Making Sense of AI. Anthony Elliott
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Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Preface
5 1 The Origins of Artificial Intelligence What is Artificial Intelligence? Frontiers of AI: Global Transformations, Everyday Life Complex Systems, Intelligent Automation and Surveillance Notes
6 2 Making Sense of AI Two Theoretical Perspectives: Sceptics and Transformationalists Sceptics Transformationalists The Perspectives Compared Integrating the Insights Notes
7 3 Global Innovation and National Strategies World Leaders: USA, China and Globalization The USA China’s AI Ambitions The World Leaders Compared The EU and European Developments Finland Poland The UK Outliers: UAE, Japan and Australia Notes
8 4 The Institutional Dimensions of AI Complex Adaptive Systems and AI The Increasing Scale of AI Path-Dependent Connections: New and Old Technologies The Globalization of AI Technologies and Industries The Diffusion of AI in Institutional and Everyday Life AI and Complexity The Penetration of AI into Lifestyle Change and the Self AI, Surveillance and the Transformation of Power Human–Machine Interfaces and Coactive Interactions Complex Systems Human–Machine Interfaces Interfaces and the Changing Location of Social Actors Notes
9 5 Automation and the Fate of Employment Robots Replacing Jobs: AI, Automation, Employment Automated Professions, Robot Managers Globalization, Globots and Remote Intelligence Empowerment: Education, Reskilling, Retraining Notes
10 6 Social Inequalities Since AI Automating Social Inequalities Ghosts in the Machine: Racist Robots AI and Gender Troubles Digital Inequalities: Chatbots and Social Exclusion Notes
11 7 Algorithmic Surveillance The Digital Revolution and Panoptic Surveillance After Super-Panopticon: Surveillance Capitalism Military Power: Drones, Killer Robots and Lethal Automated Weapons Notes
12 8 The Futures of AI The Future Now: COVID-19 and Global AI Automated Societies: Networked Artificial Life The Year 2045: The Technological Singularity AI Climate Futures Algorithmic Power and Trust Notes