!
Source: Laura Thorne, aka The Environmental Career Coach, USA, © John Wiley & Sons.
Personal Profile
Joanne Martens, Owner, The Intelleto Advantage, USA
Joanne took the road less travelled. Navigating her career trajectory with five careers in a variety of industries, Joanne worked in corporations and start‐ups, non‐profit and academic institutions, as well as running her own business. Blending these experiences with her passion for imagining future possibilities and inspiring human potential Joanne honed her expertise of coaching and consulting in Leadership Development, Career Development, Workforce Development and Change Management.
Joanne is a recognised thought leader in pioneering career transition strategies and developing the concepts and practices of Career Self‐Reliance and Workforce Resilience. She is passionately dedicated to lifelong learning and developing future leaders around the world. She coaches executives, leaders and teams and facilitates Women in Leadership Group Coaching Programs.
Forecasting the profound impact of climate change and experiencing transformation of the world of work, Joanne founded and co‐developed Green 360 Career Catalyst to inspire, educate and empower young adults around the world to become contributing members of the green workforce.
Joanne is a student of life, the world her playground. Travel is her gateway to adventure: exploring the great outdoors and learning about global communities and cultures.
Top Tips
Know Yourself – the Whole of the Who that is YOU!
driven by Purpose
guided by Vision
ignited by Passion
directed by Mission
committed to Action
fulfilled by Impact
Define Your Best Fit Job
Begin by defining your personal characteristics and criteria
What work do you want to do?
Identify the skills, knowledge, abilities you have; the experience you want to leverage
Why do you like to work?
Identify your interests, passions, motivations, values and purpose
How do you like to work?
Identify your personality type and leadership style
Identify working relationships
Identify kind of work environments and organisational culture
Your specific selection in each of these categories combined become Your Ideal Job Preferences
Use them as
your anchor, being grounded in who you are and the work you want to contribute
your compass, guiding you with clarity and focus to where and with whom you want to work.
Do this, so you don’t go looking for success in the wrong places, and you don’t put yourself in places you don’t belong.
Connect with others – Build Relationships
Connecting with others is an essential life skill and career strategy. It’s about building relationships with people who guide and support you along your career journey.
You know who you are, time to get in the groove.
You have everything you need to make your next move.
Oh, the people you’ll meet will take interest in you, so have a career talk, to learn what to do.
Share your interests and goals, and ask questions too,
Then listen intently for tips on ‘How To’.
You’ll learn quite a lot, many interesting views,
That will guide you to know which direction to choose.
To learn more or contact Joanne:
Source: Adapted from Green 360 Career Catalyst,‐martens‐gr8coach